Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 12, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for July, 8 AD or search for July, 8 AD in all documents.

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t. Headq'rs of the Army of the Potomac, Thursday, August 7.--At Malvern Hill everything was quiet during r seven killed and several wounded. Nashville, Aug. 7--Gen. Robert McCook was shot by a party of guerrillKentucky--Another Invasion by Morgan. Louisville, Aug. 7 --The Journal publishes a rumor of Morgan's atempted resistance to the enrollment act. Cairo, August. 7 --A skirmish took place yesterday near Point the collision. From St. Louis. St. Louis, August. 7. --Brig. Gen'l Davidson has assumed command Baltimore Republican, of Thursday afternoon last, August 7, furnishes the following: The Confederates recent authority. From Washington. Washington, August 7. --The Confederates are concentrating their ft of it very severely. Financial. New York, Aug. 7 --Money is in abundant supply and easy at 4a563,679.40 For customs64,000.00 Philadelphia, August 7--There has been an entire change in the tone of fi