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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 (search)
ams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 Statesman; born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1807; Charles Francis Adams. son of John Quincy Adams; was graduated at Harvard College in 1825. He accompanied his father to St. Petersburg and England, where he passed much of his childhood until the return of his family to America in 1817. Mr. Adams studied law in the office of Daniel Webster, and was admitted to the bar in 1828, but never practised it as a vocation. In 1829 he married a daughter of Peter C. BPresidency of the United States. Mr. Van Buren being the candidate for the Presidency. They were defeated. In 1850-56 Mr. Adams published the Life and works of John Adams (his grandfather), in 10 volumes. In 1859 he was elected to Congress from t of the Life and works of John Adams, and a Life of John Adams, in 2 volumes. He also issued the Life and works of John Quincy Adams, in 12 volumes. He died in Boston, Nov. 21, 1886. When the spirit of secession was rampant in Congress late in De
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, John Quincy, 1767- (search)
Adams, John Quincy, 1767- Sixth President of the United States; from 1825 to 1829; Republican; or the Presidency — William C. Crawford, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Andrewves. In February, 1825, that body chose John Quincy Adams President, and John C. Calhoun Vice-Preson the largest vote of any candidate --99--and Adams 84. See cabinet, President's. In 1831 Mr. Mr. Adams was elected to Congress. and was continued in it by successive elections until his death, whe, This is the last of earth; I an content. Mr. Adams was a ripe scholar, an able diplomatist, a l Pan-American Union. On Dec. 26, 1825. President Adams sent the following message to the Senate,ightened patriotism of the legislature. John Quincy Adams. Jubilee of the Constitution. The the colonies without their consent. John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams Resistance, instantJohn Quincy Adams Resistance, instantaneous, unconcerted, sympathetic, inflexible resistance, like an electric shock startled and roused[3 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Albany regency, (search)
Albany regency, A name popularly given to a few active and able men of the democratic party who became associated in 1822, of whom Martin Van Buren was a leader, having their headquarters at Albany, N. Y., and who, in a great degree, controlled the action of their party throughout the Union. Their first great trial of strength was seen in an effort to elect William H. Crawford President of the United States in 1824, instead of John Quincy Adams. See Hunkers.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alien and Sedition laws, (search)
and secured or removed. These were known as Alien Laws. The President never had occasion to put then in force, but several prominent Frenchmen, who felt that the laws were aimed at them, speedily left the United States. Among these was M. Volney. who, in the preface of his work, A view of the soil and climate of the United States, complained bitterly of the public and violent attacks made upon his character, with the connivance or instigation of a certain eminent personage, meaning President Adams. On July 14, 1798, an act was passed for the punishment of sedition. It made it a hill misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $5,000, imprisonment from six months to five years, and binding to good behavior at the discretion of the court, for any person unlawfully to combine in opposing measures of the government properly directed by authority, or attempting to prevent government officers executing their trusts, or inciting to riot and insurrection. It also provided for th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bayard, James Ashton, 1767- (search)
ederal party. In 1804 he was elected to the United States Senate, in which he distinguished himself in conducting the impeachment of Senator Blount. He was chiefly instrumental in securing the election of Jefferson over Burr in 1800; and made, in the House of Representatives, in 1802, a powerful defence of the existing judiciary system, which was soon overthrown. He was in the Senate when war was declared against Great Britain in 1812. In May, 1813, he left the United States on a mission to St. Petersburg, to treat for peace with Great James Ashton Bayard. Britain under Russian mediation. The mission was fruitless. In January, 1814, he went to Holland, and thence to England. At Ghent, during that year, he, with J. Q. Adams, Clay, Gallatin, and Russell, negotiated a treaty of peace with England. He was preparing to go to England as a commissioner under the treaty, when an alarming illness seized him, and He returned home early in 1815. He died soon after his arrival, Aug. 6.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabinet, President's (search)
had hitherto been a branch of the signal service of the War Department, was transferred, by act of Congress, to this department. The following is a list of all members of Presidential cabinets since the organization of the federal government: Secretaries of State. Name.Appointed. Thomas JeffersonSept.26,1789 Edmund RandolphJan.2,1794 Timothy Pickering Dec.10,1795 John MarshallMay13,1800 James Madison March 5, 1801 Robert Smith March 6, 1809 James Monroe April 2, 1811 John Quincy Adams March 5, 1817 Henry Clay March 7, 1825 Martin Van Buren March 6, 1929 Edward Livingston May 24, 1831 Louis McLane May 29, 1833 John Forsyth June 27, 1834 Daniel Webster March 5, 1841 Hugh S. Legare May 9, 1843 Abel P. Upshur July 24, 1843 John C. Calhoun March 6, 1844 James Buchanan March 6, 1845 John M. Clayton March 7, 1849 Daniel Webster July 22, 1850 Edward Everett Nov. 6, 1852 William L. Marcy March 7, 1853 Lewis CassMarch 6, 1857 Jeremiah S. Black Dec. 17, 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Callender, James Thompson 1792-1813 (search)
Callender, James Thompson 1792-1813 Editor and author; born in Scotland. He published in Edinburgh, in 1792, a book called Political progress of Great Britain, which so offended the authorities that he was banished from the kingdom, and went to Philadelphia, where he published the Political register in 1794-95, and the American annual register for 1796-97. He was a violent and unscrupulous opponent of Washington's administration, and delighted in abusing Hamilton and other Federalist leaders. For a season he enjoyed the friendship of Jefferson. The latter became disgusted with Callender, when the former, becoming Jefferson's enemy, calumniated him fearfully. He published the Richmond Recorder, in which he made fierce attacks upon the character of Washington and Adams. He died in Richmond, Va., in July, 1813.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Capital, National (search)
n the summer of 1800. It seemed like transferring it to a wilderness. Only the north wing of the Capitol was finished, and that was fitted up to accommodate both Houses of Congress. The President's house was finished externally, but much had to be done on the inside. There was only one good tavern, and that was insufficient to accommodate half the Congressmen. There was only a path through an alder swamp along the line of Pennsylvania Avenue from the President's house to the Capitol. Mrs. Adams wrote concerning the President's house that it was superb in design, but then dreary beyond endurance. I could content myself almost anywhere for three months, she said, but, surrounded with forests, can you believe that wood is not to be had, because people cannot be found to cut and cart it! . . . We have, indeed, come into a new country. The public offices had hardly been established in the city when the War-office, a wooden structure, took fire and was burned with many valuable paper
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clay, Henry 1777-1852 (search)
hen he opened a law-office in Lexington, Ky., where he obtained an extensive practice. In 1803 he was elected to the Kentucky legislature, and was speaker in 1807-8. He became United States Senator in 1808, and member of Congress and Speaker in 1811-14. In 1814 he was a Henry Clay at 40. commissioner to treat for peace with Great Britain, and afterwards, in Congress, was five times elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mr. Clay was Secretary of State in the cabinet of John Quincy Adams (1825-29), and again a member of the United States Senate from 1831 till 1842. He was twice defeated as a candidate for the Presidency (1832 and 1844); and was in the Senate for the last time from 1849 till 1852, taking a leading part in the compromise measures of 1850, as he did in those of 1832. Mr. Clay did much by his eloquence to arouse a war spirit against Great Britain in 1812; and his efforts were effective in securing an acknowledgment of the independence of the Spanish colon
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Curtis, George William 1824- (search)
a party resource, and in the session of 1825-26, when John Quincy Adams was President, Mr. Benton introduced his report upon of reducing and regulating executive patronage: although Mr. Adams, the last of the Revolutionary line of Presidents, so scoto a furious torrent as the later parties took form. John Quincy Adams adhered, with the tough tenacity of his father's son,esident, leaning upon the law, shall stand fast where John Quincy Adams stood. But the debate continued during the whole J the collector of that port. Mr. Jefferson asserted that Mr. Adams had purposely appointed in the last moments of his adminie knows to be competent; to renominate, as Monroe and John Quincy Adams did, every faithful officer whose commission expires,fterwards extended to other offices, was intended, as John Quincy Adams tells us, to promote the election to the Presidency oasury and of a majority of the Senate, and its design, as Mr. Adams says, was to secure for Mr. Crawford the influence of all
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