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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Salem, Ma. (search)
dissolve the Assembly by proclamation, but the patriots were too vigilant for him. The hall doors were closed, and the key was in Samuel Adams's pocket. The reading of the proclamation on the stairs was unheeded by the patriots within. They adopted and signed a nonimportation league, and copies of this and their proposition for a general congress, at a time and place appointed, were sent to the other colonies. They chose Thomas Cushing (their speaker), and James Bowdoin, Samuel Adams, John Adams, and Robert Treat Paine as their delegates to the Continental Congress. This was the last session of the Massachusetts Assembly under a royal governor. In February, 1775, Gage heard that some cannon had been deposited at Salem by the patriots, and on Sunday, the 26th, he sent Colonel Leslie, with 140 regular troops, in a vessel from Castle William to seize them. They landed at Marblehead and marched to Salem, but, not finding the cannon there, moved on towards Danvers. Reaching a dra
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Great seal of the United States (search)
Great seal of the United States On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress, after declaring the English-American colonies to be free and independent States, appointed a committee to report a device for a seal—the emblem of sovereignty. That committee and others, from time to time, presented unsatisfactory devices. Finally, in the spring of 1782, Charles Thomson, the secretary of Congress, gave to that body a device mainly suggested to John Adams, then United States minister to Great Britain, by Sir John Prestwich, an eminent English antiquary. This suggestion was made the basis of a design adopted by Congress June 20, 1782, and which is still the device of the great seal of the country. It is composed of a spreadeagle, the emblem of strength, bearing on its breast an escutcheon with thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, like the national flag. In its right talon the eagle holds an olive-branch, the emblem of peace, and in its left thirteen arrows, emblems of the thirteen
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sewall, Jonathan 1728- (search)
Jonathan 1728- Lawyer; born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 24. 1728: graduated at Harvard College in 1748, and in early life was the intimate associate and friend of John Adams. Like Adams, he was a school-teacher; became a lawyer in 1767; and was appointed attorney-general of Massachusetts. In 1769 he began a suit for the freedom ofAdams, he was a school-teacher; became a lawyer in 1767; and was appointed attorney-general of Massachusetts. In 1769 he began a suit for the freedom of a negro slave, and was successful, two years before the settlement of the case of the negro Somerset, which Blackstone commended so highly, and Cowper commemorated in poetry. He and Adams finally differed in politics, Sewall taking sides with the crown. When the Revolutionary War broke out, he was residing in the house, at CambrAdams finally differed in politics, Sewall taking sides with the crown. When the Revolutionary War broke out, he was residing in the house, at Cambridge, which Washington afterwards occupied as his headquarters, for Sewall went to England, and was among the proscribed in Massachusetts in 1779. In 1788 he removed to St. John, N. B., where he was judge of the admiralty court until his death, Sept. 26, 1796.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sibley, John Langdon 1804-1885 (search)
Sibley, John Langdon 1804-1885 Librarian; born in Union, Me., Dec. 29, 1804; graduated at Harvard College in 1825; studied theology; retired from the ministry in 1833; and applied himself to literary work in 1833-41. He was then appointed assistant librarian of the Harvard library, and was librarian in 1856-77. He was the author of Index to the writings of George Washington; History of the town of Union, me.; Index to the works of John Adams; Notices of the Triennial and annual catalogues of Harvard University, with a reprint of the catalogues of 1674, 1682, and 1700; and Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University. He died in Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 9, 1885.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State government. (search)
State government. On May 10, 1776, the Congress resolved that it be recommended to the respective assemblies and conventions of the United Colonies, where no government sufficient to the exigencies of their affairs hath been hitherto established, to adopt such government as shall, in the opinion of the representatives of the people, best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents in particular and America in general. This resolution was offered by John Adams, and he, Edward Rutledge, and Richard H. Lee were appointed a committee to draft a preamble to it. It was reported and adopted on the 15th. In that preamble it was asserted that all oaths for the support of government under the crown of Great Britain were irreconcilable with reason and good conscience; and that the exercise of every kind of authority under that crown ought to be totally suppressed, and all the powers of government exerted, under authority from the people of the colonies, for the maintenance
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), States, the, and the popular vote in Presidential elections (search)
candidate had a popular majority in that year, the House of Representatives elected the President. In 1836 four Whigs ran against Van Buren, who won; the vote of the Whig party being thus dissipated, the election of that year is not included in Popular and electoral votes. Candidates.Popular Vote.Electoral Vote.Ratio of Electoral to Popular Vote. 1 to —.Popular Plurality.Electoral MajorityRatio of Electoral Majority to Popular Plurality. 1 to —. Jackson647,2311783,636138,134951,454 Adams509,097836,134 Jackson687,5022193,139157,313170925 Clay530,1894910,820 Harrison1,275,0172345,449146,315174841 Van Buren1,128,7026018,811 Polk1,337,2431707,86638,17565587 Clay1,299,06810512,372 Taylor1,360,1011638,344139,557363,876 Cass1,220,5441279,610 Pierce1,601,4742546,305220,8962111,047 Scott1,380,5764332,106 Buchanan1,838,16917410,564496,905608,281 Fremont1,341,26411411,765 Lincoln1,866,35218010,368491,1951682,924 Douglas1,375,15712114,596 Breckinridge845,7367211,746 Bell
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Treaties, Anglo-American (search)
States appointed four commissioners, representing the various sections of the Union, for the same purpose. These were John Adams, of Massachusetts; John Jay, of New York; Dr. Franklin, of Pennsylvania; and Henry Laurens, of South Carolina. These wrs. It was concluded and signed at Paris, Sept. 3, 1783, by Hartley, on the part of Great Britain, and Dr. Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, on the part of the United States. The terms were similar to those of the preliminary treaty. When he h on his part, David Hartley, Esq., member of the Parliament of Great Britain; and the said United States on their part, John Adams, Esq., late a commissioner of the United States of America at the Court of Versailles, late delegate in Congress from t this third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three. David Hartley, John Adams, B. Franklin, join Jay, For some years the British government omitted to execute the provisions of the treaty of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tucker, Samuel 1747-1833 (search)
Tucker, Samuel 1747-1833 Naval officer; born in Marblehead, Mass., Nov. 1, 1747; was a captain in the merchant service, sailing between Boston and London, before the Revolution. In March, 1777, he was commissioned a captain in the Continental navy, and, in command of the Boston, he took John Adams to France as American minister in February, 1778. During 1779 he took many prizes. In 1780 he helped in the defence of Charleston; was made prisoner; and was released in June, 1781, when he took command of the Thorne, and made many prizes, receiving, at the close of the war, the thanks of Congress. He settled in Bristol, Me., in 1792; and during the War of 1812 he captured, by a trick, a British vessel which had greatly annoyed the shipping in that vicinity. He was several times in the legislatures of Maine and Massachusetts. He died in Bremen, Me., March 10, 1833.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Uniforms of the American army. (search)
er Colonel Schuyler, were clad in blue cloth, and obtained the name of The Jersey Blues. Their coats were blue faced with red, gray stockings, and buckskin breeches. The portrait of Washington, painted by Charles Wilson Peale in 1772, shows his dress as a Virginia colonel of infantry to be a blue coat faced with buff, and buff waistcoat and breeches. This was his uniform during the Revolution, and in it he appeared at the session of the second Continental Congress (1775), indicating, as Mr. Adams construed it, his readiness for the field in any station. In this costume he appeared when, early in July, 1775, he took command of the army at Cambridge. There is a political significance in the blue-and-buff-colored uniform. The coats of the soldiers of William of Orange who invaded Ireland in 1689 were blue faced with orange or buff, and this Holland insignia became that of the English Whigs, or champions of constitutional liberty. The American Whigs naturally adopted these color
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
Nathaniel Folsom 3. Hon. Thomas CushingMassachusetts Bay.June 17, 1774 4. John Adams 5. Samuel Adams 6. Robert Treat Paine 7. Hon. Stephen HopkinsRhode Islanaccordance with an act of legislature of Nov. 13, 1784......April 19, 1785 John Adams appointed minister plenipotentiary to Great Britain, Feb. 24, and received atirginia, receives the entire electoral vote, 69, and is chosen President; and John Adams, of Massachusetts, receives 34 votes and becomes Vice-President......April 6, 1793 [George Washington, of Virginia, received 132 electoral votes (all); John Adams, of Massachusetts, 77 votes; and George Clinton, opposition, 50.] Second CFirst session (last meeting in Philadelphia) adjourns......May 14, 1800 President Adams removes Timothy Pickering, Secretary of State, and James McHenry, Secretarnd Randolph......April 8, 1826 First session adjourns......May 22, 1826 John Adams, born in Braintree, Mass., Oct. 19, 1735, and Thomas Jefferson, born in Monti