Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charles E. Anderson or search for Charles E. Anderson in all documents.

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rom Washington to their protestations of neutrality. Response, however, did come promptly in a most concrete and insulting form. Arms poured into the state, and distributed themselves significantly throughout all its localities. Union companies and regiments were recruited industriously; and, at last, a Union encampment was formed in the heart of the State, not very distant from the Capital, where the uneasy Governor fretted out a most unhappy existence. A Brigadier General, the very Major Anderson whom the South had generously refused to hold as prisoner at Charleston, or to lock up in a Southern Fort Lafayette, was appointed, and assigned by Lincoln to the command of neutral Kentucky's Lincoln troops. Nay, more; Kentucky was coolly called upon for her quota of regiments for the Federal service, even in the teeth of the resolves of her Legislature, and of the energetic proclamation of her Governor. And, as if this were not insult enough, neutral Kentucky was assessed with h
Hustings Court. --This court met Tuesday, according to adjournment. Present — R. D. Sanxay, senior alderman, James Bray, Chas. E. Anderson, and Wm. W. Timberlake, aldermen. E. A. J. Clopton qualified as alderman, under his election of the day before, by taking the usual oaths. (Present — John F. Regnault and E. A. J. Clopton, aldermen.) After transacting some unimportant business, the court proceeded to the examination of George Russell, charged with feloniously, unlawfully, and maliciously cutting, stabbing and wounding Daniel Anderson, with intent to maim, disfigure, disable and kill him. Russell was discharged, the evidence not being sufficient to justify the court in sending him on for further trial. In the case of E. K. Lockwood, charged with retailing ardent spirits without license, a nolle prosequi was entered, he paying the costs. The case of Lizzie Winn, charged with keeping an ill-governed and disorderly house on Mayo street, where persons assem