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ferson Ward — Council: N. R. Hill, R. O. Haskins, John H. Greanor, Jas. M. Talbott, Allen Y. Stokes. Aldermen: C. B. Hill, Richard D. Sanxay, Geo. E. Sadler, A. F. Picot. Madison Ward — Council: G. K. Crutchfield, J. A. Scott, T. H. Wynne, D. J. Burr. P. R. Grattan. Aldermen: Jas. K Caskie, Jas Bray, John J. Binford. Wm. B. Smith, R. M. Burton. Monroe Ward — Council: D. J. Saunders, T. C. Epps, Fleming Griffin, S. D. Denoon, Larkin W. Glazebrook. Aldermen: N. C. Lipscombe, Chas. E. Anderson, John F. Regnault, J. W. Beveridge, Wm. W. Timberlake. The following is the concluding part of the report: "In the returns from Jefferson Ward, as made by the conductors of election, Mr. Wm. Taylor is reported as elected one of the Alderman from that Ward, he having received 533 votes; but his election is contested by Mr. John M. Higgins, who received 382 votes. The protest of Mr. Higgins is herewith presented to the Council as a part of this report, and the matter is refer<
firing took place, a boat from Fort Sumter visited Morris' Island, sent by Major Anderson to make inquiry into the cause of the vessel having been shot at, and also also said that one of the officers in the boat from Fort Sumter stated that Major Anderson's batteries would probably pay their respects to those on Cumming's Point bh merchandize. In connection with the suspicion that she carried supplies for Anderson, it may not be out of place to state that the usual supplies went over to Forthat the agent of one of the lines of steamers to the North sent an agent to Major Anderson, the other day, stating that he could furnish him with excellent accommodations for himself and his soldiers on their return trip. Major Anderson is said to have replied, that he would like to make the arrangement, but as yet he had receivery at Morris' Island, says: "Before I left the Island, I learned that Major Anderson had sent his messenger over there with a message, to the effect that if the
have never believed that Lincoln would order an evacuation. It is now made known to our Government, that Lincoln will not sign the order for evacuation, but, as I predicted to you, would throw the whole responsibility of the measure upon Maj. Anderson. This is in keeping with Lincoln and his party — a party governed by indirection, tact, scheming, trading, "thimble-rigging," low art, and cunning. To starve a brave soldier as Anderson into submission is what we dislike, but we shall have Anderson into submission is what we dislike, but we shall have to do that, or kill him, and we prefer, of course, to force the poor fellow out by starvation. You see that we have the correspondent, "Jasper," of the New York Times, in our midst. He has been permitted to visit the fortifications, and he has given a very truthful account of them. The New York Herald has its reporter here, too, and he, also, visited the batteries on Morriss' Island, by permission. He gives credit for nineteen batteries, when we have only tenon that island. The fact
rt Sumter in a Stateof siege!!no communication with Washington allowed. Charleston, April 5 --9 A. M.--All supplies for Fort Sumter have been cut off. The authorities have ordered that no more intercourse shall be allowed between Major Anderson and the Government at Washington. Every company of the Confederate troops has been ordered to its post, and the last alterations and changes in the batteries were made yesterday. No attack will be made until further orders from the een cut off. The authorities have ordered that no more intercourse shall be allowed between Major Anderson and the Government at Washington. Every company of the Confederate troops has been ordered to its post, and the last alterations and changes in the batteries were made yesterday. No attack will be made until further orders from the Southern Capital, unless an attempt should be made to communicate with Maj. Anderson. A conflict may be had at any moment. Virginius.
From Charleston. Charleston April 4. --The excitement to-day is unequalled since the secession. The schooner fired into by the Morriss Island battery was from Boston, bound to Savannah. She was shot through the mainsail. Troops have been moving all day. It is reported orders have been received to cut off Maj. Anderson's supplies immediately. It is believed here that a crisis is near at hand.
The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], The proposed Surrender of Ecuador to France. (search)
Alledged letter from Fort Sumter. >Buffalo, N. Y., April 5. --The Commercial Advertiser publishes what purports to be a private letter from Jno. McNeil, of Maj. Anderson' s command, stating that "we have enough to eat and drink for four months, but fuel is scarce. Nobody will know how many men are here. It is all nonsense to talk about sending men with supplies. We are all right if old Lincoln will only have the back-bone to stand by us."
rom Washington to their protestations of neutrality. Response, however, did come promptly in a most concrete and insulting form. Arms poured into the state, and distributed themselves significantly throughout all its localities. Union companies and regiments were recruited industriously; and, at last, a Union encampment was formed in the heart of the State, not very distant from the Capital, where the uneasy Governor fretted out a most unhappy existence. A Brigadier General, the very Major Anderson whom the South had generously refused to hold as prisoner at Charleston, or to lock up in a Southern Fort Lafayette, was appointed, and assigned by Lincoln to the command of neutral Kentucky's Lincoln troops. Nay, more; Kentucky was coolly called upon for her quota of regiments for the Federal service, even in the teeth of the resolves of her Legislature, and of the energetic proclamation of her Governor. And, as if this were not insult enough, neutral Kentucky was assessed with h
Hustings Court. --This court met Tuesday, according to adjournment. Present — R. D. Sanxay, senior alderman, James Bray, Chas. E. Anderson, and Wm. W. Timberlake, aldermen. E. A. J. Clopton qualified as alderman, under his election of the day before, by taking the usual oaths. (Present — John F. Regnault and E. A. J. Clopton, aldermen.) After transacting some unimportant business, the court proceeded to the examination of George Russell, charged with feloniously, unlawfully, and maliciously cutting, stabbing and wounding Daniel Anderson, with intent to maim, disfigure, disable and kill him. Russell was discharged, the evidence not being sufficient to justify the court in sending him on for further trial. In the case of E. K. Lockwood, charged with retailing ardent spirits without license, a nolle prosequi was entered, he paying the costs. The case of Lizzie Winn, charged with keeping an ill-governed and disorderly house on Mayo street, where persons assem
E. T. Woolfolk, Mrs. T. S. Jones, Mrs. Emily Morris. Amelia county--Mr. T. A. Crenshaw. Louisa county--Dr. W. J. Pendleton, Mrs. Ellen Harris, Miss L. Gibbs. Hanover county--Mr. R. W. Thomasson, J. B. Barrick,--Gibson. Powhatan--Mr. Isaac Spencer, Mrs. M. A. Elliott. King William--Mrs. Mary Hawes, Mrs. Burruss, Mrs. L. A. Pullen, Captain Timberlake. Lunenburg county--Mr. William Walton, through L. Waller. Henrico county and Richmond city--Mr. D. H. London, James Kinnaird, Dr. J. G. Wayt, Neale McCurdy, R. C. Sutton, Mark Downey, Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mrs. George Turner, Mrs. James Maury, Mrs. Phillips, Sycamore Sewing Society, Young Men's Christian Association, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Talley, Mrs. Mathews, Mrs. Duke, Mrs. C. McGruder, Mrs. Waddy, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Bagby, Mrs. R. W. McGruder, Mrs. J. P. Dickinson, Mrs. W. F. G. Garnett. Mrs. Garland Haynes, Mrs. B. Jones, Mrs. A. P. Fox, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Hundley, Mrs. P. Johnston, Mrs. Roy.
Hustings Court, yesterday. --The Court met at 11 o'clock. Present--Messrs. R. D. Sanxay, (presiding,) James Bray, N. C. Lipscombe, William W. Timberlake, George E. Sadler, Charles E. Anderson, and E. A. J. Clopton. R. T. Daniel, Esq., presented the proceedings had by the members of the city bar, at a meeting held on the 4th ult., on the occasion of the death of one of their number--Captain James K. Lee. The proceedings have appeared in our columns. The Court unanimously ordered the said proceedings to be entered of record as a tribute of respect to the deceased. (Present--Messrs. Regnault and Beveridge, aldermen.) Priscilla Taylor, an emancipated negress, was granted permission to remain in the city. W. F. Watson, Esq., qualified as a Notary Public. Joe Cox, free negro, was granted a new register. License was granted to the proprietors of the Exchange Hotel to keep an ordinary. The prosecution against them for keeping an ordinary without license
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