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ns. South Carolina commissioners to Washington. failure of negotiations. Major Anderson evacuates Fort Moultrie and occupies Fort Sumter. hoisting of Palmetto flags. steamer Star of the West. Governor Pickens summons Major Anderson to surrender the Fort. he declines, but refers the matter to Washington. Mr. Buchanan refuseing had the full assurance from President Buchanan that he would not remand Major Anderson to Fort Moultrie, withdraw the United States troops from Fort Sumter, or gipened fire on her. Events now followed one another in rapid succession. Major Anderson, demanding to know of Governor Pickens whether or not he had authorized thered in the affirmative. Soon afterwards Governor Pickens formally summoned Major Anderson to surrender Fort Sumter to the State authorities. This Major Anderson refMajor Anderson refused to do, but offered to refer the matter to his government, at Washington. As a proof of the conciliatory spirit still animating both the people and the authori
ard demands the surrender of Fort Sumter. Major Anderson declines. fire opened on the Fort April 1lf with no less certainty when he states that Anderson now had no doubt that we would be withdrawn, the troops, but in reality to confer with Major Anderson, and ascertain the amount of provisions onrains that took him back to Washington. Major Anderson's letter to Colonel L. Thomas, AdjutantGenuregard. The following is an extract from Major Anderson's letter. It explains itself, and clears ery respectfully, your obedient servant, Robert Anderson, Major 1st Artillery commanding. Tgthening the defences on Morris Island. . . . Anderson was greatly troubled at the failure of all hier, without oil, the wheels and chassis of Major Anderson's guns, then clogged by the sand drifts inter. The terms offered were: to transport Major Anderson and his command to any port in the United Colonel Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia. But Major Anderson, as the official despatch has it, would no[3 more...]
. General Beauregard offers assistance to Major Anderson, who declines. hoisting of the white flagding general had been delivered, notifying Major Anderson that fire would open on him in an hour's t in response had come from Fort Sumter Had Major Anderson been taken by surprise? Or was it that, ce of his aids with offers of assistance to Major Anderson, who thanked him for his courtesy, but decsubstituted for it. The contest was over. Major Anderson had acknowledged his defeat. Now occurriew took place between Colonel Wigfall and Major Anderson, during which a demand of surrender was mantially the same proposition I had made to Major Anderson on the 11th instant, excepting the privilead twice attempted, but in vain, to assist Major Anderson in quenching the fire in the fort, orderedf Sunday, the 14th of April. At that hour Major Anderson and his command marched out of the work, aicial relations, he abstained from meeting Major Anderson, his former friend and professor, now his [10 more...]
uin. One could well understand, upon viewing it then, how impossible it would have been for Major Anderson and his command to hold out more than a few hours longer. Suffocation and an endangered mag brilliant success which had crowned their gallantry. Commenting upon the terms granted to Major Anderson and his command, he said: And to show our magnanimity to the gallant defenders, who were onlr courtesy to the garrison of Sumter. If occasion offers, tender my friendly remembrance to Major Anderson. Jefferson Davis. Then, from the Secretary of War: Montgomery, April 13th, ama withdrawn from the Union than the Federal forces stationed at Pensacola, in imitation of Major Anderson, evacuated Fort Barrancas, on the mainland, to occupy Fort Pickens, on Santa Rosa Island—a m experience of him who, after thirty-three hours of bombardment, had forced the surrender of Major Anderson and his command. During a long conference held with President Davis and the Secretary of