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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
egimental formation. He found serving with them Lieut.-Colonel Turner Ashby, and, recognizing in him a kindred spirit, he as helpless under his fallen steed. A few moments after, Turner Ashby, attracted by the firing, came up with a handful of fre stood on the defensive, concealed in these hiding-places. Ashby now gathered a dozen men, and, fording the stream under a ead. At the sound of his well-known yell, and the shout of Ashby from his men, they relinquished every thought of resistanceod earnest. The bearer of the summons was the gallant Colonel Ashby. As he was led, blindfold, up the streets, he overhearers whispering the one to the other, That is the famous Colonel Ashby; and soon the suppressed hum of a crowd told him that tnted. The flight of the enemy was only witnessed by two of Ashby's cavalry companies, which were pressing close upon their rster, capturing a number of prisoners. Two days after, Colonel Ashby, with his cavalry, recovered the pass, which the Federa
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 10: Kernstown. (search)
, the last containing two small regiments, Colonel Ashby's regiment of horse, and six batteries of day to Strasbourg, twentysix miles; while Colonel Ashby, with his cavalry and a light battery of ts from the town, at noon of that day, he found Ashby pressed back to the highlands south of Kernstove influence on the battle. On the right, Colonel Ashby cannonaded the enemy continually with his ghborhood of Newtown, while the cavalry of Colonel Ashby took its station at Barton's Mills, a mileulated by the chivalrous and modest courage of Ashby, whose name roused the thrilling hearts of the regiments, and prevalent in the cavalry. Colonel Ashby had little genius for organization and disartment itself. The Secretary, dazzled by Colonel Ashby's fame and exploits, had given him indepenhe cavalry unorganized and undisciplined. Colonel Ashby and a Major were the only field-officers f as that of the Secretary of War in making Colonel Ashby independent of his commanding General. Of[7 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 11: McDowell. (search)
on the Sabbath; to the unspeakable delight of the inhabitants, who had only heard that the army had disappeared again into Eastern Virginia, no one knew whither. By Monday evening, the whole army came up, and the junction with General Johnson was virtually effected. Meantime, General Banks no sooner learned that General Ewell had reached Elk Run, and that General Jackson had vanished thence, than he hastily evacuated Harrisonburg; and retreated to Strasburg, followed by the cavalry of Ashby. The imagination of the Federal leader was affrighted with the notion of an attack in front from Ewell, while the mysterious Jackson should fall upon his flank or rear, from some unimagined quarter. Yet his force present at Harrisonburg, about twenty thousand men, was superior to that of both generals united! On Wednesday morning, May 7th, a day having been employed in collecting and refreshing the troops, General Johnson broke up his camp at West View at an early hour, and marched aga
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 12: Winchester. (search)
ad leading towards Alexandria. The cavalry of Ashby, following close upon his rear, watched all thwn. When Shields evacuated New Market, Colonel Ashby advanced his quarters to it, and extended zey, and Stewart, and the cavalry regiments of Ashby, Munford, and Flournoy, with eight batteries oe through this accident. In the forenoon, Colonel Ashby and Colonel Flournoy had been detached wit While these occurrences were in progress, Colonel Ashby, after crossing at McCoy's ford, inclined road from Cedarville towards Middletown. Colonel Ashby's cavalry was in front, supported by Chew'aylor, and the remainder of the infantry. Colonel Ashby kept his scouts on his left extended to thng in the distance towards Winchester, and Colonel Ashby, with his cavalry, some artillery, and a sd a determined front. Nearly the whole of Colonel Ashby's cavalry present with him, with a part of Federal cavalry at Middletown, before some of Ashby's men might have been seen, with a quickness m[4 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 13: Port Republic. (search)
rward to reap the fruits of this success, when Ashby displayed that prompt resource and personal darom the command of General Stewart, to that of Ashby. When the latter returned to Winchester the worth fork of the Shenandoah behind it; and General Ashby was entrusted with the duty of burning theridge, commanding the neighboring fields. General Ashby, as usual, held the rear; and the division advanced his regiment to the attack, when General Ashby, taking a few companies of his command, meand the 58th Virginia, under Colonel Letcher. Ashby disposed the Marylanders in the woods, so as t volleys into the ranks of the 58th regiment. Ashby seeing at a glance their disadvantage, gallope words of good cheer. The glorious remains of Ashby were carried to Port Republic, and prepared focompanion in arms. In this affair, General Turner Ashby was killed. An official report is not g volley to the retreating foe. The cavalry of Ashby was now launched after them, and their flight [7 more...]