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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—Richmond. (search)
ce called Forge, or Jones' Bridge. But the ford on which they had depended was not passable; the bridge had been destroyed, and the Federal cavalry, which, under Averill, had been sent by McClellan to intercept these passes, was only a few miles distant from the place. Two hours more of delay, and Stuart would have lost his only alry had been started in pursuit of Stuart. As soon as he was known to be at Tunstall, McClellan had divined his purpose, and, as we have said before, despatched Averill with one brigade to intercept him at Jones' Bridge. But his orders, tardily transmitted, only reached the rest of his cavalry two hours after the passage of the since the 28th. He did not, however, display more activity on this occasion than at the battle of Fair Oaks. Allowing some of his squadrons to be borne down by Averill's Federal cavalry, without affording them any assistance, he remained inactive on the Charles City road, while the Federals continued their march unmolested durin
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
l see how badly his zeal was rewarded. On the 18th, after a march of about one hundred kilometres, performed in three days and one night, he encamped on the beach of Hampton Roads. At the same moment the last Federal soldier was crossing the Chickahominy, and on the 20th the whole army, distributed between Yorktown, Fortress Monroe and Newport News, was ready to embark at these three points as rapidly as the limited number of transports placed at its disposal would permit. The cavalry of Averill and Pleasanton covered the rear. The campaign of the peninsula was ended. General McClellan requested Halleck to issue a special order thanking the army of the Potomac for its services during this campaign. The latter did not even reply to the despatch containing this request, and not a word came from Washington to encourage these soldiers, who were thus made to feel the malevolence entertained toward their chief. McClellan had been ordered to forward his troops as fast as they could em
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
Since the battle of Antietam these posts had been guarded by General Averill, who employed the largest portion of the Federal cavalry for tJohn's River, a small tributary of the right bank of the Potomac. Averill was immediately ordered to proceed toward this point in order to pssed at this point on their way to West Virginia, and the next day Averill was following the same road in a contrary direction eastward, for eneral was already quietly bivouacking in a town of Pennsylvania. Averill was at once ordered to start in pursuit. Pleasanton, who protectedged after a sharp fight. The next day, having been reinforced by Averill, he continued his march. Stuart was waiting for him with his entidy Hook, thus occupying all the roads east of Chester Gap, whilst Averill took possession of Manassas Gap after a slight skirmish. On the twelve kilometres below Fredericksburg, while his cavalry, led by Averill, should proceed up this river as far as Kelly's Ford, cross the Ra
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 8 (search)
teries, 18 guns. 1st Brigade, Brigadier-general Stahel, 4 regiments. 2d Brigade, Brigadier-general Von Steinwehr, 4 regiments. 3d Brigade, Colonel Schimmelpfennig, 4 regiments. 3d corps, Brigadier-general Heintzelman. Cavalry. Colonel Averill, 1 regiment. 1st Division, Brigadier-general F. Porter. Artillery. 1 Regular battery, 6 guns. Artillery. 3 Volunteer batteries, 18 guns. 1st Brigade, Brigadier-general Martindale, 5 regiments. 2d Brigade, Brigadier-general Mor 2d Division, Sykes. 1st Brigade, Warren; 2d Brigade (regular), Buchanan. Independent Division, Reynolds. (Pennsylvania Reserves.) 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade, Meade; 3d Brigade, Seymour. Cavalry Division, Stoneman. 1st Brigade, Averill; 2d Brigade, Pleasonton. Army of Virginia, the following is the official estimate of Pope's forces on the 31st of July; but in giving it the General-in-chief remarks that the figures are exaggerated, especially as regards Banks' corps, whi