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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
rdson's brigade of infantry. The 20-pounders opened from the ridge and a few shots were exchanged with the enemy's batteries. Desiring more information than the long-range cannonade afforded, Tyler ordered Richardson's brigade and a section of Ayres's battery, supported by a squadron of cavalry, to move from the ridge across the open bottom of Bull Run and take position near the stream and have skirmishers scour the thick woods which skirted it. Two regiments of infantry, 2 pieces of artille and hurried on to Centreville, where I found McDowell, just after sunset, rearranging the positions of his reserves.-J. B. F. and found there Miles's division with Richardson's brigade and 3 regiments of Runyon's division, and Hunt's, Tidball's, Ayres's, and Greene's batteries and 1 or 2 fragments of batteries, making about 20 guns. It was a formidable force, but there was a lack of food and the mass of the army was completely demoralized. Beauregard had about an equal force which had not be
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. (search)
w, 25; m, 52 = 98. Third Brigade, Col. W. T. Sherman 13th N. Y., Col. I. F. Quinby 69th N. Y., Col. M. Corcoran (w and c), Capt. James Kelly 79th N. Y., Col. James Cameron (k) 2d Wis., Lieut.-Col. H. W. Peck E, 3d U. S. Arty., Capt. R. B. Ayres. Brigade loss: k, 107; w, 205; m, 293 = 605. Fourth Brigade, Col. Israel B. Richardson 1st Mass., Col. Robert Cowdin 12th N. Y., Col. Ezra L. Walrath 2d Mich., Major A. W. Williams 3d Mich., Col. Daniel McConnell G, 1st U. S. Aas as follows: Hunt's Battery, 4 12-pounder rifle guns; Carlisle's Battery, 2 13-pounder rifle guns, 2 6-pounder smooth-bore guns; Tidball's Battery, 2 6-pounder smooth-bore guns, 2 12-pounder howitzers; Greene's Battery, 4 10-pounder rifle guns; Ayres's Battery, 2 10-pounder rifle guns, 2 6-pounder smooth-bore guns, 2 12-pounder howitzers; Edwards's Battery, 2 20-pounder rifle guns, 1 30-pounder rifle gun. Composition and losses of the Confederate army. General Joseph E. Johnston. Arm
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Appendix A. (search)
t C. Schence. 2d New York (militia), Colonel George W. B. Tompkins 1st Ohio, Colonel A. McD. McCook. 2d Ohio, Lieut.-Colonel Rodney Mason. Company E, 2d U. S. Artillery, Captain J. H. Carlisle. Third Brigade. Colonel William T. Sherman. 18th New York, Colonel Isaac F. Quinby. 69th New York, Col. Michael Corcoran (wounded and captured), Capt. James Kelly 79th New York, Colonel James Cameron (killed). 2d Wisconsin, Lieut.-Colonel Henry W. Peck. Company E, 3d U. S. Artillery, Captain R. B. Ayres. Fourth Brigade. Colonel Israel B. Richardson. 1st Massachusetts, Colonel Robert Cowdin. 12th New York, Colonel Ezra L. Walrath. 2d Michigan, Major Adolphus W. Williams. 3d Michigan, Colonel Daniel McConnell. Company G, 1st U. S. Artillery, Lieutenant John Edwards. Company M, 2d U. S. Artillery, Captain Henry J. Hunt. second Division. (1.) Colonel David Hunter (wounded). (2.) Colonel Andrew Porter. First Brigade. Colonel Andrew Porter. 8th New York (militia), Colonel
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
hour this terrible conflict went on, when a charge from the Twentieth Maine, under Colonel Chamberlain, hurled the Texans from the hill. General Weed's brigade of Ayres's division of the Fifth Corps (to which Hazlett's battery be-longed) had come up and taken position on Vincent's right, and the rocky The Devil's den this litexpired. and Zook were mortally wounded, and Brooke severely so. Firmly the Nationals held the line for some time against odds, assisted by the regulars, under General Ayres, on the left; but Caldwell was finally compelled to fall back, with a loss of nearly one-half his division. Ayres's was enveloped by the foe, but cut his way Ayres's was enveloped by the foe, but cut his way out gallantly. Then there was a renewed struggle for little Round Top, when, at about six o'clock, six regiments of the division of Pennsylvania Reserves, of the Fifth Corps, led by the gallant General Crawford, see page 447, volume II. their commander, swept down the northwestern side of little Round Top with a tremendous shou
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 10: the last invasion of Missouri.--events in East Tennessee.--preparations for the advance of the Army of the Potomac. (search)
were Generals A. S. Webb, J. P. Owen, J. H. Ward, A. Hayes, and G. Mott: and Colonels N. A. Miles, T. A. Smythe, R. Frank, J. R. Brooke, S. S. Carroll, and W. R. Brewster. Colonel J. C. Tidball was chief of artillery, and Lieutenant-Colonel C. H. Morgan was chief of staff. Warren's (Fifth) corps consisted of four divisions, commanded respectively by Generals C. Griffin, J. C. Robinson, S. W. Crawford, and J. S. Wadsworth. The brigade commanders were Generals J. Barnes, J. J. Bartlett, R. B. Ayres. H. Baxter, L. Cutler, and J. C. Rice; and Colonels Leonard, Dennison, W. McCandless, J. W. Fisher, and Roy Stone. Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Bankhead, chief of staff; Colonel C. S. Wainwright, chief of artillery. Sedgwick's (Sixth) corps comprised three divisions, commanded respectively by Generals H. G. Wright, G. W. Getty, and H. Prince. The brigade commanders were Generals A. T. A. Torbert, A. Shaler, F. Wheaton, T. H. Neill, A. L. Eustis, and D. A. Russell; and Colonels E. Upton, H
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
, in the midst of which full two hundred thousand fighting men were now summoned to combat. At noon, the Nationals, in force sufficient, it was thought, to set Lee's rear-guard flying, moved to the attack, on the turnpike, when the brigades of Ayres and Bartlett, of Griffin's division, the former on the right and the latter on the left of the highway, pressed rapidly forward, and bore the brunt of the first impetuous onset. The Confederates were easily driven, for only Johnson's division waSedgwick's, under General Wright; but so difficult was the passage through the thick wood, that the latter could not get up in time. Warren's right was thus left exposed, and against it the Confederates struck a quick and vigorous blow, by which Ayres and his regulars were hurled back, and so also was Bartlett's brigade. The fighting was desperate and sanguinary, during which the Confederates captured two guns and a number of prisoners, and gained a decided advantage. Meanwhile General Wadsw
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
without opposition, where he left Griffin to hold the point seized, while with the divisions of Ayres and Crawford he moved toward Petersburg. He had marched but a short distance, when a division oy upon Crawford's division in flank and rear, compelling the whole of his force and the right of Ayres to fall back. In this struggle Hill captured twenty-five hundred Nationals, including General J Warren had attempted his turning movement by sending Crawford's division, supported by one of Ayres's brigades, across Hatcher's Run, at Armstrong's mill, with instructions to move up that stream nce at that moment, the capture or dispersion of Heth's whole force might have been the result. Ayres was on the way, but night fell, and he halted before reaching Hancock, who, meanwhile, had been fteen hundred men, and his antagonist at least an equal number. Uncertain whether the forces of Ayres and Crawford Army Cabin. this shows the form of some of the better class of Army cabins. T
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
the Halifax road at a little later hour, with Ayres's division in the advance, Griffin's followingon of Evans, who came to Pegram's assistance. Ayres was now sent to Crawford's assistance; and a boward evening, pressed back to Hatcher's Run. Ayres was struck on the flank soon after Gregg was arks on the White Oak road. the divisions of Ayres, Crawford, and Griffin were en echelon, Ayres Ayres in front, and Griffin in the rear. Sheridan was too far distant to form a covering for Warren's flhite Oak road, and with Winthrop's brigade, of Ayres's division, well advanced in support of them, Confederates was leaving. on the arrival of Ayres, Sheridan started in pursuit, directing the fo for an assault before four o'clock. He placed Ayres's division on the left, Crawford's on the righd a ridge. This produced a gap between it and Ayres's right, upon which the same fire was directedltaneously with the turning of their flanks by Ayres and Griffin, and, bearing down upon the Confed[5 more...]
dge with Schenck's and Sherman's brigades, and Ayres's and Carlisle's batteries, about six A. M., Kd, and was presently reinforced by two guns of Ayres's battery, under Lieutenant Ransom, which passany E, Third Artillery, under command of Capt. R. B. Ayres, Fifth Artillery. We left our camp neare enemy below the stone bridge. I directed Capt. Ayres to take position with his battery near our e to the artillery; and I sent word back to Capt. Ayres to follow if possible, otherwise to use his irregular square, I pushed forward to find Capt. Ayres's battery, occupied chiefly at the point whued their fire, directing at this battery, and Ayres's battery was brought up and stationed on the chardson, at Blackburn's Ford; and Carlisle's, Ayres's, and the 30-pounder (11 pieces) with the divnd centre. The batteries of Hunt, Carlisle, Ayres, Tidball, Edwards, and Green (21 pieces) beings engaged viz.: Major Hunt; Captains Carlisle, Ayres, Griffin, Tidball, and Arnold; Lieutenants Pla[5 more...]
the 4,000 with which he was instructed to hold his position, to prevent the enemy from moving on Centreville past our left, but not to make any attack. The centre, on the Warrenton road, commanded by Gen. Tyler, consisted of the First and Second Brigades of the Tyler Division, embracing the First and Second Ohio, and Second New York regiments, under Gen. Schenck, and the Sixty-ninth, Seventy-ninth, and Thirteenth New York, and Second Wisconsin, under Col. Sherman. Carlisle's, Rickett's, and Ayres's battery, accompanied this important column, which numbered 6,000 men, and which was supported in time rear by the Third Tyler Brigade, under Col. Keyes, consisting of the First, Second, and Third Connecticut regiments, and the Fourth Maine--a force of 3,000, available at a moment's call. On the extreme right Col. Hunter took the lead, with the two brigades of his Division, viz., the Eighth and Fourteenth New York regiments under Col. Porter, with a battalion of the Second, Third, and Eigh
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