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and Gen. Butler. C. C. Felton. Harvard Mon., vol. 1, p. 119. Banks, Gen. Nathaniel Prentiss. See also Port Hudson. — 1861. Valedrnal, Jan. 3, 1861, p. 2, cola. 3-6. — 1861. The report that ex-Gov. Banks had resigned his position on the Illinois Central Railroad to cning Journal, June 14, 1862, p. 4, col. 2. — – – – Letter from Gen. Banks, narrating incidents of retreat of May. Boston Evening Journal Juurnal, May 4, 1863, p. 2, col. 2. — – – – – New Orleans during Gen. Banks' absence. Boston Evening Journal, May 11, 1863, p. 4, cols. 4, 5Capt. John L. Swift invited to deliver an address in Boston about Gen. Banks' Port Hudson campaign. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 1, p. 71. , pp. 118, 219, 264. — Saved by a bullet. Fiction relative to Gen. Banks and his command. Capt. J. F. Fitts. Galaxy, vol. 6, p. 188; repr— and Gen. B. F. Butler. Editorial and other comparisons; date of Gen. Banks' supersession of Gen. Butler in command at New
went to his house before daybreak, and took him out of his head. Since the above was written, we have received the Winchester Republican, which confirms the report of Mr. Boteler's arrest, but says he was subsequently released by order of Gen Banks. The Republican says that some two hundred Abolitionists surrounded Mr. B.'s house, when one of his daughters, a beautiful young lady, demanded to know their business there. She was responded to by the most genteel looking of the ruffians, an This they declined to give, and ordered him to immediately accompany them. As he was unarmed and surrounded by 200 armed men, resistance was out of the question; but as they appeared apprehensive of an attack from him, to quiet their fears he suggested that they had best handcuff him, in order to insure their safety. He was taken on immediately through Shepherdstown, across into Maryland, to the headquarters of General Banks, where he was courteously treated, and released as above stated.
Not arrested. --We are gratified to learn that the statement of the arrest of Mr. Lanier of the firm of Lanier, Bros. & Co., copied from the Baltimore papers, was erroneous.--He gave us this assurance in person on Saturday. The junior partner of the firm, Mr. Selby, was arrested by General Banks' order, while on his way to Baltimore, where his family reside. This gentleman was taken to Baltimore on Thursday and imprisoned in Fort McHenry on the charge of "treason."
go over on various pretexts; but no passes are issued now except to those who come well endorsed as thorough-going Union men. A party of civilians who visited Maryland Heights on Sunday, discovered, by the aid of glasses, an encampment near Shepherdstown. The number of tents indicated the presence of a regiment, supposed to be Secessionists; but it is possible they were some of our own forces. Two young men were brought into camp to-day by the picket of Col. Biddle's regiment. Gen Banks ordered them to be retained under guard. From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, Aug. 14 --A few Confederate scouts attempted last night to cross Hampton Creek, but were fired upon by our pickets and quickly retired. Hampton is nightly visited by the Confederates. Lieut. Crosby's recent expedition to Accomac and Northampton counties has nearly broken up the contraband trade between the Eastern and Western shores of the Chesapeake. In some places visited by him there was
rtion of the ship, thus boring holes rapidly and large enough to sink the vessel. The boat will have a crew of six men, who will be protected beneath the iron roof, the pilot observing the direction through a tube or small telescope. From Gen. Banks' column. Sandy Hook, August 16 --A gentleman from Martinsburg yesterday reports small parties of irregular secession cavalry scouring that section of the country and daily firing upon our pickets and Union fugitives, as well as paying f cavalry captured three men of our second cavalry picket stationed just outside of Harper's Ferry. The news was brought this forenoon by a Unionist from the Ferry. Our camp remains very quiet. All appear to have a perfect confidence in General Banks and his staff, as well as the brigade officers. Parties from Winchester report only four thousand militia rendezvoused there for the purpose of being drilled and disciplined. The same authority states there are two regiments of regulars
Artillery for Gen. Banks' column. New York, Aug. 15. --The 3d Rhode Island Artillery Corps arrived here this morning, and will leave this evening for Sandy Book. Maryland. They are to use the battery of the 1st artillery corps.
Jackson's Varieties. The Northern papers cannot conceal their chagrin at the complete rout Banke has sustained from Jackson. In their accounts they speak of Banks's army as greatly infecter in numbers to Jackson's. They style it "the feeble column of Gen Banks." Nevertheless, it is evident that great alarm has been caused by Jackson's sudden appearance upon the banks of the Potomac. There is a great stir among the new recruits in New York and places of renderings in the West. The PhilaGen Banks." Nevertheless, it is evident that great alarm has been caused by Jackson's sudden appearance upon the banks of the Potomac. There is a great stir among the new recruits in New York and places of renderings in the West. The Philadelphus Inquirer blows tremendously about the new regiments going forward, and thinks they will strike terror to the heart of "Stonewall" Gen. Jackson is one of those resolute and ever watchful commanders who are not to be taken by surprise, and will not be alarmed by mere report of an enemy. He will not part with the new recruits of the North he is threatened with till they have a touch of his quality. He is one of the men who does not think about adds. He wants an effective army of respect
The Daily Dispatch: June 2, 1862., [Electronic resource], Virginians in the battle of Shiloh, (search)
The women of Winchester. The New York New World's correspondent from Banks's retreating army, writing from Hagerstown, Maryland, says that while the Federalists were retreating through Winchester, women of that town opened fire with pistols upon them from the windows, "and killed a great many." It is very doubtful whether or no this is true. The women of the town hardly fired the guns. Probably they were too glad to see the Yankees going to delay the department of even one of them by a wound from a pistol shot. The statement may be never be taken as an indication of what the writer thinks of the women of Winchester. Their fidelity to their country was so marked that the Yankee not only expected no sympathy from them in the reverse which hurried him from Wm. Chester, but he even feared they would give him a parting shot as he fled. So the well aimed bullets, which are alleged to have killed many of his comrades, are charged upon the paddies! But how can the Yankees hope for
demoralizing effect on the rebel army. Information from Gen. Halleck, dated yesterday, indicates that no engagement had taken place. No particulars of Gen Banks's affair have been received. The New York Times, of the 29th, has the following items from its correspondent in the Federal army before Richmond: Threeion by careful reconnaissances; by opposing strong columns at proper strategic points, and by a deliberate combination of his own movements with those of McDowell, Banks, Fremont, Wool, and Burnside. Daily he makes progress. Nearer and nearer come the colossal hosts, and at any moment we may have tiding of the great battle. se movements and ways of movement, we can only speculate for the present, leaving it to a future, not remote, to develop results of which we can now only surmise the probability. The retreat of Banks will neither influence nor retard the great plan, which for many reasons must proceed slowly, but surely to its consummation.
Banks's retreat from Strasburg. details of Thursday's operations — the battles at Front Royal and Winchester — the three days operations. From the account of the New York World's correspondent we make the following abstract: Friday's fighting. Hagerstown, Md. Sunday, May 25. --The Maryland First had seemed more than probable intending to push upon us in our rear, placing us between two fires, each doubtless larger than the little command which remained to General Banks after the withdrawal of so large a portion of it to reinforce other less exposed divisions of the army. We soon learned that the forces of Ewell were on tdly, with his Staff, to the head of the column, and the soldiers raised a hearty cheer as he passed, which continued up the column as he advanced to the front. Gen. Banks soon followed, and was greeted with similar manifestations of pleasure and confidence in their commander. We followed closely, and the road was filled with
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