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be read with interest by all. An expedition was fitted out at New-Orleans under the command of Major-General Dana. General Banks and staff also accompanied it. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, all went well, the vessels keeping in line at ther some time. On landing on Brazos Island, the Fifteenth Maine, Colonel Dwyer, accompanied by Major Von Hermann, of General Banks's staff, started for Boca Chica, took possession of the Pass, and encamped there, throwing out pickets. No resistancthe Rio Grande on a reconnoissance, for the purpose of landing soldiers on the Texas shore. Captain J. S. Crosby, of General Banks's staff, Captain Griffin, (fleet-captain,) and Captain Strong, of the Monongahela, entered a small boat and reconnoitated, bottom up, among the breakers, every man succeeded in clinging to it. This occurred about five o'clock. The General Banks could not assist them, as she had no boat on board, but, steaming to the McClellan, the facts were communicated to Captai
d about one hundred prisoners. As their attacking force came up eight lines deep, the bullets must have told terribly upon them. Of the result of the election in the Twenty-third, nothing specific can be stated. The vote for the Union ticket was nearly unanimous; but the poll-lists of part of the companies were lost; and of those saved, there is generally a lack of officers left to make out the certificates. In one company, one inspector was killed, one taken prisoner, with both clerks — leaving but one officer of the board. I advised him to append an affidavit of the facts, but what will be done I do not know. Both the Thirteenth and Nineteenth Corps had fallen back to Vermillion Bayou, when I left there on Saturday. It is reported that the Thirteenth has been ordered to Memphis; it belongs to Grant's army proper. It is reported also, and believed, that Brownsville, Texas, is in possession of General Banks. If so, my next assignment will take me to the Rio Grande. H. A.
e harbor. Department of the Gulf. Major-General Banks took command of the Department of the Gon was not contemplated or provided for in General Banks's instructions. On the eleventh of Janus operations up the Teche and Atchafalaya, General Banks encountered the enemy, under Sibley, Tayloeutenant Commanding T. Cooke, of the navy, General Banks reached Alexandria on the eighth of May, tport and into Texas. In this expedition General Banks reports the capture of two thousand prisony, was very slight — numbers not given. General Banks now returned to the Mississippi River, ande awaiting the slow operations of a siege, General Banks made two unsuccessful assaults upon the ple termination of the Mississippi campaign, General Banks sent an expedition, under General Franklinrd and Herron to New-Orleans, to reenforce General Banks for such ulterior operations as he might done to Mobile, to protect it from an attack by Banks's army, but as there was no real danger of suc[3 more...]
Doc. 16.-General Magruder's address. headquarters District of Texas, New-Mexico, and Arizona, Houston, Nov. 27, 1863. To the planters of the coast counties: The Commanding General announces to the citizens of Texas, that a formidable invasion is attempted by the coast. Early in the month, General Banks took possession of the Lower Rio Grande, and on the eighteenth a force occupied Aransas and Corpus Christi Passes, capturing the small garrison there stationed. Despatches to the twenty-third, from Colonel Bradfute, commanding at Saluria, have been received, stating that a large force, supported by numerous ships, was advancing on that place, which, by this time, may have fallen. It becomes the grave duty of the Commanding General to state to the inhabitants of the counties contiguous to the coast what their duty to the country, as well as their own interest, demands at this crisis. The utter disregard of all social rights, as well as the distinct proclamation of Presiden
ivision Thirteenth army corps, detailing the action of their respective brigades in the reduction of this Fort. I refer to these reports, as containing most of the details pertaining to the expedition, and for the names of such persons as deserve specially to be honorably mentioned. On the twenty-first ultimo, I arrived at Aransas Pass with the Thirty-third Illinois, and part of the Eighteenth Indiana, on board steamer Clinton. On the twenty-second ultimo, I received the order of Major-General Banks to take command of an expedition up the coast, for the purpose of capturing this fort. On the same day, I proceeded to St. Joseph's Island, and landed the troops and stores on board the Clinton by twelve M., on the twenty-third ultimo. I pushed forward, same day, to head of St. Joseph's Island, eighteen miles distant, having previously sent General Ransom in the advance, with instructions to bridge, if possible, the Pass between St. Joseph's and Matagorda Island. On arriving at thi
Doc. 47.-proclamation of General Banks, ordering an election in Louisiana. headquarters Department of the Gulf, New-Orleans, January 11, 1864. To the People of Louisiana: I. In pursuance of authority vested in me by the President of the United States, and upon consultation with many representative men of different interests, being fully assured that more than a tenth of the population desire the earliest possible restoration of Louisiana to the Union, I invite the loyal citizens of tnion by conferring upon its government the valley of the Mississippi. In the war for independence upon the sea, she crowned a glorious struggle against the first maritime power of the world by a victory unsurpassed in the annals of war. Let her people now announce to the world the coming restoration of the Union, in which the ages that follow us have a deeper interest than our own, by the organization of a free government, and her fame will be immortal! N. P. Banks, Major-General Commanding.
Doc. 73.-labor in Louisiana. General Banks's orders. Hbadquarters Department of the Gulf, New-Orleans, February 8, 1864. General orders, No. 23: the following general regulations are published for the information and government of all interested in the subject of compensated plantation labor, public or private, during the present year, and in continuation of the system established January thirtieth, 1863: I. The enlistment of soldiers from plantations under cultivation in thhed. XXV. The amnesty offered for the past, is conditioned upon an unreserved loyalty for the future, and this condition will be enforced with an iron hand. Whoever is indifferent or hostile, must choose between the liberty which foreign lands afford, the poverty of the rebel States, and the innumerable and inappreciable blessings which our Government confers upon its people. May God preserve the union of the States! By order of Major-General Banks. George B. Drake, A. A. General.
ile, the point greatest and almost the only position of vital concern to the rebels, he detached a portion of them to General Banks's assistance, who, it appears, had predetermined on scattering or demolishing the forces in West-Louisiana. It is altogether probable that something in the seasons had dictated this choice to General Banks. For example, the Red River is only high enough to be navigable by the largest vessels during this month and the next, while the task of taking Mobile is one should leave so valuable a position almost defenceless at this time, and can only be accounted for on the ground that General Banks was menacing Alexandria, and they decided to sacrifice one of the two places to hold the other. The troops have alresouth of us. Taylor has, perhaps, as many at Alexandria, and it is probable that they may be united at the latter place. Banks has some, doubtless, in his front about Opelousas. The Red River has not been used for large transports or gunboats si
en turned back, and met the infantry resting three miles from the river, who returned with them to the boat. On the way there, the advance-guard (cavalry) came upon a reb, who tried to escape them; they gave chase, and Jonny reb was thrown from his critter, and then surrendered. Upon being asked by Captain Garrison as to his occupation, he stated that he was a despatch-bearer for the C. S. A., and drew forth a batch of despatches, among which were some announcing a victory of the rebs over Banks on Red River. The troops arrived at Augusta without further molestation. The next two days scouts were sent out, bringing in a great number of mules, horses, and contrabands, and at daylight of the twenty-fourth they left Augusta, and arrived here at two o'clock P. M. Accompanying the infantry was Lieutenant Albert Potthoff, Post Quartermaster at Little Rock, who is greatly pleased with his lot of horses and mules. Officers and men behaved gallantly. The enemy's loss is not known, but
64. we have, heretofore, given such accounts as reached us of the movement of the army southward to cooperate with General Banks in his proposed expedition against Shreveport. We present, to-day, a succinct statement, which we have collected fro the Ouachita to bring supplies, could have been maintained against any rebel force. Deserters who came in reported that Banks had been defeated, and spies returned with the same intelligence. Some despatches from the enemy were captured, which confirmed the fact that if Banks was not defeated he had been so crippled as to make it necessary for him to stop. On the eighteenth, a forage team sent out by the quartermaster was captured by the enemy. This was the first disaster during the expy. The negro regiments fought well, and took two guns at Elkins's Ferry. It is evident that the check received by General Banks, and his falling back to Grand Ecore, made a further advance by General Steele, with his small army, impossible. It
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