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$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale &Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet, in height. It is believed she was enticed away boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is new in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro. Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst, a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5 ½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl. Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed, she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now or near the city. The above reward will be said for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl, Ann Jackson, She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5 ½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, in this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst. a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Caly and 18th streets, up stairs. my 14--2w
$50 reward. --Ranaway from the owner, on Second street, near Main, if this city, on Monday night, the 12th inst., a negro girl, Ann Jackson. She is of a bright, brown color, and of about the age of 14, and 5½ feet in height. It is believed she was enticed away by a free boy of the name of Wilson Page, and is now in or near the city. The above reward will be paid for her arrest and return to us. Barksdale & Bro., Corner Cary and 13th streets, up stairs, my 14--2w
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