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d he felt bound to say something on the subject. George Wythe had said, in the Virginia Convention, more than half a century ago, that met for the consideration of the Federal Constitution, "that the freedom of the press was one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty, and should not be violated." Mr. Foote denounced the proposition to detail editors as tyrannical, and an attempt to muzzle the press. Abraham Lincoln would not have dared to send in such a proposition to the Federal Congress. As for himself (Mr. Foote), he would never give his consent to any such measure as to put the press under the power of the President. Mr. Marshall, of Kentucky, endeavored to modify the resolution so as to declare that the present limit allowed to exemptions of members of the press is sufficiently narrow, and ought not to be altered; but Mr. Barksdale, of Mississippi, refused to permit the matter to be further discussed, and it was referred to the Military Committee. Adjourned.
ives of others, or to meet him (Swan) upon a fair field, armed as might be agreed upon. Mr. Winn, doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, sworn.--On Monday afternoon last, Mr. Swan came into my room and inquired where he could find Messrs. Barksdale's, Welch's and Governor Foote's rooms. I remarked to him that I thought Governor Foote and himself were not on good terms; to which he replied that his object was to heal their old differences; that there had been a good deal of clamor andm accidentally, but neither of them spoke during the evening. On Tuesday night, at Mr. Foote's room, he told me of the difficulty which had taken place between himself and Mr. Swan the night before, and said that he had challenged Swan. Mr. Barksdale, a member of the House of Representatives from Mississippi, sworn.--On Monday evening, Mr. Swan came to my room and desired to know whether, under the circumstances, --he being at variance with Mr. Foote--there would be any impropriety in his
Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, of North Carolina; Perkins, of Louisiana; Clopton, of Alabama; Johnson, of Virginia; Barksdale, of Mississippi; Farrow, of South Carolina; Hartridge, of Georgia; Burnett, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; McCallum, of Tennessee. Mr. Farrow, of South Carolina, introduced a resolution that the House resolution calling for the ages of the clerks in the several departments and bureaux of the Government had no reference to the female clerks. Adopted. Mr. Foote continued his remarks on the Monroe doctrine; and his resolutions on the subject were referred to the Committee on Foreig
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1865., [Electronic resource], "rich man's War — poor man's fight." (search)
t into secret session on yesterday, upon the consideration of this bill, Mr. J. M. Leach offered the following proviso to the third section: "Provided further, That in no event shall any portion of said slaves or free negroes so impressed have arms placed in their hands, or be mustered into the Confederate States service, or be used at any time as soldiers in said service." The proviso was laid on the table by the following vote: Ayes.--Messrs. Akin, Atkins, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Baylor, Bell, Blandford, Branch, E. M. Bruce, Burnett, Carroll, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Cluskey, Colyar, Conrow, Dickinson, Dupre, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Gaither, Garland, Gholson, Gray, Hatcher, Hilton, Holder, Johnston, Keeble, Lester, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, Menees, Miller, Moore, Norton, Read, Russell, Sexton, Shewmake, Simpson, Snead, Triplett, Villere, Wilkes and Witherspoon--50. Nats.--Messrs. Anderson, Chambers, Cruikshank, Darden, Echols, Fuller, Gilmer, Goode, Her
t at 11 A. M. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Duncan. The House took up the resolution offered by Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, fixing Monday, February 20th, for the adjournment of Congress. The resolution was amended so as to read Tuesday, the 28th, instead of Monday, the 20th, and adopted — yeas, 48; nays, 26. The House unanimously adopted the Senate joint resolution of thanks to Mr. John Lancaster, of England, for the rescue of a portion of the officers and crew of the Alabama. Mr. Barksdale, of Mississippi, offered a bill to increase the military force of the Confederate States. The first section of the bill provides that in order to provide additional forces to repel invasion and to secure the independence of the Confederate States, the President be authorized to ask for, and accept from the owners of slaves, the services of such able-bodied negro man as he may deem expedient to perform military services in whatever capacity the general-in-chief may direct. The
nt resolution extending the operation of the law allowing sick and wounded officers transportation to their homes and hospital accommodations for ninety days after the assembling of the next session of Congress was passed. Senate bill declaring that hereafter the election for members of Congress from the State of Missouri shall be held on the first Monday in November of each alternate year was taken up and passed. Under the call of States, the following were introduced: By Mr. Barksdale: Resolutions passed by Humphrey's and Davis's brigades of Mississippi troops in favor of enlisting negro troops to aid in achieving the independence of the country. Ordered to be printed. By Mr. Holder, of Mississippi: A resolution looking to the extension of the law authorizing appointments to temporary vacancies to all field and line offices. Adopted. By Mr. Smith: A bill to secure the right of transfer allowed to soldiers by law, and to punish those who withhold such transfe
Richmond Circuit Court, yesterday.Judge Meredith presiding. --In the matter of a petition for a writ of habeas corpus of Henderson Phillips, of Henry county, who sues for a discharge from service in company C, Fifty- seventh regiment Virginia infantry, on account of having been elected a justice of the peace for said county. The evidence in the case proving that he had been duly elected, received the Governor's certificate, and been duly qualified as such, the court decided that he was not liable to military duty, and thereupon ordered his discharge from said company C. Mr. Barksdale, of the Virginia Legislature, represented the affiant.
General Lee's letter to Mr. Barksdale, of the House of Representatives, published in Friday's issue, on the subject of putting negroes into the army, must set the whole question at rest in the public mind. He says: "I think the measure not only expedient, but necessary. " If, after such an opinion from the first military man of the Confederacy, that measure is not adopted, the responsibility of the consequences does not rest on General Lee's head. This letter is only one of the many evidences which General Lee has given of sagacity, forecast and sound judgment beyond any other public man of the day. He stood almost alone at the beginning of the war in his appreciation of the magnitude and duration of the contest. Nevertheless, he calmly girded his loins for the unequal contest, and, on his broad Titanic shoulders, has borne with majestic strength and dignity the military fortunes of the Republic. --Through this tremendous struggle he has never faltered, never shown signs
m North Carolina that he should be so anxious to create discord among us. The Government had been, and was still doing all in its power to promote the comfort of the returned prisoners, but the recent heavy rains and other causes, beyond the control of the Government, have interfered with the transportation of the prisoners to the city, and had much increased their sufferings. Pending the consideration of the resolution, the morning hour expired and the subject went over. Mr. Barksdale, of Mississippi, introduced a bill to amend the act to authorize the appointment of quartermasters and assistant quartermasters for the collection of the tax in kind, approved June 14th, 1863. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Also, a bill for the relief of W. J. Williams. Referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Hilton, of Florida, was granted leave of absence on account of the dangerous illness of his wife. Mr. Perkins, of Louisiana, submitted a lengthy repor
perations of General John B. Hood in Tennessee, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Mr. Lyon, from the Conference Committee on the Tax Bill, made a report, recommending a tax of eight per cent. on all property of the country not exempted, and an additional tax of one per cent. to raise the pay of the soldiers.--The current expenses of the Government to be paid one-half in treasury notes and one-half in certificates of indebtedness. Mr. Barksdale moved that the report be postponed till to-morrow and printed. The motion was lost and the report of the committee was agreed to — yeas, 34; nays, 31--and the bill was ordered to be printed. The Chair laid before the House a House bill to amend the act of February 7, 1863, so as to allow commutation to soldiers for the war who have received no furlough, with a verbal amendment from the Senate, which was agreed to. Also, House bill to amend the act to regulate the assessment a
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