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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 7 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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usion he succeeded in creating by magnifying his numbers. Lee, by order of Secretary of War John B. Floyd, turned over to the United States marshal and to the sheriff of Jefferson county, Va., Brown and two white men and two negroes. Ten of the white men and two of the negroes associated with Brown were killed during the combat with them; one white man, Cook, escaped, but was subsequently captured and executed; and one negro was unaccounted for. The insurgents killed three white men, Mr. F. Beckham, the mayor of Harper's Ferry, Mr. G. W. Turner, one of the first citizens of Jefferson county, and Private Quinn of the marine corps, and a negro railroad porter; they wounded eight white citizens and one of the marine corps. After this affair was over, great alarm was caused by a report, about sundown of the 18th, from Pleasant valley in Maryland, that a body of men had descended from the mountains. and was massacring the residents of that valley. Colonel Lee, though incredulous, pro
to the critical point of the pending contention, the Confederate left of the field. Just as that brigade entered the wood to the left of the Sudley road, a Federal bullet seriously wounded General Smith, and the command devolved upon Col. Arnold Elzey, a most efficient successor, who, guided by Captain Harris of the engineers, marched his brigade to Beauregard's extreme left and then, moving forward, met the Federal advance just coming into the open fields of the Chinn farm, and, aided by Beckham's Virginia battery, poured upon it a destructive fire which held it in check in the forest on the northward slopes toward the turnpike. Just then McDowell made another strenuous effort to turn the Confederate right by sending Keyes' brigade across the turnpike near the stone bridge, and thence southward, under cover of the spurs from the Henry plateau, to a favorable point for attack. Latham's Virginia battery, in position to guard that flank, met this advance with a galling fire, aided b
reigned in the Wilderness, his veterans rushed forward through the forest, driving game of all kinds before them, and in an incredibly short time fell upon How-, ard's corps, holding Hooker's right, which, unconscious even of the near presence of an enemy, was engaged in cooking its supper. Thus unexpectedly attacked, a fearful panic ensued, and Howard's men rushed in dismay along the turnpike toward Chancellorsville, sweeping all organizations along with them in their flight. Six guns of Beckham's horse artillery, of Stuart's corps, galloped at even pace, along the turnpike, with Jackson's men, and by sections of twos poured canister into the retreating Federals. Nothing could stand against the superior numbers that Jackson hurled against Hooker's flanked line, which he speedily crumpled up and drove back toward Chancellorsville, but two miles away. Many prisoners were taken, and it looked as though the whole Federal army would be routed by the flood of fugitives, followed by J
861. Afterward, November 9, 1861, merged into Fifty-third regiment): Montague, Edgar B., major. Mosby's regiment Partisan Rangers: Chapman, William H., lieutenant-colonel; Mosby, John S., colonel; Richards, A. E., major. Morris' Independent Infantry battalion: Morris, Z. F., acting major. O'Ferrall's Cavalry battalion (merged into Twenty-third Cavalry): O'Ferrall, Charles T., major. Richmond Howitzers (also called Richmond battalion): Randolph, George W., major. State Line Artillery: Jackson, Thomas E., colonel. Stuart Horse Artillery battalion: Beckham, R. F., major; Pelham, John, major; Williams, S. C., lieutenant-colonel. Swann's Cavalry battalion: Swann, Thomas B., lieutenant-colonel. Tomlin's Infantry battalion (merged into Fifty-third Infantry): Tomlin, Harrison B., major. Waddill's Infantry battalion (Company A of this battalion went into Fifty-third Infantry): Waddill, George M., acting major. Wade's regiment Reserves: Wade, James M., colonel.
Army Appointments. --The following Virginia gentlemen have been confirmed as officers in the Army of the Confederate States by the Congress. Nearly all are old and experienced army officers: Samuel Cooper, Brig. General; Wm. G. Gill, Captain; Fitzhugh, Lee, Robt.. F. Beckham, 1st Lieutenants; Geo. W. Edwin J. Harvie and Jno; Scott, Captains of Infantry; Surgeons in Navy, W. A. W. Spottswood and Wm. F. Carrington.