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me. A little later, if he had chosen to give expression to them, they would have been more emphatic in tone. On the 20th of January the Secretary of War, Barnard E. Bee, remarks in a friendly letter, that it would be useless to get men together without supplies; and adds, The nakedness of the land you will be struck with. Ont occupation, again wished to resign, but was so strongly dissuaded that, in June, he accepted a furlough and went to Kentucky. Colonel Hockley, who had succeeded Mr. Bee as Secretary of War, informed General Johnston, August 21st, of Cordova's revolt, which ended in smoke, however; and, apprising him that he was authorized to retaouis P. Cook was made Secretary of the Navy, and Dr. James H. Starr Secretary of the Treasury; and the Department of State was filled in rapid succession by Hon. Barnard E. Bee, Hon. James Webb, and Judge Abner S. Lipscomb; Judge Webb becoming Attorney-General. General Johnston lived on terms of great harmony and kindness with his
aded by land or sea-the best justification of its foreign policy. This energetic line of action was stigmatized as a war policy; but it was, in fact, the only true peace policy, since it transferred the theatre of war to the enemy's territory, gave to foreign countries an assurance of strength, and by an exhibition of internal security, unknown before, invited capital and population. Moreover, Texas showed an earnest desire for peace, seeking the mediation of friendly nations, and sending Mr. Bee as envoy to Vera Cruz to try to open negotiations. Though spurned by Mexico, these overtures, seconded by warlike preparations, helped to gain the respect of civilized peoples. The conduct of military affairs was intrusted by the President to the Secretary of War, whose wish was to raise a small regular force, which, thoroughly armed, drilled, and disciplined, would serve, as the nucleus and example for a volunteer army. General Johnston's views to this effect were laid before the Pre
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
henandoah consisted of the brigades of Jackson, Bee, Bartow, and Kirby Smith, 2 regiments of infantnearly nine thousand strong, joined Beauregard, Bee's brigade and Johnston in person arriving on thsely and came to his support. In the mean time Bee had formed a Confederate line of battle with hil as against the flanking column, insisted that Bee should move across the valley to his support, wan's division on the Federal side, and Evans's, Bee's, and Bartow's brigades on the Confederate sidordinary blue uniform.--editors. plateau, where Bee had previously formed line and where what Beaur early morning, or if Johnston's army, to which Bee, Bartow, and Jackson belonged, had not arrived the point of conflict, which they reached while Bee was attempting to rally his men about Jackson'swell on the field and joined in the pursuit of Bee's forces across the valley of Young's Branch. e line taken up by Stonewall Jackson upon which Bee, Bartow, and Evans rallied on the southern part[2 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. (search)
. Total loss Army of the Potomac: k, 105; w, 519; m, 12 = 636. Army of the Shenandoah, General Joseph E. Johnston. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. T. J. Jackson: 2d Va., Col. J. W. Allen; 4th Va., Col. J. F. Preston; 5th Va., Col. Kenton Harper; 27th Va., Lieut.-Col. John Echols; 33d Va., Col. A. C. Cummings. Loss: k, 119; w, 442 = 561. Second Brigade, Col. F. S. Bartow (k): 7th Ga., Col. Lucius J. Gartrell; 8th Ga., Lieut.-Col. W. M. Gardner. Loss: k, 60; w, 293 = 353. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. B. E. Bee (k): 4th Ala., Col. Jones (k), Col. S. R. Gist; 2d Miss., Col. W. C. Falkner; 11th Miss. (2 cos.), Lieut.-Col. P. F. Liddell; 6th N. C., Col. C. F. Fisher (k). Loss: k, 95; w, 309; m, 1 = 405. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. K. Smith (w), Col. Arnold Elzey: 1st Md. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. George H. Steuart; 3d Tennessee, Col. John C. Vaughn; 10th Va., Col. S. B. Gibbons; 13th Va., Col. A. P. Hill. Loss: k, 8; w, 19 = 27. Artillery: Imboden's, Stanard's, Pendleton's, Alburtis's, and Beck
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Incidents of the first Bull Run. (search)
t when the head of my little column reached General Bee's headquarters, about one mile north-east ossed and hitched to the guns and caissons. General Bee beckoned to me to come up to the porch, whe of the creek. Glancing down the valley, I saw Bee's brigade advancing, and galloped to meet him ao open on him while he was unlimbering, but General Bee objected till we had received a fire, and hr as we could see, was alone in its glory. General Bee's order had been, Stay here till you are orns get here, and then you can with- Brig.-Gen. Barnard E. Bee (in the uniform of a Captain of Infae to the side of my gallant commander, Brigadier-General Bee, who had been mortally wounded near th almost at the same moment. When I reached General Bee, who had been carried back to the cabin whe before Jackson and Hampton came up, and before Bee and Bartow had rallied their disorganized troopvans to guard the Stone Bridge, and which, with Bee's troops, bore the brunt of the first attack. [9 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Responsibilities of the first Bull Run. (search)
f 4 miles, I desired General Beauregard to have Bee's and Jackson's brigades placed in this interva General Longstreet, received it. Learning that Bee's and Jackson's brigades were still on the righ hostile force that Evans's troops and those of Bee, Hampton, and Jackson, which we could see hurrych flank by the continually arriving enemy, General Bee fell back to the position from which he haddid excellent service on this trying occasion. Bee met Jackson at the head of his brigade, on the d at right angles to it, on a field selected by Bee,with no other plans than those suggested by thend courage, and the high soldierly qualities of Bee and Jackson, I hoped that the fight would be mabody of Federal troops in a position from which Bee's right flank could have been struck in a few might. As fought, the battle was made by me; Bee's and Jackson's brigades were transferred to ths from it. The place of the battle was fixed by Bee's and Jackson's brigades; sent forward by my di[2 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 3: battle of Manassas, or Bull Run. (search)
on, S. C., 30th Va. (cav.), Harrison's Battn. (cav.); Independent companies: 10th Cav., Washington (La.) Cav.; Artillery: Kemper's, Latham's, Loudoun, and Shield's batteries, Camp Pickens companies. Army of the Shenandoah (Johnston's division), Brig.-Gen. Joseph E. Johnston:--First Brigade, Col. T. J. Jackson, 2d, 4th, 5th, and 27th Va., Pendleton's Batt.; Second Brigade, Col. F. S. Bartow, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ga., Duncan's and Pope's Ky. Battns., Alburti's Batt.; Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Barnard E. Bee, 4th Ala., 2d and 11th Miss., 1st Tenn., Imboden's Batt.; Fourth Brigade, Col. A. Elzey, 1st Md. Battn., 3d Tenn., 10th and 13th Va., Grane's Batt.; Not brigaded: 1st Va. Cav., 33d Va. Inf. The Federal Army, commanded by Brigadier-General Irvin McDowell, was organized as follows: First division, Brig.-Gen. Daniel Tyler:--First Brigade, Col. E. D. Keyes, 2d Me., 1st, 2d, and 3d Conn.; Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. C. Schenck, 2d N. Y., 1st and 2d Ohio, Batt. E, 2d U. S. Art.; Th
es were burned on the Chattanooga road, within eight miles of Nashville. The first anniversary of the battle of Manassas was celebrated at Dill's farm, at Gen. Whiting's headquarters, near Richmond, Va., by the Bee Lodge of Masons. A pr cession was formed at Dill's and marched thence, preceded by a brass band, to the farm of Mrs. Schermerhorn. Arrived there, proceedings were initiated by prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan. An oration, an eulogy on the death of the gallant and lamented brother Barnard E. Bee, Brigadier-General, C. S.A., who fell at Manassas, was then delivered in feeling and appropriate language by Rev. Dr. Stewart, an Episcopalian clergyman, of Alexandria, Va., who, it will be remembered, was driven from his pulpit by the hirelings of Lincoln for declining to pray for that individual. The procession returned to Dill's farm, where the exercises of the day were concluded.--Richmond Dispatch, July 24. General Boyle, commanding United States forces in Kentucky, issued
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
eatest loss in each. Regiment. Brigade. Division. Killed. Includes the mortally wounded.Wounded. Missing. Total. First Bull Run, Va.             July 21, 1862.             8th Georgia Bartow's Johnston's 41 159 -- 200 4th Alabama Bee's Johnston's 40 157 -- 197 7th Georgia Bartow's Johnston's 19 134 -- 153 33d Virginia Jackson's Johnston's 45 101 -- 146 27th Virginia Jackson's Johnston's 19 122 -- 141 4th Virginia Jackson's Johnston's 31 100 -- 131 Hampton Legionded. Killed at Cedar Creek. Major-General Patrick R. Cleburne Killed at Franklin. Brigadier-General John Pegram Killed at Hatcher's Run. Brigade commanders. Brigadier-General Robert S. Garnett Killed at Cheat Mountain. Brigadier-General Barnard E. Bee Killed at First Bull Run. Brigadier-General Francis S. Bartow Killed at First Bull Run. Brigadier-General Felix K. Zollicoffer Killed at Mill Springs. Brigadier-General Ben. McCulloch Killed at Pea Ridge. Brigadier-G
a few hours' rest. A little after sunrise on Sunday morning, the lamentable Gen. Bee sent for me to his quarters, and informed me of the approach of the enemy, andive miles we met the infantry of the brigade, who had gone by a nearer route. Gen. Bee, in person, then joined the battery, and rode with us about a mile and selecteediately loaded with spherical-case shot, with the fuze cut for 1,500 yards. General Bee ordered me not to fire till they opened on me, as he had sent the Fourth Alaand exploded near the top of the hill. We instantly returned the compliment. Gen. Bee then directed me to hold my position till further orders, and observe the enemposition near Stone Bridge; here I was ordered to halt and await orders from General Bee. Shortly after half-past 8 o'clock A. M., I detached two rifle guns, under ance. We had lost numbers of our most distinguished officers. Gens. Bartow and Bee had been stricken down; Lieut-Col. Johnson, of the Hampton Legion, had been kill