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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Red River campaign. (search)
cavalry dismounted. Walker followed astride and on the right of the road, with Bee's brigade of cavalry on his right. The Federal line formed on the cleared slopethe 8th that they were given two hours rest. Taylor then formed line of battle, Bee with two brigades of cavalry on the left of the Mansfield road, with Polignac inin the woods, stood firm against the combined attacks of Walker in his front and Bee on his right. Taylor ordered up Polignac to their assistance, but the whole Con, the second time at Monette's Ferry, thirty-six miles below Natchitoches. Here Bee, with four brigades and four batteries, had taken up a position to contest the ported by Cameron's division, to ford the river three miles above the ferry, turn Bee's left flank, while Emory engaged his attention in front, and drive him away. B and finally leading the brilliant assault of Fessenden's brigade that dislodged Bee from his strong position, and sent him off to Beasley's, thirty miles away. T
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Red River campaign. (search)
est Louisiana, Lieut.-Gen. Richard Taylor. Walker's division, Maj.-Gen. John G. Walker. Brigade Commanders: Brig.-Gens. T. N. Waul, W. R. Scurry, and Col. Horace Randal. Mouton's division, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Mouton, Brig.-Gen. C. J. Polignac. Brigade Commanders: Brig.-Gen. C. J. Polignac and Col. Henry Gray. sub-District of North Louisiana, Brig.-Gen. St. John R. Liddell. cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. Thomas Green and Maj.-Gen. John A. Wharton. Brigade Commanders: Brig.-Gens. Hamilton P. Bee, J. P. Major, and Arthur P. Bagby. unattached cavalry: 2d La., Col. W. G. Vincent; 4th La., Col. Louis Bush. detachment of Price's Army, Brig.-Gen. Thomas J. Churchill. Missouri division, Brig.-Gen. M. M. Parsons. Brigade Commanders: Brig.-Gen. John B. Clark, Jr., and Col. S. P. Burns. Arkansas division (Churchill's), Brig.-Gen. John C. Tappan. Brigade Commanders: Cols. H. L. Grinsted and L. C. Gause. artillery (attached to brigades and divisions). General Ta
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 6.49 (search)
on the 28th, and the battle of Jenkins's Ferry on the Saline, April 30th, completed his discomfiture. [See p. 375.] He retreated to Little Rock. Churchill, Parsons, and Walker were Brigadier-General C. J. Polignac, C. S. A. From a photograph. at once marched across country to the support of Taylor, but before the junction could be effected Banks had gone. To return to Taylor, after the enemy left Grand Ecore General Taylor attacked his rear at Cloutierville, whilst a detachment under Bee held the Federal advance in check at Monette's Ferry. General Taylor's force was, however, too weak to warrant the hope that he could seriously impede the march of Banks's column. After the latter reached Alexandria, General Taylor transferred a part of his command to the river below Alexandria, and with unparalleled audacity and great ability and success operated on the enemy's gun-boats and transports. The construction of the dam, aided by a temporary rise in Red River, enabled Admiral
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), General officers of the Confederate Army: a full roster compiled from the official records (search)
1. Armistead, L. A., April 1, 1862. Armstrong, F. C., April 20, 1863. Anderson, G. T., Nov. 1, 1862. Archer, James J., June 3, 1862. Ashby, Turner, May 23, 1862. Baker, Alpheus, Mar. 5, 1864. Baker, L. S., July 23, 1863. Baldwin, W. E., Sept. 19, 1862. Barksdale, W., Aug. 12, 1862. Barringer, Rufus, June 1, 1864. Barton, Seth M., Mar. 11, 1862. Battle, Cullen A., Aug. 20, 1863 Beall, W. N. R., April 11, 1862. Beale, R. L. T., Jan. 6, 1865. Bee, Barnard E., June 17, 1861. Bee, Hamilton P., Mar. 4, 1862. Bell, Tyree H., Feb. 28, 1865. Benning, H. L., Jan. 17, 1863. Boggs, William R., Nov. S, 1862. Bonham, M. L., April 23, 1861. Blanchard, A. G., Sept. 21, 1861. Buford, Abraham, Sept. 2, 1862. Branch, L. O. B., Nov. 16, 1861. Brandon, Wm. L., June 18, 1864. Bratton, John, May 6, 1864. Brevard, T. W., Mar. 22, 1865. Bryan, Goode, Aug. 29, 1863. Cabell, Wm. A., Jan. 20, 1863. Campbell, A. W., Mar. 1, 1865. Cantey, James, Jan. 8, 1863. Capers, Ellison, Mar. 1,
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Brigadier-Generals of the Confederate States Army, alphabetically arranged. (search)
na, and afterwards at Manassas. 36Beauregard, G. T.LouisianaCommanding Charleston HarborMarch 1, 1861.March 1, 1861. Aug. 29, 1861. Killed at Manassas July 21, 1861; commanding brigade, Army the Potomac, composed of the 2d and 11th Mississippi, the 6th North Carolina and the 4th Alabama regiments. 37Bee, Barnard E.S. CarolinaGen. J. E. JohnstonJune 17, 1861.June 17, 1861. March 6, 1862. Brigade composed of DeBray's, Buchell's, Wood's, Terrell's, Gould's and Likin's Texas regiments. 38Bee, Hamilton P.TexasGen. P. O. HebertMarch 6, 1862.March 4, 1862.   Commanding 12th Tennessee regiment and acting Brigadier-General; brigade composed of the regiments of Colonels Russell, Greer, Newsom, Wilson and Barteau; afterwards promoted Brigadier-General, and assigned to command of a brigade in Jackson's division, Forrest's cavalry corps. 39Bell, Tyree H.TennesseeMaj. Gen. ForrestNov., 1863.Nov., 1863. April 23, 1863. Brigade composed of the 2d, 15th, 17th and 20th Georgia regiments, Hood's divi
eing part of the State Guard, armed and equipped, and ready to resist any aggression of the enemy. Such readiness, with the force at command, secured our protection and exhibited the necessity of maintaining it during the war. Early in 1862 H. P. Bee was appointed brigadiergen-eral and assigned to duty in command of the Western sub-district, with his headquarters at San Antonio. The Confederate Congress passed the conscript law on April 16, 1862, and it went into effect a month afterwardhe law was to put every able-bodied man over sixteen years of age and under forty-five in the army, except those exempt by the slaves under their control. This unfavorable influence was somewhat increased by the declaration of martial law by Gen. H. P. Bee, on the 28th of April, 1862, in the Western sub-district; also by the declaration of martial law by General Hubert over the whole State of Texas, on May 30, 1862. Provost marshals appointed by him were given extraordinary power over all pers
Rio Grande the last battle of the war. On October 12, 1863, Brigadier-General Slaughter was ordered to take command of the Western subdistrict of Texas, and General Bee was ordered to Goliad, but it appears from subsequent events that General Bee did not immediately leave Brownsville, and that Slaughter was not there until the General Bee did not immediately leave Brownsville, and that Slaughter was not there until the next year. In the latter part of October, Gen. N. P. Banks again prepared to attack the coast defenses, with a fleet and a division of about 4,500 men, under Gen. N. J. T. Dana. From Fort Brown, on November 3d, General Bee notified General Magruder of the appearance of the Federal fleet off the mouth of the Rio Grande, and on tGeneral Bee notified General Magruder of the appearance of the Federal fleet off the mouth of the Rio Grande, and on the 5th he reported that he had been forced to evacuate Fort Brown, and was then retiring with a large and valuable train and 100 men; that he would await orders at King's ranch, and that the enemy was in large force on Brazos island, which had been taken possession of on November 2d. The Federals held Fort Brown and garrisoned p
Taylor's report it is learned that the following Texas forces were in the battle of Mansfield and that of Pleasant Hill, which took place on the next day: Maj.--Gen. John G. Walker's infantry division, including the three brigades of Gens. T. N. Waul, Wm. R. Scurry and Horace Randal; Gen. Tom Green's cavalry command, consisting of his old brigade under Colonel Bagby and General Major's brigade; Waller's battalion, Buchel's, Hardeman's, Terrell's, Debray's and McNeill's cavalry regiments (Gen. H. P. Bee had command ,of a part of this cavalry), Brigadier-General Polignac's infantry brigade, and Mosely's, McMahon's and the Valverde batteries. The battle of Mansfield was glorious in its timely conception, wise plan of attack, splendid execution, and victorious result that sent the confident invader with his whole host back on the road he came; and the battle of Pleasant Hill gave a thundering warning to the Northern invader to seek a safer place by continued retreat, with his hopes of r
Terrell's regiments of cavalry, under Brigadier-General Bee, on its right; Mouton's division on thnd Scurry's brigades into action, directing General Bee, on his right, to press on with Debray's ann line of battle. The dense wood through which Bee advanced prevented him from gaining much groundse that the time for Bee's charge had arrived. Bee led forward Debray's and Buchel's fine regimentom the dense woods on either side of the road. Bee was struck, Buchel mortally wounded, and Debrayiled for a time, but the gallantry displayed by Bee, Debray, Buchel, Menard and others produced its of grape from one of the gunboats. Gen. Hamilton P. Bee, who had brought to the field from ColuCovering the right of Walker's Texas infantry, Bee's cavalry finally mingled with the infantry, eng, and defeated them in an engagement which General Bee called the battle of Peach Orchard, being a was mortally wounded, and two days later, said Bee, the brave colonel died at my headquarters, a b[5 more...]
1865. After the war he went back to his law business, continuing to reside in Texas, his adopted State. Brigadier-General Hamilton P. Bee Brigadier-General Hamilton P. Bee was born at Charleston, S. C., July 22, 1822, the son of Col. Barnard Brigadier-General Hamilton P. Bee was born at Charleston, S. C., July 22, 1822, the son of Col. Barnard E. Bee. A younger son of the latter bore the father's name and fell at Manassas after giving Stonewall Jackson his immortal name. Colonel Bee was one of the earliest and most noted of the Texas pioneers, and his wife and son Hamilton joined him at Galveston in 1837. Two years later Hamilton P. Bee was appointed secretary, on the part of Texas, to the commission which established the line between Texas and the United States, and in 1846 he was elected secretary of the first senate of Texas, bpears, always in connection with honorable service. In the pursuit of Banks, Debray commanded a cavalry brigade under General Bee, and kept up the good work he had begun on his first encounter with the enemy. On May 18th the Federals ambuscaded hi
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