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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 2: early recollections of California--(continued). 1849-1850. (search)
-steamers, which has been kept up ever since. By the steamer Oregon arrived out Major R. P. Hammond, J. Ml. Williams, James Blair, and others; also the gentlemen who, with Major Ogden, were to compose a joint commission to select the sites for the little to do, General Smith encouraged us to go into any business that would enable us to make money. R. P. Hammond, James Blair, and I, made a contract to survey for Colonel J. D. Stevenson his newly-projected city of New York of the Pacific, sithe government reserve. We then sounded the bay back and forth, and staked out the best channel up Suisun Bay, from which Blair made out sailing directions. We then made the preliminary surveys of the city of New York of the Pacific, all of which wMr. Ewing was Secretary of the Interior, and I at once became a member of his family. The family occupied the house of Mr. Blair, on Pennsylvania Avenue, directly in front of the War Department. I immediately repaired to the War Department, and pl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blair, James, 1656-1743 (search)
Blair, James, 1656-1743 Educator; born in Scotland in 1656; was sent to Virginia as a missionary in 1865 and in 1692 obtained the charter of William and Mary College, of which he was the first president. He published The state of his Majesty's colony in Virginia, in 1727. He died in Williamsburg, Va., Aug. 1, 1743.<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
84 Many persons engaged in the rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth transported to Virginia......1685 Governor Effingham embarks for England, and the Assembly sends Colonel Ludwell to lay the grievances of the colony before the English government......1688 Huguenots of France first come to Virginia......1690 Francis Nicholson, formerly governor of New York, appointed governor of Virginia......June 3, 1690 First Assembly under William and Mary at Jamestown......April, 1691 Rev. James Blair obtains from William and Mary a charter for William and Mary College at Williamsburg......February, 1692 Sir Edmund Andros, formerly governor of New York and New England, succeeds Nicholson as governor of Virginia......February, 1692 Francis Nicholson again governor of Virginia......November, 1698 Williamsburg settled......1699 First commencement at William and Mary College......1700 Williamsburg made the capital......1700 Edward Nott appointed lieutenant-governor...
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), William and Mary, College of (search)
William and Mary, College of The second of the higher institutions of learning established in the English-American colonies. An effort was made in 1619 to establish a college in Virginia, but the massacre in 1622 put an end to the enterprise. In 1660-61 the General Assembly of Virginia passed an act for the establishment and endowment of a college, and in 1693 a charter was obtained from the crown of England, chiefly through the efforts of Rev. James Blair and of Lieutenant-Governor Nicholson. It was named William and Mary, in compliment to the ruling sovereigns, who made appropriations for its support. Buildings designed by Sir Christopher Wren were erected at the Middle Plantation, which was named Williamsburg. The first college edifice was destroyed by fire in 1705 and was rebuilt soon afterwards. The General Assembly and individuals made liberal gifts to the institution from time to time, and in 1776 it was the wealthiest William and Mary College in 1723. college in Am
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 5: Bryant and the minor poets (search)
ary relations to the poets he read, and read evidently with deeper susceptibility than has been realized, before 1811. See Autobiographical Fragment for a partial list. The reference is not alone to the well-known relation Thanatopsis bears to Blair's Grave, Porteus's Death, Winner of the Seaton Prize at Cambridge for 1759. Death may be found in Musae Seatonianae, Cambridge, 1808-a copy of which was apparently in Doctor Bryant's library. Kirke White's Time, Rosemary, etc., and the whole U in individual lives, in history, in inventions, especially in these States, since his class graduated at Williams. Broad surveys of human affairs and of the face of earth, so dull, routine, bombastic as far as attempted in Thomson's Liberty, in Blair's Grave, in White's Time, become in Bryant's less pretentious poems the essential triumph of a unique imagination. The mode remained a favourite to the end: large as in The flood of years, intimate and tender in A Lifetime. No American poet, exc
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index. (search)
ichard, 252, 255 Beppo, 282 Berber, the, 320 Bergman, T. O., 186 Berkeley, Bishop, 57, 58, 67, 81, 83, 84, 191, 214, 266 Berkeley, Gov., William, 25 Bernard, Governor, 125, 132 Bernard, John, 189, 292 Betrothal, the, 223, 230 Beverley, Robert, 26 Bianca Visconti, 224 Biddle, Nicholas, 204, 205 Biglow papers, the, 176 Bird, Robert Montgomery, 221-222, 224, 225, 231, 308, 309, 311, 319 Blackmore, Sir, Richard, 158, 159, 161 Blackwood's magazine, 206, 208, 292 Blair, James, 263, 271 Blake, William, 358 Blanche of Brandywine, 226 Bland, Edward, 5, 6, 10 Bleecker, Mrs., Ann Eliza, 179 Blessington, Lady, 242 Blockheads, the, 217 Blumenbach, J. F., 186 Body of liberties, 39 Boehme, Jacob, 188 Bohn, Henry, 252 Boker, George Henry, 222-223, 224, 230 Bonneville, Captain, 210 Boone, Daniel, 189, 190, 319 Booth (the elder), 224 Border Beagles, 317 Borrow, George, 321 Bose, 267 Boston, 175 Boston gazette, the, 93, 119, 129, 1
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.18 (search)
uding the alphabet with Venable and Youille, many of them being numerously represented among us. Of the Scotch, but few immigrants before the union of Scotland with England, in 1707, may be identified. William Drummond, who had been Governor of North Carolina, and who was hung by Berkeley in 1676 as a rebel, is said to have been a Scotchman. The founder of the distinguished Nelson family was called, it may be significantly, Scotch Tom, but he was born in Cumberland county, England. Dr. James Blair was a Scotchman, but he came to Virginia through the alembic of England as the famous race of the Valley of Virginia, whose brains and brawn have so impressed them upon the history of our country, did through that of Ireland, following, in 1734, from Pennsylvania, the Dutch leader, Joist Hite, who came in 1732. After the union, Scotch Parsons, so potent as educators, and merchants, who quite monopolized the trade of the country, pervaded Eastern Virginia. Some writers seem to deligh
The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], Scholarships at William and Mary College. (search)
Scholarships at William and Mary College. --Before the Revolution, Scholarships were established in the college of William and Mary upon the following foundations, viz: In 1735 Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison, of Surry, gave three hundred pounds; and Mrs. Thomas Bray, of New Kent, two hundred pounds; Col. Robert Carie, of Corotoman, gave fifty pounds; the Rev. James Blair, the first President of the college, and the first commissioner of Virginia, six hundred pounds, and Philip Lightfoot, Esq. of Sandy Point, five hundred pounds. This last donation was made in 1749, and to the end. "that two Scholars should be educated for the Ministry of the Church of England." In the fourth year of the reign of King George the first, the House of Burgess of Virginia, give one thousand pounds. Upon these foundations eleven scholars were educated, until the 25th of March 1776, when the pecuniary exigencies of the college resulting from the war, caused the Scholarships to be suspended. The college its lo
), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr, Thomas U. Dudley, W. Fleischmanns, H. A. Dudley, Andrew Jenkins, M. Downey, W. W. Snead, Geo. W. Gretter, Thomas L. Johnson, Paulus Powell (of Amherst). This committee will proceed to Manassas in the early train this morning. Committee to Procure Accommodations.--B. W. Haxall, John D. Harvey, James Blair, A. S. Lee, H. Hancock, Thos. W. McCance, Thos. W. Doswell, W. J. Riddick, P. B. Price, Geo. Watt, Emanuel Straus, M. Downey, Edwin A. Smith, John Gibson. Geo. S. Lownes, Wm. H. Lyons, John H. Knowles, Samuel J. Rutherfoord, C. Crew, H. Spotts, Thos. Vaiden, (Manchester,) John Enders, John L. Tate, F. W. Redford. C. Burnett, R. A. Mayo, Thos. G. Bell, C. Bates, Jos. Allen, John Hatcher, (Manchester,) Geo. S. Palmer, Caleb Jacobs, Thomas Jones, R. O. Haskins, L. Libby, M. Milhiser, Lewis
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], General Toombs' Brigade--Second Georgia Regiment. (search)
Impatience a Bad General. The very worst counsellors for Generals in the field are an impatient populace. If we are to believe General Scott, the calamity that has recently overwhelmed the grand Yankee army was caused by surrendering his own opinions of policy and obeying the orders of the Yankee mob, headed by Greeley, Blair, and Wilson. The mob, under these doughty commanders, drove him into a battle which was little better than slaughter and ruin. A like impatience prevails among the Southern people for a forward movement upon Washington city. This movement is doubtless in preparation; but we had better leave it to our Generals to choose the time and manner of making it. It is the highest wisdom to profit by an enemy's experience, and it would be as criminal as unheard of, if, after witnessing so signal an instance of ruin from fighting before being ready for it, we should commit the same blunder and run the hazard of the same discomfiture. What though it might ha