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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 14: Manassas. (search)
Keyes, Schenck, Sherman, and Richardson. Second Division, commanded by Hunter: an aggregate of 2,648 men, divided into two brigades, under Porter and Burnside. Third Division, commanded by Heintzelman: an aggregate of 9,777 men, divided into three brigades, under Franklin, Willcox, and Howard. Fourth Division, commanded by Runyon: an aggregate of 5,752 men; no brigade commanders. Fifth Division, commanded by miles: an aggregate of 6,207 men, divided into two brigades, under Blenker and Davies. Thus, the total of his command, not including four regiments left in the Alexandria and Arlington forts, was 34,320 men. From this number, however, Runyon's division may at once be deducted; it was left behind to guard his communications, its most advanced regiment being seven miles in rear of Centreville. McDowell's actual moving column may therefore be said to have consisted of 28,568 From this number it is entirely just to make yet another deduction. The period of e
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 16: the retreat. (search)
cause, premature orders were received by the two brigades of Davies and Richardson to fall back on Centreville; while to Blenker the more judicious order was given to advance his brigade toward Stone Bridge, which he did, deploying it in line of bat of Sherman, Keyes, and Schenck were too formidable to attack; and Bonham, on nearing Centreville, found the brigades of Blenker, Richardson, and Davies so well posted, and so superior in numbers, that he was quite content to stop with a mere reconnentreville. But, arriving there, he found the conditions less favorable than he anticipated. It had been designed that Blenker's brigade should, during the day, throw up intrenchments; this was not done, because the necessary tools did not get for'clock Mc-Dowell began to distribute his orders to retire from Centreville; and a little after midnight Richardson's and Blenker's brigades marched away from that village in a deliberate and orderly retreat, maintaining their organization as a stead
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Appendix A. (search)
Three years volunteers. Colonel William R. Montgomery. 2d New Jersey Three years volunteers. Colonel George W. McLean. 3d New Jersey Three years volunteers. Colonel George W. Taylor. 41st New York Three years volunteers. Colonel Leopold von Gilsa. Fifth Division. In reserve at Centreville and not engaged in the battle proper. Had some skirmishing with the enemy during the day and while covering the retreat of the army. Colonel Dixon S. Miles. First Brigade. Colonel Louis Blenker. 8th New York (volunteers), Lieut.-Colonel Julius Stahel 29th New York (volunteers), Colonel Adolph von Steinwehr. 39th New York (volunteers), Colonel Frederick G. D'Utassy. 27th Pennsylvania, Colonel Max Einstein. Company A, 2d U. S. Artillery, Captain John C. Tidball. Bookwood's New York Battery, Captain Charles Bookwood. Second Brigade. Colonel Thomas A. Davies. 16th New York, Lieut.-Colonel Samuel Marsh. 18th New York, Colonel William A. Jackson. 31st New York, Colonel
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
t Sumter, 57, 59; placed in command at Manassas, 170; his first measures, 170, 171; his plan for the battle of Bull Run, 176 et seq.; composition of his army, 176, note Beckham, Lieut., 194 Bee, General, 185 Bell, adherents of, 8 Benham, Captain, 152 Beverly, 142, 146, 151 Black, Secretary, 26, 38 Blackburn's Ford, 176, note; engagement at, 178 Blair, Francis P., 109 Blair, Frank P., Jr., 116 et seq., 122 Blair, Montgomery, 122 Blair's Home Guards, 118 Blenker, General L, 174 Boonville, battle of, 123 Border Slave States, 80 Breckinridge, John C., Southern electoral votes cast for, 4, 8 Breckinridge party, character of, 8 Brown, John, 158 Brown, Governor, of Georgia, 12 Brown, Mayor, of Baltimore, 86, 89 et seq. Buchanan, James, President, character of, 17 et seq., Southern sympathy of, 18; his message to Congress, 19, 23 et seq.; interview with the South Carolina Commissioners, 28, 30, 31; correspondence with the Washingt