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ices was felt by those who were most nearly interested may be learned by an executive order of the Governor of Maryland, as follows:-- State of Maryland, Executive Department, Annapolis, September 29, 1862. The expulsion of the rebel army from the soil of Maryland should not be suffered to pass without a proper acknowledgment, and the cordial thanks of her authorities to those who were chiefly instrumental in compelling that evacuation. I would tender, therefore, on behalf of the State of Maryland, to Major-General McClellan, and the gallant officers and men under his command, my earnest and hearty thanks for the distinguished courage, skill, and gallantry with which the achievement was accomplished. It reflects a lustre upon the ability of the commander-in-chief, and the heroism and endurance of his followers, that the country everywhere recognizes, and that even our enemies are constrained to acknowledge. A. W. Bradford. By the Governor: Wm. B. Hill, Secretary of State.