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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
mithers, J. W. Young. Co. K. 2d Sergeant Rufus Hollis, 3d Sergeant F. N. Stokes, 1st Corporal Charles Waters, Private Robt. Armstrong, J. H. Boyd, Private Wm. Burks, Nevil Holcomb, Jesse Johnson, Hanks Powell. Total, 202. Fifteenth Alabama Infantry. Field and Staff. Sergeant-Major Green C. Renfroe, Ord. Sergeant Wm. A. Crens, Commissary Jeptha P. Hill, Col's Orderly Richard Harris, Mus'cn Robt. S. Warlick, Joshua C. Harrell, James P. Newberry, Patrick Brannon. Co. A. 1st Lieut. Hugh Fields, Private Alvice E. Averett, Isaac Bassett, Private Frank C. Hendry, Wm. A. Jones, Asa M. Keeling, Private Eli F. Broughton, Private Michael Murray, Edward W. P. Chapman, F. P. Rucker, George J. Eason, Jno. R. Garner, Pinck H. Smith. Co. B. 1st Sergeant J. G. Hitchcock, 3d Sergeant J. D. Calloway, 5th Sergeant J. M. Payne, 3d Corporal E. S. Lane, Private T. S. Beasly, Wm. Calloway, Robt. J. Eubanks, Private C. Harper,
Dealing in iron. --The purloining of a keg of nails, owned by Richard G. Morriss, was satisfactorily established against Patrick Brannon yesterday in the Mayor's Court. The nails were worth $2.50. The prisoner was sent on to be tried before the Hustings Court, and committed in default of $1.50 for his appearance.
nging to the Confederate States, which had been entrusted to him as the driver of a wagon. Dabney stoutly denied his guilt, but in vain. He was ordered to receive nine-and-thirty lashes.--John Phealan, charged with assault and battery upon Patrick Brannon, was next brought to the bar. Several witnesses testified with miraculous volubility to the fact that Phealan had attempted in a summary way to dispossess the complainant of a tenement belonging to P., which Brannon had for some time occupieBrannon had for some time occupied without paying any rent therefore the owner said. The Court admonished Mr. Phealan that he must proceed against his nonpaying tenants in a lawful manner, and held him to bail to keep the peace, especially as to the complainant, in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. The surety was immediately forthcoming, and Mr. Phealan was discharged.--Frank Johnson, Michael Burke, John Dunnavant, and John Strahan, were arraigned upon the charge of having, between ten and eleven o'clock Friday night,
ng William Jacobs. These gentlemen evidently felt much chagrined at being found in such a predicament; but as they had no witnesses, they were required to give security in a small sum ($100) for their future good behavior. --Maurice Dennis was fined $10 for having his house, where ardent spirits are sold, open on Sunday last.--Mary Gleason was fined $10 for keeping her shop open after 10 o'clock P. M., one night last week, and $10 for selling ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof, without a license, and held to bail in $150 for her future good behavior.--Philip Lang was fined $3 for firing a pistol within the city limits, and, with great simplicity, offered the cash to his Honor, who, of course, turned him over to a different functionary.--Patrick Brannon was again unprepared to answer the charge of assault and battery preferred against him by Bridget Egan, his witnesses being still absent; but was amazed when told that he was required to give surety for his appearance this morning.
Mayor's Court, yesterday. --Fannie Taylor was sent to jail, for being drunk and disorderly in the streets. --Anne Kearns, charged with assault and battery, committed upon her lawful spouse, Michael Kearns, was discharged with a few admonitory remarks.--Samuel Schwartz, Charles Sauntry, Miles Talley, and Theodore Frick, were arraigned on the charge of fighting and using obscene language in the Second Market. Mr. Frick was discharged as entirely innocent. Talley was fined $5, for which he offered to give a note payable in 60 days, declaring at the same time that he would never interpose in a fight again, even if he saw one man killing another. Schwartz and Sauntry will be before the Mayor again this morning, for a further hearing. --Stephen Hunter was fined $3 for driving his cart across the sidewalk of 8th street. --Patrick Brannon was ready with his witnesses, after three days efforts. He was required to give surety in $150 for his good behavior.
ested for going at large and stealing a cow worth $35, and offering the same for sale to Thomas Consandine, was examined and sent on for trial before the Hustings Court on the 2d Monday in December. Beverly Morriss, free negro, found without a register of his freedom, was ordered 20 inches and put in the chain gang for 60 days. The same disposition was made of Alex. Patterson, another free fellow, found by the watch under similar circumstances. The case against James Riley and Patrick Brannon, for violently assaulting and beating Thomas and Sarah Wood, husband and wife, was continued and the defendants sent to jail to await the result. John Smith and William Reed, alias Riley, were sent on to the Hustings Court to be tried for misdemeanor, having been taken in custody by watchmen Thursday night, on the complaint of the proprietor of the Linwood House, for an unmitigated trespass on his premises. They were entered on the Mayor's book as suspicious characters, and the de
ned for fighting together in the street, to the disturbance of the public peace. Each one was ordered 25 lashes. The examination of Michael Sweeny, charged with robbing Patrick Greenan of ten one dollar Confederate Treasury notes, was continued until the 3d December, on account of the absence of witnesses. The case of Madison Griffin, for forging the name of John Griffin, and obtaining $15 from Richard Reins, was postponed until December 10th. The case of James Riley and Patrick Brannon, for unlawfully and violently assaulting and beating Thomas and Sarah Ward, was continued until the 6th of December. James A. Minor, a soldier, from North Carolina, arrested on the charge of forgery was handed ever to Captain Booker, Assistant Provost, Marshal, of the Western District. Thomas W. P. Goodman, a countryman, arrested for stealing Horatic H. obson's horse, was acquitted of that charge, but sent to jail in default of $500 security for his good behavior. Sydne
Accidentally killed. --On Friday last about one hundred and fifty stragglers were sent from Castle Thunder, under guard, to their various commands on the Rappahannock. On arriving at Hamilton's Crossing soldiers and prisoners commenced pressing upon the guard who, in turn, endeavored to keep each at a proper distance by the use of their bayonets, in this effort to preserve order one of the muskets accidentally exploded, the ball taking effect in the left elbow of Patrick Brannon, 5th North Carolina regiment, shattering the bone frightfully, then entering his abdomen fore out his bowels, causing death in a short time thereafter.