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Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 33 5 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Stone's River, Tenn. (search)
s R. Chalmers (w), Col. T. W. White: 7th Miss.,----; 9th Miss., Col. T. W. White; 10th Miss.,----; 41st Miss.,----; 9th Miss. Battalion Sharp-shooters, Capt. O. F. West; Blythe's Miss.,----; Ala. Battery (Garrity's),----. Brigade loss: k, 67; w, 445; m, 36 = 548. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. Patton Anderson: 45th Ala., Col. James G. Gilchrist; 24th Miss., Lieut.-Col. R. P. McKelvaine; 27th Miss., Col. Thomas M. Jones, Lieut.-Col. James L. Autry (k), Capt. E. R. Neilson (w); 29th Miss., Col. W. F. Brantly (w), Lieut.-Col. J. B. Morgan; 30th Miss., Lieut.-Col. J. I. Scales; 39th N. C., Capt. A. W. Bell; Mo. Battery, Capt. O. W. Barret. Brigade loss: k, 130; w, 620; m, 13 = 763. Fourth Brigade, Col. A. M. Manigault: 24th Ala.,----; 28th Ala.,----; 34th Ala.,----; 10th and 19th S. C., Col. A. J. Lythgoe (k); Ala. Battery, Capt. D. D. Waters. Brigade loss: k, 73; w, 428; m, 16 = 517. Hardee's Corps, Lieut.-Gen. William J. Hardee. First division, Maj.-Gen. John C. Breckinridge. Firs
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
t.-Col. R. T. Harvey; 5th and 13th Ark., Col. L. Featherston (k), Lieut.-Col. John E. Murray; 6th and 7th Ark., Col. D. A. Gillespie (w), Lieut.-Col. Peter Snyder; 8th Ark. and 1st La., Lieut.-Col. George F. Baucum (w), Maj. A. Watkins. Brigade loss: k, 73; w, 502; m, 283==858. Walthall's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. C. Walthall: 24th Miss., Lieut.-Col. R. P. McKelvaine (w), Maj. W. C. Staples (w), Capt. B. F. Toomer, Capt. J. D. Smith (w); 27th Miss., Col. James A. Campbell; 29th Miss., Col. William F. Brantly; 30th Miss., Col. Junius I. Scales (c), Lieut.-Col. Hugh A. Reynolds (k), Maj. J. M. Johnson (w); 34th Miss., Maj. W. G. Pegram (w), Capt. H. J. Bowen, Lieut.-Col. H. A. Reynolds (k). Brigade loss: k, 61; w, 531; m, 196 == 788. Artillery, Capt. Charles Swett: Ala. Battery, Capt. W. H. Fowler (w); Miss. Battery (Warren Light Art'y), Lieut. H. Shannon. Artillery loss included in loss of brigades. left wing, Lieut.-Gen. James Longstreet. Hindman's division [Polk's Corps], Maj.-Gen
rps, and the Army in the Field. After a Confederate generals--no. 12 Mississippi John W. Frazer commanded a brigade. Samuel J. Gholson commanded a brigade. William F. Tucker led a brigade under Hood. Benjamin G. Humphries led a brigade in Virginia. William E. Baldwin, commander of a brigade at Mobile. Jacob H. sharp led a brigade in General Polk's Corps. Claudius W. Sears, originally Colonel of the 46th Regt. Robert Lowry, commander of a brigade. William F. Brantly commanded a brigade in Tennessee. Douglas H. Cooper, leader of Indian troops. very active campaign, Price was driven into Arkansas at the end of November by Major-Generals Rosecrans and Pleasanton, and the Army of the Missouri again became identified with the forces in the Trans-Mississippi Department. Major-General Sterling Price was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia, September 14, 1809. He settled in Missouri in 1830, and was a member of Congress in 1845, when he we
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), General officers of the Confederate Army: a full roster compiled from the official records (search)
Feb. 29, 1864. Hodge, Geo. B., Aug. 2, 1864. Leventhorpe, C., Feb. 3, 1865. McRae, William, Nov. 4, 1864. Northrop, L. B., Nov. 26, 1864. Page, Richard L., Mar. 1, 1864. Payne, Wm. H., Nov. 1, 1864. Posey, Carnot, Nov. 1, 1862. Preston, John S., June 10, 1864. Reynolds, D. H., Mar. 5, 1864. Stevens, W. H., Aug. 28, 1864. Terry, William, May 19, 1864. Brigadier-generals, provisional army (with temporary rank) Anderson, R. H., July 26, 1864. Barry, John D., Aug. 3, 1864. Brantly, Wm. F., July 26, 1864. Browne, Wm. M., Nov. 11, 1864. Bullock, Robert, Nov. 29, 1864. Carter, John C., July 7, 1864. Cox, William R., May 31, 1864. Dubose, D. M., Nov. 16, 1864. Dunnovant, John, Aug. 22, 1864. Girardey, V. J. B., July 30, 1864. Gordon, Geo. W., Aug. 15, 1864 Harrison, T., Jan. 14, 1865. Hill, Benjamin J., Nov. 30, 1864. Holtzclaw, J. T., July 7, 1864. Johnson, B. T., June 28, 1864. Johnson, G. D., July 26, 1864. Kennedy, J. D., Dec. 22, 1864. Lewis, Wm. G., May
rable battle of Perryville, the Mississippi regiments and batteries, attached to the divisions of Cheatham, Anderson and Buckner, bore their full share of the conflict and its honors. In the organization of the army of Tennessee at Murfreesboro, Chalmers' brigade included the Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Forty-first and Forty-fourth (Blythe's) regiments, and the Ninth battalion sharpshooters. The Twenty-fourth, Lieut.-Col. R. P. McKelvaine; Twentyseventh, Col. T. M. Jones; Twenty-ninth, Col. W. F. Brantly; and Thirtieth, Lieut.-Col. J. I. Scales, were in Walthall's or Patton Anderson's brigade. These two brigades composed the division of Gen. J. M. Withers, Polks' corps, which was almost entirely made up of Alabamians and Mississippians. In Hardee's corps, the Fifth Mississippi, Lieut.-Col W. L. Sykes, and the Eighth, Col. J. C. Wilkinson, formed part of Jackson's brigade, Breckinridge's division; and the Forty-fifth, Lieut.-Col. R. Charlton, and the Fifteenth battalion sharpshooter
Wood's brigade, Cleburne's division, D. H. Hill's corps. In Breckinridge's division Mississippi was represented by the headquarters escort, the cavalry company of Capt. H. L. Foules. In W. H. T. Walker's reserve corps was Capt. M. Pound's battalion of sharpshooters, with Ector's brigade. Walthall's brigade of Liddell's division, same corps, was entirely Mississippian, containing the Twenty-fourth regiment, Col. R. P. Mc-Kelvaine; Twenty-seventh, Col. Jas. A. Campbell; Twenty-ninth, Col. W. F. Brantly; Thirtieth, Col. Junius I. Scales; Thirty-fourth, Maj. W. J. Pegram. The artillery of Liddell's division was commanded by Capt. Charles Swett and included his battery, under Lieut. H. Shannon. Another Mississippi brigade was that commanded by Gen. Patton Anderson in Hindman's division, composed of the Seventh regiment, Col. W. H. Bishop; Ninth, Maj. T. H. Lynam; Tenth, Lieut.-Col. James Barr; Forty-first, Col. W. F. Tucker; Forty-fourth, Col. J. H. Sharp; Ninth battalion sharpshooter
the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth under Col. William F. Brantly, and the Thirty-fourth under Col. Saml's old brigade, under Colonel, now General, Brantly, and Sharp's brigade, participated in the fire brigades. Sharp's brigade lost 214 men and Brantly's 126. Gen. Patton Anderson now took command of the division including Sharp's and Brantly's brigades, and they intrenched on the line they hand daring. On one occasion, Anderson wrote, Brantly's men, by rolling logs ahead of them and by dm their front on the first day, and Sharp and Brantly made a resolute assault upon the enemy postedS. D. Lee reported: The brigades of Sharp and Brantly (Mississippians) and Deas (Alabamians) particlict. Sharp captured three stand of colors. Brantly was exposed to a sharp enfilade fire. These of the afternoon. The brigades of Sharp and Brantly fought with determination and coolness under fy, Sharp losing 30 killed and 81 wounded and Brantly 76 killed and 140 wounded. During the retr
it was reported by Inspector-General Girault that General Forrest had in camp at and near West Point fully 6,000 cavalry; was daily increasing his force, and taking active steps to suppress the banditti in the Mississippi swamps. Sharp's and Brantly's brigades, about 5,000 strong together, were sent from Meridian to Augusta, Ga., early in March, General Taylor having been ordered to send every available man east for the campaign in the Carolinas. Thus stripped of all infantry troops, Missie's corps, which was 2,500 strong, were General Sharp's brigade, the Fifth, Eighth, Thirty-second, and Third battalion, Capt. J. Y. Carmack; Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Forty-first, Forty-fourth, and Ninth battalion, Col. William C. Richards; and General Brantly's brigade, which included with other troops the Twenty-fourth, consolidated with the Twenty-seventh, Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth and Thirty-fourth, under Col. R. W. Williamson. Swett's battery was also with this last army of the Confederacy. A
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical. (search)
nd turned his attention to the rebuilding of the ruined fortunes of his State. Brigadier-General William F. Brantly began his military career with the Twenty-ninth Mississippi regiment. Going thro in his report of the battle of Lookout Mountain, says: It is due in particular to commend Col. W. F. Brantly, Twenty-ninth Mississippi regiment and Lieut.--Col. McKelvaine, Twenty-fourth Mississippi ho on this occasion commanded Hindman's division, says in his report: In the action Sharp's and Brantly's brigades acted with great gallantry. Again he says: I must be pardoned for bearing testimony to the conspicuous gallantry of Brigadier-Generals Brantly, Sharp and Johnston, all of whom had received notice of their promotion a few moments before going into battle. Maj.-Gen. Patton Anderson, of his division (formerly Hindman's), makes the following statement: To the brigade commanders, Brantly, Sharp and Manigault, I am especially indebted for their prompt obedience to every order and ch
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lee's Lieutenants. (search)
e, Tenn. C. J. Polignac, Paris, France. E. M. Law, Yorkville, S. C. Brigadier-Generals. George B. Anderson, North Carolina. George T. Anderson, Anniston, Ala. Samuel R. Anderson, Tennessee. Joseph R. Anderson, Richmond, Va. Frank C. Armstrong, Texas. E. S. Alexander, Savannah, Ga. Arthur S. Bagby, Texas. Alpheus Baker, Louisville, Ky. W. S. Barry, Mississippi. M. L. Bonham, Columbia, S. C. Pinckney D. Bowles, Alabama. William L. Brandon, Mississippi. William F. Brantly, Mississippi. John Bratton, South Carolina. J. L. Brent, Baltimore, Md. James W. Barnes, Texas. Seth M. Barton, Fredericksburg, Va. C. A. Battle, Eufaula, Ala. R. L. T. Beale, The Hague, Va. John R. Baylor, Texas. Hamilton P. Bee, El Paso, Texas. W. R. Boggs, Winston, N. C. Tyree H. Bell, Tennessee. A. G. Blanchard, New Orleans. William L. Cabell, Dallas, Texas. E. Capers, Columbia, S. C. James R. Chalmers, Vicksburg, Miss. Thomas L. Clingman, Charlotte, N. C