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across his lands, and thirty-three years later came the railway. The former he spanned by a beautiful arch of granite, that his descendants kept intact long after the highway of the waters vanished, but which is now a thing of the past. Near the house were venerable oaks, spreading elms and ever-green pines, the growth of many years. To these, and along his borders, Mr. Brooks added many others; and so the grounds came to be a place of beauty as the years passed on. But in the development of a modern residence section the stately mansion of a century ago was not adapted, and, impracticable to remodel, it has succumbed to inevitable fate. Its occupants for the century have been good citizens, generous and helpful, and are remembered as such. A few weeks more and the last vestige of the house so well and favorably known will have disappeared, new streets been opened and the homes of new-comers taken the place of the mansion house of Peter Chardon Brooks on Grove street. M. W. M.
m the ford passed along the narrow path on the verge, just above high-water mark, and east bound ones along the gravel beach to the Cradock buildings. This was a varge-way, just as New England country folks call it now. Maybe, when long ago, in some easterly storm and swirling tide, the varge-way could not be used, a potato cart struggled over the great bastion (or bluff of the hill) and its driver named it (and rightly, too, a high street or way) and the name held. We may well conclude that High street name owed its existence to our potato cart and its successors and not to the county of Middlesex. Thomas M. Stetson. In Woburn (settled by Edward Johnson and others as Charlestown village in 1640) the earliest streets, i.e., roads, were Up-street and Hilly-way. These settlers went thither, without doubt, via the Ford at Mistick, the Vargeway and Brooks' corner. Their Up-street was a gradual rise, and their Hilly-way a counterpart of the grades of Medford's high street. editor.