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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 8: (search)
, and the famous Joseph Hume, M. P., of radical notoriety. After dinner, according to ancient custom, a huge silver cup or pitcher was passed round, containing what is called Audit Ale, or very fine old ale which is given to the tenants of the College when they come to audit their accounts and pay their rents. We all drank from it standing up, each, as his turn came, wishing prosperity to the College. When this was over an enormous silver ewer and basin, given by James First's Duke of Buckingham, were passed down, filled with rose-water, into which each one dipped his napkin. . . . . Finally, a small choir of selected singers came into the hall and sang the Latin chants appropriate to the day, with great richness and power, attracting a crowd in at the doors, among whom were several ladies, who looked oddly out of place in such a monastic refectory. It was a fine finale to the grave and ceremonious entertainment. We now adjourned to the Combination Room, where, in great luxur
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 9: (search)
hink I could never like her. May 25.—Began the morning with a long and most agreeable visit from Sedgwick of Cambridge, one of those visits which are only made in England, I think, and there only when people take some liking to one another. . . . . Few men, anywhere, are so bright and active-minded as this most popular of the English professors. Afterwards I went by appointment to see old Mr. Thomas Grenville, elder brother of the late Lord Grenville, and uncle of the present Duke of Buckingham. He was one of the negotiators of our treaty of 1783, and was first Lord of the Admiralty; but retired from affairs many years ago, on the ground that he preferred quietness and literary occupation to anything else. A few years ago he declined an addition of £ 10,000 a year to his large fortune, saying he had enough, and that he preferred it should go on—as he expressed it—to the next generation that would be entitled. He is now nearly eighty-four years old, and lives in that old, ari
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 30 (search)
, 338. Verplanck, Mr., I. 381. Victoria, Princess, I. 435, 437; Queen, II. 146, 260 note, 429. Vieil-Castel, Count H. de, II 106, 131. Vienna, visits, II. 1-20, 314. Vignolles, Rev. Mr., I. 424. Vilain Quatorze, Count and Countess, II. 90. Villafranca, Marques de, I. 197. Villareal, Duke de, II. 114. Villemain, A. F., I. 131, 133, 139, II. 104, 126, 130, 131, 134, 138, 260, 354, 366. Villers, pamphlet in defence of Gottingen University, I. 11. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, record of his death, I. 438. Villiers, Hon., Edward, I. 437 and note, II. 148, 180. Villiers, Hon. Mrs. Edward, I. 437 and note, II. 180, 372. Villiers, Mrs., I. 418, II. 147 and note, 148. Virginia, visits, I. 26, 31-38. Visconti Cav., P E., II. 59, 346, 347. Vogel von Vogelstein, I. 482, 490. Volkel, I. 121. Von der Hagen, I. 496. Von Hammnier-Purgstall, Baron, II. 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13. Von Hammer-Purgstall, Madame, 11. 2. Von Raumer, I. 485, 11. 5, 10