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nia marched on Thursday night, and were joined by the 24th Pennsylvania Irish Regiment. The destination of this column is the Maryland Heights, opposite Harper's Ferry, which it was supposed they would occupy on Sunday morning. Mr. Alvey, the leading Secessionist of Hagerstown, has been arrested and sent to Washington city. Neutrality of Kentucky to be respected by the Belligerents. Louisville, June 22. --The paper this morning contain letters from Governor Magoffin and Gen. Buckner, stating that agreement has been made between Gen. McClellan and the Kentucky authorities, that the territory of Kentucky will be respected by the Federal authorities, eve though it should be occupied by the Confederates. But if Kentucky does not remove them the Federal troops will interfere. The Governor of Tennessee agrees to respect the neutrality of Kentucky until occupied by Federal troops. Severe storm in Ohio — bridge destroyed. Cincinnati, June 22. --Three spans
ne 26, 1861.--The following dispatch has been received by the agent of the Associated Press. "To the Associated Press: The man is yet to be seen in Washington who has seen or heard of the compromise alleged to have been proposed by Jefferson Davis to the Administration. F. W. Seward." "Washington, June 26th.-- To the Associated Press: Gen. McClellan has telegraphed to the Government that he has read in the news papers an account of a compact which he is said to have made with General Buckner in regard to the statue of Kentucky. He denies, contradicts and rendiates the whole statement, to the great satisfaction of the commanding General and the Administration, whose only knowledge of the pretended compact was from the newspaper statements which Gen. McClellan thus denounces. "F. W. S." Army movement in Western Virginia. Grafton, June 25 --Captain Hines' company of regulars, with a battery of six pieces, reached here early this morning. Captain Burdsall's
From Kentucky. Louisville. Ky., (via Augusta, Ga.,) June 27. --The following dispatch was received here yesterday by a navy officer, who telegraphed Gen. McClelland as to the authenticity of the reported arrangement between the United States Government and Kentucky: "Grafton, June, 1861. "Capt. W. Nelson, U. S. Navy.--My interview with Gen. Buckner was personal, not official. It was solicited by him more than once. I made no stipulations on the part of the General Government, and regarded his promise to drive out the Confederate troops as the only result of the interview. His letter gives his own views, not mine. "[Signed.] Geo. McClelland."
The neutrality of Kentucky. --Gen. Buckner, the Inspector General of Kentucky, in face of Gen. McClellan's denial, reiterates that the Lincoln officer expressly agreed to respect the neutrality of Kentucky.
s West of a line drawn from the Maryland line to the Northwest corner of McKean county. Such are the principal interesting points of McClellan's history, as we condense them from an article in the Petersburg Express.--He is probably the ablest military man in the Northern Army. We know nothing of his character as a man that can raise him in public estimation. His bloodthirsty proclamation threatening to hang Southern guerillas, and the wilful lying of which he was convicted in his correspondence with Gen. Buckner, of Kentucky, proves that he is not a gentleman. His late success, gained by tremendous odds, and the villainy of the traitors in the West, will not add much to his laurels. We predict that when he emerges from that treacherous soil in Northwestern Virginia, which gives way beneath the footsteps of an honest man, and comes out upon true Virginia ground face to face, with a force of half his own number, the conceit will be taken out of him in the most summary manner.
Resignations, &c. Louisville, July 21. --Gen. Buckner,Col. Hunt, and several other officers of the State Guard have resigned. Mr. Cotton, the Collector at this port, refuses to issue permits to ship goods by Russellville or Bowling Green. Trunks of citizens of Kentucky who may desire to travel from here to points on or near the border, will be examined after to-day on the trains. A late dispatch announces that the Confederate troops now occupy Romney.
, requesting that Gen. Polk be ordered to withdraw his troops from Kentucky, and that such order was issued from the War Department of the Confederacy; that Gen. Polk replied to the War Department that the retention of the post was a military necessity, and that the retiring from it would be attended by the loss of many lives. This embraces the message received. The messenger it is true, in conversation said that he had heard in Nashville that Secretary Walker had sent a dispatch to Gen. Buckner, giving Gen Polk a discretion to hold or withdraw from the occupation of the post in Kentucky. The undersigned understood the messenger to say that he saw no dispatch of the kind just alluded to and that he heard of it after he last saw Gov. Harris. They have no further information on this subject. They have no knowledge or information that President Davis has issued any order in relation to the occupation of Kentucky, or any place in it. This note is written for the purpo
Kentucky boys leaving. --The Louisville Journal, of Friday, says: We are informed by a highly respectable citizen that he was at the Nashville depot yesterday morning and saw many of the Citizen's Guards, who belong to the State Guard, go off with their uniforms on, and one of the company told him they were all going to Muldraugh's hill and from there to Camp Boone, where Gen. Buckner, Colonel Hunt, and Maj. Cassedy were waiting for them.--Now, does not this beat all? Young men, who have been trained under the care of the State, going off to aid the ruthless invaders of Kentucky. The same paper has the following: Our officials were remarkably fortunate yesterday in the recovery of State arms, which had been secreted, with a view to their misapplication by members of the State Guard. Early in the day the three cannon, one a twelve-pounder and the others six-pounder, were taken from their hiding place and delivered over to our loyal friend Capt. Watkins, of the
, and affording a very good line of defence, if our forces should be driven back to the Green river country. Twenty-three miles North of this ridge is Elizabethtown, the seat of Hardin county, and of which it is reported that our forces under Gen. Buckner have taken possession, with a view to further operations at Muldraugh's hill, the tunnel through which is only four miles distant.--Muldraugh's hill is the great backbone of the State; it forms the water- shed for all the Green river drainage, six miles wide, and twelve miles from Louisville. From here to Louisville the country is a slightly undulating plain, with small creaks running through it, and studded with ponds. The public can see by this attempted reconnaissance, that if Gen. Buckner gets possession of the western passes of Muldraugh's hill, that there are none but artificial obstacles — such as Ronesser — to prevent him from occupying Louisville, which had by its last census 76,210 inhabitants. From there, co-operation w
r Gen. Sherman, of Ohio, have possession of Muldraugh's hill. It is supposed Sherman has a force of about 3,500, a portion of which had reached Muldraugh's hill at last accounts. What the intention of the enemy is, is not known. It seems, General Buckner has not regarded Muldraugh's hill at a strategic point, and consequently did not invest it, as he was amply able to do. The latest intelligence from Louisville received at Rowling Green, confirms the reported arrest of Governor Morehead. before the advance of the Southern troops into Kentucky. Nothing is knows of Mr. Overton, the other editor. As far as could be learned, there was but very little enthusiam manifested in and about Louisville for the Lincoln cause. General Buckner was receiving large accessions daily of citizens of Kentucky. Another visit from the Lincoln our boats. The Memphis Appeal, of Tuesday, learns that on Saturday last the camp at Columbus was favored with another visit from two or th
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