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ingent and practicable scheme of non-importation, until all the unconstitutional revenue acts should be repealed. Such too was their zeal against the Slave-trade, they made a special covenant with one another, not to import any slaves, nor purchase any imported. These associations were signed by Peyton Randolph, Richard Bland, Archibald Cary, Robert Carter Nicholas, Richard Henry Lee, Washington, Carter Braxton, Henry, Jefferson, Nelson, and all the Burgesses of Virginia there assembled; Burk's History of Virginia, III. 348, 349. and were then sent throughout the country for the signature of every man in the Colony. Compare Washington to Colonel Bassett, Mount Vernon, 18 June, 1769; in Maxwell's Virginia Historical Register, III. 220. The voice of the Old Dominion roused the most temperate Province of Pennsylvania, from its slum- Chap. XL.} 1769. May. bers to express through its merchants their approval of what had been done. Delaware did still better. Her Assembly ado
otetourt, the King's own Friend, communicated to the Assembly of Virginia the ministerial promises of a partial repeal, and with the most solemn asseverations abdicated in the King's name all further intentions of taxing America. The Council, in its reply, advised the entire repeal of the existing taxes; the Burgesses expressed their gratitude for information sanctified by the royal word; and considered the King's influence to be pledged towards perfecting the happiness of all his people. Burk's Virginia, III. 352. Botetourt was so pleased with their Address, that he found his prospect brighten, and praising their loyalty, wished them freedom and happiness, till time should be no more. The flowing and confident assurances of Botetourt encouraged the expectation that the unproductive tax on tea would also be given up. Such was his wish; and such the advice of Eden, the new Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Eden to Hillsborough, 23 Nov. To the Legislature of New-York, Colden, wh