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First Lieutenant William F. Rice, in command of company. Co. C.Capt. William L. Palmer, A. A.I. G., 2nd Div. 2nd Corps. First Lieut. William M. Curtis, acting adjutant. Second Lieut. Joseph W. Snellen, in command. Present sick. Transferred from Co. I, Jan. 22, 1864. Co. H.First Lieut. Charles S. Palmer, in command of company. Loss. Recruits transferred to Twentieth Massachusetts Regiment, Jan. 14, 1864, by Special Order 11, Army of Potomac. Co. A.Privates James Boyle. Michael Burke. Henry Bode. Daniel Burray. Thomas Mack. Thomas Ripley. Charles Trapp. James Benedict. George Collins. James F. Aytoun. Samuel Goodnow. Henry Brailey. Charles Brown. Henry Bartlett. Thomas Dawson. Co. B.Charles Abraham. Frank Bartley. Henry Connor. Charles Cook. James Cooper. David G. Copp. Philip Carey. Duncan Crawford. Andrew Cronan. Francis W. Devine. William Dow. Stephen Doer. Edward Dillon. John F. Jordan. Co. C.Edward C. Doherty. Thomas A. Dow. Reu
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
‘61; 23; re-en. Dec. 21, ‘63; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Burgess, Win., priv., (A), July 26, ‘61; 21; M. O. Aug. 28, ‘64 as Corp. Burke, Michael S., priv., (A), July 27, ‘63; 22; sub. Freeman C. Spindle; transf. to 20th M. V. Jan. 14, ‘64. Burke, PatriBurke, Patrick, priv., (D), Aug. 19, ‘61; 18; never joined for duty. Burke, Ulick, priv., (G), Feb. 23, ‘64; 21; deserted Apr. 1, 1864 at Cole's Hill, Va. Burke, Wm. J., priv., (H), July 26, ‘61; 20; deserted, Aug. 20, ‘61. Burmingham, Jas., priv., (E), Aug. Burke, Ulick, priv., (G), Feb. 23, ‘64; 21; deserted Apr. 1, 1864 at Cole's Hill, Va. Burke, Wm. J., priv., (H), July 26, ‘61; 20; deserted, Aug. 20, ‘61. Burmingham, Jas., priv., (E), Aug. 28, ‘61; 40; transf. to V. R.C., Sept. 12, ‘63. Burnham, George, priv., (I), Aug. 4, ‘63; 21; sub. Geo. E. Cobb ; transf. to 20th M. V. Jan. 14, 1864. Burnham, Geo. A., priv., (F), Aug. 9, ‘61; 18; disch. Nov. 13, 1862 to re-en. in 4th U. S. ABurke, Wm. J., priv., (H), July 26, ‘61; 20; deserted, Aug. 20, ‘61. Burmingham, Jas., priv., (E), Aug. 28, ‘61; 40; transf. to V. R.C., Sept. 12, ‘63. Burnham, George, priv., (I), Aug. 4, ‘63; 21; sub. Geo. E. Cobb ; transf. to 20th M. V. Jan. 14, 1864. Burnham, Geo. A., priv., (F), Aug. 9, ‘61; 18; disch. Nov. 13, 1862 to re-en. in 4th U. S. Art'y. and deserted June 28, ‘63. Burnham, John B., priv., (H), Dec. 3, ‘61; 23; N. F.R. Burnham, Wm. H., priv., (H), Dec. 27, ‘61; 21; disch. disa. Mar. 1, ‘63. Burnham, Zenas, priv., (C), Sept. 10
bald, .............................................. 288, 322 Buchanan, James, .................................. 144, 153 Buckley, Cornelius, ........................................ 324 Bull Run, first, ..................................................... 273 Burbank, William, .................................................. 107, 10 Burgess, George N., ............................................ 286 Burgess House, ....................................................... 360 Burke, Michael, ...................................................... 290 Burkesville, Va., .................................................. 363 Burkittsville,............................................ ... 255 Burnham, George, ....................... ..................... . 293 Burnham, George A., ................................................... 193 Burns, Brigadier General, ........................................ ....55, 117 Burns, Joseph, .........................................
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Appendix A. (search)
H. O'Brien, John H. Septer, Wm. Watts. Captured—Privates Wm. Hogarty, John Lamb. Company E, Capt. John W. Torsch, commanding. Wounded—First Lieut. Wm. J. Broadfoot, mortally, Sergt. P. M. Moore, mortally, Corp. John Cain, Corp. James Reddie; privates, Michael Barry, Charles E. Byus, John Brown, Alex. Brandt, James Fallon, Edward Fallis, J. S. Halbig, James Lemates, John N. Martin, Wm. P. Moran, Daniel McGee, Frank Roberts, Herman H. Radeke, John Sullivan, Wm. A. Wilkinson. Captured— Michael Burke. Company F, Captain Andrew J. Gwynn, commanding. Killed—Henry G. Taylor. Wounded—Capt. Andrew J. Gwynn, Second-Lieut. John G. Hyland, First-Sergt. Nicholas J. Mills, Sergt. Joseph S. Wayner; privates, Andrew Leroy, Geo. H. Clagett, J. W. Clagett, Philip Doyle, Lemuel Dunnington, Benj. F. Dement, Benj. Hodges, Robert Holden, Minion F. Knott, Alex. V. Keepers, Samuel Polk, John W. Thompson, R. Wagner. Company G, Capt. Thomas R. Stewart, commanding. Killed—Second-Lieut. William
Bound over. --John and Michael Burke, for threatening to beat Michael Walls, were held to bail by the Mayor yesterday.
npaying tenants in a lawful manner, and held him to bail to keep the peace, especially as to the complainant, in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. The surety was immediately forthcoming, and Mr. Phealan was discharged.--Frank Johnson, Michael Burke, John Dunnavant, and John Strahan, were arraigned upon the charge of having, between ten and eleven o'clock Friday night, broken the door and windows of the dwelling-house of Susan Barker, and beaten Sydnor Alexander, besides having treated sby the parties implicated, all of whom protested that they had gone into the house as peace makers, having heard much commotion therein, and two of whom appeared to be less guilty than their comrades, the Alderman discharged Frank Johnson and Michael Burke with a word of admonition, and committed John Dunnavant and John Strahan to jail.--Jordan Miller and Augustus Miller were called up to answer the charge of having unlawfully broken a window and a door in the house of J. L. Mosby. The witness