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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
as captain of the Second Company, and was promoted to Colonel of Artillery, and fell on May 6, 1864, in the Wilderness, was elected Second Lieutenant. The company on the John Brown raid was armed as infantry with muskets. Respectfully, J. V. S. M'Creery. The roll is follows: Captain, George W. Randolph. Orderly Sergeant, G. G. Otey. Privates: James A. August, Robert M. Anderson, Thomas S. Armistead, A. M. Archer, Wilson N. Bugg, John Thompson Brown, William H. Blackadar, William P. Burwell, Oscar Cranz, Charles Crane, Henry C. Carter, John Esten Cooke, W. W. Caldwell, James Ellett, Horace Edmund, James B. Ficklen, Alex. B. Guigon, Joseph H. Ghio, E. S. Hubbard, A. L. Holladay, Henry S. Jones, William H. Lipscomb, Lucian Lewis, Dr. Theodore P. Mayo, John Mathews, Paul Michaux, Thomas J. Macon, Lawrence S. Marye, T. G. Peachy, Hugh R. Pleasants, Dr. William P. Palmer, Thomas Pollard, Jr., Edward Pistolette, Robert W. Powers, Hugh L. Powell, John B. Royall, John C. Shields
Political. --The discussion between Messrs. Lyons and Gilmer, at Metropolitan Hall, was listened to by a large audience. The headquarters of the Breckinridge Democracy will be open to-day and Monday for the enrollment of voters. Hon. John S. Pendleton addressed the Bell and Everett party at the Club House on Thursday night. His speech is pronounced an able one by those who heard it. --The Bell and Everett Club of Manchester will be addressed to-night by Messrs. Crane and Burwell. The Commissioners, Conductors, and Clerks, appointed to serve at the election next Tuesday, are requested to meet at the office of the City Sergeant, on Monday afternoon, at 4½ o'clock. Hon. D. C. Dejarnette will address the people of Henrico, at the Court-House, on Monday.
Bell and Everett Club(Manchester.) --The Club will assemble at the African Church, Manchester, this (Saturday) evening, at 7½ o'clock.--Messrs. A. J. Crane, Wm. P. Burwell, and other speakers, are expected. The ladies are most cordially invited to be with us, [no 3--1t*] Wm. W. Weisiger, Pres't
Virginia Guard. --The following officers were elected on Tuesday night, at a meeting of this company: Captain, Samuel T. Bayly; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. P. Burwell; 3d Lieutenant, Thos. A. Brander; 1st Sergeant, Jos. A. Johnson. This company organized with seventy men on the roll.
Admitted. --Peachy R. Grattan, Wm. P. Burwell, and B. R. Wellford, yesterday qualified as attorneys to practice in the Confederate States District Court.
Man the batteries! By a vast expenditure of money and labor a chain of fortifications has been constructed in the neighborhood of Richmond; but it can hardly be supposed that these works will be of much efficiency if left to protect themselves. An effort is now in progress among some of our citizens to raise a regiment for home service, and we cannot entertain a doubt of the speedy success of the movement Messrs. J. Pannill and Wm. P. Burwell are authorized to enlist companies for the purpose, as will be seen by a card which they publish to-day. This affords a fine opportunity for an exercise of patriotism, without any great sacrifice of personal convenience. A meeting will be held at the City Hall at half-past 7 o'clock this evening and we invoke the attendance of every man who is willing to devote himself to the cause of his country and his home.
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Federal launch on the Attakapas Coast — capture of the Confederate Schr. Purdy. (search)
Home defence. --A meeting of citizens was held at the City Hall on Saturday night to make arrangements for the organization of a battalion to serve in the batteries near home, in accordance with a notice published in the papers of that day. Col. Wyndham Robertson presided. The object of the meeting was explained by Wm. P. Burwell, Esq., and a committee was appointed to propose a plan for future action, and report to an adjourned meeting on Tuesday night. A satisfactory account of the state of feeling on the South side of the river was given by Col. Burfoot, of Manchester. An appeal was made to the citizens by A. A. Hughes, Esq., who, we learn, is authorized to recruit a company for home service. We hope the meeting on Tuesday night will be largely attended.
at eight o'clock, to take into consideration the manning of the batteries around the city. The Government has incurred considerable expense in the erection of these batteries, and every consideration now demands that they should be forthwith manned. If the citizens of Richmond and the surrounding counties do not volunteer, troops from other quarters will be taken and trained for this purpose, and the militia here will be taken to supply their places elsewhere. Will it not, then, be more in accordance with the patriotic spirit of this city that her batteries and her great property interests should be committed to no other hands than those of her own citizens? Governor Letcher has authorized Messrs. J. Pannill, and Wm. P. Burwell, to say that he will receive any number of men in companies or battalions for this special service. Let all citizens, both of the city and the counties of Henrico and Chesterfield, who desire to forward this landable purpose, go to the City Hall to-night.
ar Department that it will receive from him a regiment enlisted for twelve months, for the special service of manning the batteries in and around the city of Richmond. Many persons have objected to entering the Army in the ground that they would sacrifice too much by leaving home to protect the frontiers; that such an excuse does not hold good in his instance. They will not be required to go away, but kept here for local protection, should that become necessary. Though judging from present indications, they will have little else to do besides taking care of the guns on the fortifications, and studying the duties of the soldier. This is the most favorable chance that has yet offered for Richmond men to enter the service, and surely there should be no hesitation in coming forward to fill up the ranks of the regiment. We are requested to state that persons forming companies for this special service in the city or county will apply forth, with to W. J. Pannill or William P. Burwell.
Military Matters. --The following officers have been commissioned by Gov. Letcher in the regiment to be raised here for the purpose of manning some of the batteries in and around Richmond, viz: Capt. Robert Tansill as Colonel; John Pannill as Lieutenant-Colonel, and Wm. P. Burwell as Major. We are not sufficiently informed to enable us to state what progress has been made in raising the regiment (which is done, as usual, by companies) but believe that the officers indulge sanguine hopes of soon having the requisite complement of men for the purpose above indicated. The following officers have been commismissioned by the Governor to command a Light Artillery Battery in the Provisional Army of Virginia, viz: Col. Greenlee Davidson, (formerly A. D. C. to the Governor,) Captain; John Tyler (of M. and T.) Senior 1st Lieutenant; John A. Brander, Junior 1st do., and Charies Ellis Munford, 2d do. The company is understood to be already raised and ready for service, owing to the act