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General readers are scarcely likely to be interested in minute details of the organization of the army, but perhaps it will be convenient to have a roster by corps and divisions, at least. First corps--Major-General Reynolds. after General Reynolds's death, General Newton was assigned by General Meade to the command of this corps. First division,Gen. Wadsworth. Second division,Gen. Doubleday. Third division,Gen. Robinson. Second corps--Major-General Hancock. First division,Gen. Caldwell. Second division,Gen. Gibbons. Third division,Gen. Hayes. Third corps--Major-General Sickles. First division,Gen. Ward. Second division,Gen. Humphrey. Fifth corps, (lately Meade's,) Major-Gen. Sykes. First division,Gen. Barnes. Second division,Gen. Sykes. Eleventh corps--Major-General Howard. First division,Major-Gen. Carl Schurz. Second division,Brigadier-Gen. Steinwehr. Third division,Brigadier-Gen. Barlow. Twelfth corps-major-general Slocum. First division,Ge
rove the enemy from a fence on their front, when they were recalled to form in the rearguard. They lost fourteen men. Companies L, E, and F, under Captain Schofield and Lieutenant Newton, were deployed to the right of the town, company I, Lieutenant Caldwell, acting as a reserve force. L and E made one charge in skirmish line, and carried a house from behind which the enemy had annoyed our line seriously. These four companies lost fifteen men. The remainder of the Vermont regiment was held imain body. The officers and men of this rear-guard behaved nobly, and many really shed tears because they could not carry out their orders to the letter. The First Vermont lost fifty men in this retreat. Lieutenant Stuart, of company G; Lieutenant Caldwell, of company I, and Sergeant Hill, of company C, were among the wounded. Stuart and Hill were left upon the field. It was four o'clock P. M. when General Kilpatrick, with the main column, reached the crest of the hill overlooking Willia
in Merrill's front. Coming to the river-bank at this point, Glover's brigade was called off, utterly exhausted. Time was every thing in entering the city, and General Davidson called up Colonel Ritter's brigade, which, up to this time, had been in reserve. The First Missouri, by a gallant sabre-charge, cleared the corn-field in Merrill's front, and then, dismounting, deployed as skirmishers to the relief of his brigade. The Third Iowa and Thirteenth Illinois, accompanied by Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, General Davidson's Chief of Staff, were ordered to charge into the city with drawn sabres. The river was immediately upon the right flank of the advancing column, but the left presented a continuous shelter, from which the rebels saluted it with a galling fire of musketry as it passed. Disregarding it altogether, the column pushed forward at a sweeping gallop, driving the rebel gunners away from a sixty-four pounder which was annoying Steele very much, before they could even co
river, and moved up the south bank, turning the enemy's right, and assaulting the city in the rear. All necessary orders were given by me that night. Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, Captain Hadley, and Captain Gerster of my staff, worked all night at the cutting of the bluff bank of the river, the location of the batteries, and theand wounded. That of the enemy is not yet known. Among their killed is Colonel Corley, commanding General Dodbins's former regiment. My whole staff--Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, Captains Hadley, Gerster, Lieutenants Montgomery, McGunnegle, Gray, Sprague, and Surgeon Smith, Quartermaster Johnson, and Captain Thompson, Commissaryve brigade, deserve honorable mention. Colonel Glover deserves, for his services throughout this campaign, promotion to the rank of a general officer. Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, whose untiring devotion and energy never flagged during the night or day, deserves for his varied accomplishments as a cavalry officer, promotion to th
d. About six o'clock we resumed our march, and soon crossed the ford at Auburn. The First division, commanded by General Caldwell, fell into line of battle on the heights beyond. So secure did we feel that the men were ordered to stack their armup its line of march in the following order: General Hayes's Third division leading, followed by the First division, General Caldwell, the rear being brought up by General Webb's Second division. On reaching a point near the railroad, some three mt the wagon road. General Hayes's division was marched by the right flank, and took position to the left of Webb, while Caldwell faced the railroad and awaited action. A section of Brown's battery, company A, First Rhode Island artillery, was thrthe fighting was done by General Webb's and General Hayes's division, with the artillery; but it was only so because General Caldwell, who was on the left, was employed in watching a heavy force of rebels which was massed in the woods across the rail
e of Pine Bluff, Ark. Official report of Colonel Clayton. headquarters army of Arkansas, little Rock, Ark., Nov. 8, 1863. Major: I have the honor to inclose Colonel Clayton's report of his gallant defence of Pine Bluff, also Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell's report of his pursuit of Marmaduke. Caldwell captured more property than fell into the possession of Marmaduke during his raid. Very respectfully, Major, Your obedient servant, Frederick Steele, Major-General Commanding. MajoCaldwell captured more property than fell into the possession of Marmaduke during his raid. Very respectfully, Major, Your obedient servant, Frederick Steele, Major-General Commanding. Major O. D. Green, A. A. G., Department of the Missouri. headquarters post of Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, Oct. 27, 1863. General: I respectfully submit. to you the following report of the battle fought at this place October twenty-fifth, between General Marmaduke's forces and the garrison at this post. About eight o'clock in the morning, I sent Lieutenant Clark, Fifth Kansas cavalry, with one company, out in the direction of Princetown. He did not go far before he met the enemy advancing in for