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Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
was resumed, and the two columns reunited at Warrenton, in the afternoon, when another halt was madth Hampton's division, retired slowly toward Warrenton, in order to draw the enemy in that directioon, on the road from Culpeper Court-House to Warrenton. There an obstinate fight took place, whichon. Two thousand cavalry were sent down from Warrenton to reconnoitre in the direction of Catlett'spass him by unnoticed, and leave his road to Warrenton clear. The enemy were moving so near our podevice for informing General Lee, who was at Warrenton, of his situation. He called for three voluolumn, and crossing it, to make their way to Warrenton, and say to General Lee that he was surround gallant comrades obeyed orders, and reached Warrenton in safety. The last division of the enemy. That night, General Stuart pushed on to Warrenton. He had guarded the flank of the army, drivfrom General Lee's army, (then retiring from Warrenton toward the Rappahannock,) General Stuart wit[4 more...]
Thoroughfare Mountain (Alaska, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
iew. We had the Yankees on what is called a big drive. Some of the incidents of the campaign may be interesting. One division of the cavalry corps, under General Fitz Lee, was left on the Rapidan, to watch the enemy below, while General Stuart advanced with Hampton's division to protect the flank of the army, then moving toward Madison Court-House, from observation. This division consisted of the brigades of Gordon, Young, and Jones; Colonel Funsten commanding the latter. At Thoroughfare Mountain, General Gordon, whose brigade led the advance, encountered a regiment of infantry, and attacked with his habitual gallantry and skill. A brisk action ensued between the opposing sharp-shooters, the enemy giving way from the first. Just as they were breaking, Young's brigade, which General Stuart had taken round to the left, came down in a thundering charge on the flank of the Federals, and dispersed, killed, or captured nearly the entire party of about four hundred infantry and th
Madison (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
ent campaign in Northern Virginia. From the information in our reach, we make up a hasty and imperfect narrative. It would appear to have been General Lee's plan to send A. P. Hill's corps by a route west of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad to Manassas Junction, there to cut off Meade's retreat, whilst Ewell's corps followed on the right flank of the retreating enemy, and would be ready to fall upon his rear when he should be brought to a stand. In furtherance of this plan, Hill left Madison country on or about the eighth instant, and moved toward Sperryville. On the same day Ewell crossed the Rapidan at Raccoon Ford. At this place occurred the first cavalry fight, in which we drove the enemy back, but not without sustaining considerable loss. Here Newton and other gallant officers fell. Meade having apparently seen through the designs of General Lee, began his retreat simultaneously with our advance, and, having the benefit of the railroad, and moving on a direct line, i
Gainesville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
, and fled in confusion, pursued by General Stuart nearly to Haymarket, and by General Lee to Gainesville. Here the Federal infantry was encountered, and after capturing a number of them during thffered during this war. Crossing at Buckland, General Fitz Lee pushed down the pike toward Gainesville, while I with the few men of Gordon's and Rosser's brigades, who could be collected after ourthem over the fields, capturing many. General Lee pressed down to within a short distance of Gainesville, when he encountered their infantry, and captured prisoners from the First army corps on thatket, which was driven away after some sharp fighting, and then proceeding more to the left by Gainesville, he crossed the Catharpin and Tittle River, struck into the turnpike below Aldie, and proceedcalled one of the best practical (cavalry) jokes of the war. As our cavalry fell back from Gainesville, on the next day, the great Buckland Races took place. General Kilpatrick came down from Bul
Slaughter Mountain (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
th brush. The run crosses the railroad at right angles under a high bridge, at the eastern end of which a dilapidated windmill stands, formerly used for pumping water for the use of the road. About three fourths of a mile west of Bristoe is Cedar Run, a small stream; but, from its depth of mud and water, difficult to ford. On the north side of the track, about thirty rods west of the bridge, is a solitary house, or rather shanty, which, though insignificant of itself, figures somewhat extee; the other fork crossing the track about twenty rods west of the bridge, and leading to the fork on the south side of the bridge. The road on the south side of the track runs parallel with the railroad; but a branch makes off to the right at Cedar Run, and crosses Broad Run about thirty rods south of the bridge. East of Broad Run, about a hundred rods distant, is a belt of timber perhaps a quarter of a mile wide, east of which the country on the south side of the track is open to Manassas.
Bull Run Mountain (Nevada, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
en killed and wounded in the fight. The enemy admit a severe loss, but they left but few dead upon the field. Before the main body of our army could get up, the battle was over. That night our men were drawn up in line of battle, but when the day broke on Thursday morning, the enemy was gone. Our forces followed them as far as Manassas Junction, and resting here a day, began a retrograde movement toward the Rappahannock. Our cavalry on Thursday crossed Bull Creek, near the foot of Bull Run Mountain, and made a reconnoissance as far as Centreville, where they were driven back by the enemy's infantry. Thus ended this famous retreat and pursuit. Our army returned to the Rappahannock, having lost in the campaign about one thousaud men, killed, wounded, and prisoners, and having taken near two thousand prisoners. Of the enemy's loss in killed and wounded we have no means of making an estimate. During the pursuit our troops never made over twelve miles a day. The results of the ca
Jeffersonton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
the morning of the twelfth the army marched in two columns, with the design of reaching the Orange and Alexandria railroad north of the river, and interrupting the retreat of the enemy. After a skirmish with some of the Federal cavalry, at Jeffersonton, we reached the Rappahannock at Warrenton Springs in the afternoon, where the passage of the river was disputed by cavalry and artillery. The enemy was quickly driven off by a detachment of our cavalry, aided by a small force of infantry and e big drive all by themselves. At nightfall the Federals were driven with heavy loss back to and then beyond the river, and our weary but triumphant boys desisted from the long pursuit. On the next day--Monday--General Stuart flanked up to Jeffersonton, where the enemy made a brief but hot fight, taking refuge in the church and stone houses. They were speedily driven out, however, and our troops pushed on to Warrenton Springs. Here another fight occurred — cavalry and infantry, sharp-shoot
Haymarket (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
tuart heard the sound of Lee's guns he turned upon the enemy, who, after a stubborn resistance, broke, and fled in confusion, pursued by General Stuart nearly to Haymarket, and by General Lee to Gainesville. Here the Federal infantry was encountered, and after capturing a number of them during the night, the cavalry slowly retirle I with the few men of Gordon's and Rosser's brigades, who could be collected after our unusually long chase, moved around to our left, and pressed down toward Haymarket. Here I encountered, besides a large cavalry force, the First army corps, who retired a short distance beyond Haymarket, on the Carolina road. I attacked theirHaymarket, on the Carolina road. I attacked their infantry pickets by moonlight, and scattered them over the fields, capturing many. General Lee pressed down to within a short distance of Gainesville, when he encountered their infantry, and captured prisoners from the First army corps on that road also. The pursuit was continued until after dark. The cavalry force was commande
Broad Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
f the enemy ascertained, he retreated across Broad Run. The next morning he was reported to be forre the village once was, just at the west of Broad Run, about three miles west of Manassas Junctio our army on its march. On the west side of Broad Run the country is hilly up to the woods, and soies of our own forces were located. West of Broad Run, extending for a few rods, is low ground, roies for sharp-shooters. On the east side of Broad Run, for a hundred rods, is an open plain, with ailroad. The roads from the west run across Broad Run as follows: The one on the north side of the eastern edge of the wood looking out toward Broad Run. The rear of the Fifth corps was just crosse of the railroad, with its right resting on Broad Run and its left at the wagon road. General Hayf the Fifth corps had crossed to the east of Broad Run, and that Warren was preparing for a fight, , brought off all our wounded, and came over Broad Run in perfect order and safety. We have not [6 more...]
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 191
oncerted plan, in surrounding the place, and capturing nearly the whole force stationed there, with all their stores and transportation; only a few escaped to Harper's Ferry. The enemy advanced from that place, in superior numbers, to attack General Imboden, who retired, bringing off his prisoners and captured property, his commahe building with artillery, at less than two hundred yards, and with half a dozen shells drove out the enemy into the streets, where he formed and fled toward Harper's Ferry. At the edge of the town he was met by the Eighteenth cavalry, Colonel Imboden's and Gilmore's battalions. One volley was exchanged, when the enemy threw endered unconditionally. The Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, and five others, who were mounted, fled at the first fire, and ran the gauntlet, and escaped toward Harper's Ferry. The force I captured was the Ninth Maryland regiment, and three companies of cavalry, numbering between four and five hundred men and officers. I have not
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