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Western Virginia. --There can be no Virginia unless it include both Eastern and Western Virginia. Cameron, the execrable Secretary of War of the Lincoln Despotism, has presented to the servile Congress of that loathsome tyranny a map in which Eastern Virginia is attached to Maryland, and Virginia beyond the mountains is traced out as the only Virginia that is to exist hereafter. Cameron's definition of our boundaries of course cannot prevail, unless we of the South are subjugated. The Cameron's definition of our boundaries of course cannot prevail, unless we of the South are subjugated. The decisive battles, however, must be fought in Virginia. We may therefore say, that if we cannot hold Western Virginia we cannot hold Eastern Virginia, and if we cannot hold Virginia we can hardly defend the South. A shrewd Northwestern man, who is true to the South, declared to us a few days since that if the Southern Confederacy did not maintain its power over Western Virginia, Western Virginia would conquer Eastern Virginia. We consider the remark at least striking. The importance o
Cameron's report. --Naturalists tell us that the ostrich, when closely pursued, buries his bead in the sand of the desest presentable, that do not enjoy the same advantage. Cameron is gifted with commendable powers of invention — at least into difficulties, but they got no assistance in return. Cameron tells us that the same proportion of Yankeedom called into to him from the South, he never would have saved it. Cameron thinks lightly of the victory at Manassas. General McClel it than the Secretary. Nevertheless, "I doubt not," says Cameron, "that the army now assembled on the Potomac, will, under it talked about. But we want also to make a bar gain with Cameron. He has boasted of his six hundred and fifty thousand mences of July, to cover the shame of a disgraceful rout. If Cameron will agree to this, he may send on his army as soon as he s. But no more lying. Let everybody take notice that Cameron says he has force enough to contend with any nation on ear
t that there had been a row in the Cabinet, and that the quarrel was chiefly between Seward and Cameron; that the former announced his intention to resign if Cameron's report was not changed, and thaCameron's report was not changed, and that Cameron swore he would resign if it was; and, finally, that it was agreed that it should be partially altered; that Cameron submitted gracefully, and harmony was restored. This whole statement wasCameron swore he would resign if it was; and, finally, that it was agreed that it should be partially altered; that Cameron submitted gracefully, and harmony was restored. This whole statement was an invention of a fellow who had been snubbed by Gen. Cameron, because the latter had refused to comply with the former's demands for contracts. The falsifier was sent for by a Government officer aCameron submitted gracefully, and harmony was restored. This whole statement was an invention of a fellow who had been snubbed by Gen. Cameron, because the latter had refused to comply with the former's demands for contracts. The falsifier was sent for by a Government officer and properly reprimanded. That the Message and reports were examined and properly discussed, and is the practice in such cases, is true; some were perhaps modified; but that the best of good feeling Gen. Cameron, because the latter had refused to comply with the former's demands for contracts. The falsifier was sent for by a Government officer and properly reprimanded. That the Message and reports were examined and properly discussed, and is the practice in such cases, is true; some were perhaps modified; but that the best of good feeling prevailed between the President and different members of the Cabinet, and that such feeling exists, now, is a positive and well known fact. What the New York Herald says of old Abe's Message.