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renville's opinions and policy, and, as such, was circulated in America; its reputed author was Campbell, crown agent for Georgia. He, said those who paid him court, is not such a minister as his pred in the chap. IX.} 1763. Oct. colonies, not more than one tenth part was sent from England. Campbell, 93. Grenville held that the contraband was all stolen from the commerce and part of it from th wherever the Acts of Navigation are disregarded, the connection is actually broken already. Campbell. Nor did this monopoly seem to him a wrong; he claimed for England the exclusive trade with itsject to quit-rent; so that the new settlements would consist entirely of the king's tenants, Campbell, 7. and would owe their landlord a large annual rental. In the small West India islands, an agifficulties of union among the colonies by increasing the number of independent governments. Campbell, 17, 18. The boundary of Massachusetts, both on the east and on the north, was clearly defi
ter? Besides, all charters, he insisted, were under the control of the legislature. Calvert to Sharpe, 9 Feb. 1765. The colonies claim, it is true, he continued, the privilege which is common to all British subjects, of being taxed only with their own consent, given by their representatives, and may they ever enjoy the privilege in all its extent: may this sacred pledge of liberty be preserved inviolate to the utmost verge of our dominions, and to the latest pages of our history. Campbell's Regulations. Report of Grenville's Speech, in New-York Gaz., 16 May, 1765. 1167, 3, 1. But the remonstrances of the Americans, he insisted, failed in the great point of the colonies not being represented in parliament. Letters from London to a friend in Connecticut. Calvert to Lieut.-Gov. H. Sharpe, 9 Feb. 1765. Letter from a gentleman in London, to a gentleman in Charlestown, 8 Feb. 1765. It was the common council of the whole empire, and as such was as chap. XI.} 1765. Feb. capa
and Camden), I declare, as a lawyer, they have forfeited all their chap. XXII.} 1766. Feb. charters. My Lords, the colonies are become too big to be governed by the laws they at first set out with. They have, therefore, run into confusion, and it will be the policy of this country to form a plan of laws for them. If they withdraw allegiance, you must withdraw protection; and then the petty state of Genoa, or the little kingdom of Sweden, may run away with them. Benjamin Franklin Campbell's Chancellors, v. 204. stood listening below the bar, while the highest judicial magistrate of Great Britain was asserting the absolute, unconditional dependence of the colonies on parliament, and advising radical changes in their constitutions. Next rose Lord Mansfield, to whose authority the House of Lords paid greater deference than to that of any man living. Newton's Life of himself, 108. To him belonged the sad office of struggling to preserve the past, in which success is imposs