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point to any one act which offers just ground of complaint. Russell is no doubt determined to do all he can to prevent another Alabama affair. But unless his efforts are supported by public opinion they will be unavailing. And certainly unless the temper of the country alters, it is difficult to see how it can be avoided." In the House of Commons, on the 16th, Mr. Horsfall gave notice of his intention to call attention to the seizure of the gunboat Alexandria at Liverpool. Lord R. Cecil asked if it was true that spies had been sent to Liverpool to watch the dockyards and the Confederate agents? Sir G. Grey denied that any spies had been employed by the Government. The facts were these: Earl Russell had received a letter from the American Minister containing various allegations in reference to the infringement of the foreign enlistments act at Liverpool. The Mayor of Liverpool had consequently been requested to make inquiries; but no suggestion had been made as to
no doubt, if the House allowed the Emperor of the French to use Mr. Roebuck a his second ambassador to sound his opinions against the Government of the day, we should soon drift into a war with America. He combatted the opinions of Mr. Roebuck, and showed that the proposals for mediation last autumn, had led to the Conscription act, and maintained that the motion, if carried, would render peace between the North and the South impossible, and would inevitably involve us in the war. Lord R. Cecil supported the motion, which, if carried, would, in his opinion, have a great moral effect upon the duration of the war. It was in vain to suppose the North could conquer the South, and therefore the continuance of hostilities was a gigantic crime. The English Government was now the sole obstacle to the recognition of the South, and as such it was responsible to England and to every one. Mr. Bright said that the honorable member for Sheffield had left them in no manner of doubt as t
The Daily Dispatch: March 15, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Confederate Navy--Exploits of the Alabama. (search)
the first instance, in consequence of instructions sent out to the Cape, founded on a former supposed condition of things. The Tuscaloosa was not in port when those instructions arrived; but when she returned the Governor, acting upon those instructions, seized her. Upon further representations, however, and a full consideration of the case, it has been determined that there are no proper grounds internationally for seizing her, and orders have been sent out to set her at liberty. Lord R. Cecil--May I ask whether compensation will be given for the injury? [Hear, hear] Lord Palmerston--The noble lord has not given notice of his question. [Laughter.] In the House of Commons, on the 26th ultimo, Lord Palmerston assented to the production of the papers relative to the seizure of the Tuscaloosa. The Tuscaloosa —— a British ship Boarded The following account of the boarding of the British ship East, of Liverpool, on her passage from London to Bombay, by the Confed