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The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
ometres before reaching Perryville this road encounters a stream called Doctor's Creek, which, although dry at that time, still presented a few muddy pools in its bed; it was the only water within reach of the Federals. Sheridan, whose division formed the head of Gilbert's column, took possession of it on the evening of the 9th, and placed his outposts along the ridge of the hills which rose on the other side. These hills separated the valley of Doctor's Creek from that of another stream, Chaplin's Creek, which, after following the same direction from south to north, joins the former not far from there. The village of Perryville is situated at a point where the road crosses Chaplin's Creek, the sources of which are somewhat higher up. The whole of this region is deeply ravined and thickly wooded; it is impossible either to see or to hear for any great distance. Hardee, with his two divisions, was encamped on the heights, which beyond Perryville border the left bank of Chaplin's
ome parts of the fort, and where they attempted to escape the ground was covered with their bodies. One "pink-buttoned" or No. 1 Mandarin was shot by Capt. Prynne, of the Royal Marines, who was one of the first officers into the fort. I have since heard that it was the mandarin "second in command," a certain "Lieutenant General I," or some such name. Among the officers who particularly distinguished themselves, I may mention Capt. Gregory and Lieut Rogers of the 44th, Lieuts. Burslem and Chaplin of the 67th, and Lieut. Kempson of the 99th, who is Aidde Camp to Brigadier Reeves, of the Fourth Brigade. Some of these officers, I believe, have been recommended for the Victoria Cross, and certainly deserve it well. The gallant old Brigadier Reeves was wounded in four places, I hear, but refused to be removed to the rear, and still remains with his brigade. Col. Travers, of the Royal Marines, Col. Mann and Major Graham it is superfluous to mention, as the dispatches will doubtless do
U. S. Ship Pawnee, Potomac River, June 25, 1861. This ship, commanded by Commander Rowan, accompanied by the tender, James Guy, left Aquia Creek this morning for Mathias' Point, carrying Capt. Woodbury, U. S. Engineers, and Capt. Palmer, U. S. Topographical Engineers, to make a reconnoissance there, to learn whether batteries were or were not being erected there. At 5 A. M., Capt. Rowan sent an expedition of 40 men, sailors and marines, ashore in two boats, in charge of Lieut. Chaplin and Master Blue, all under Captain Woodbury's command. As the steamer approached, the enemy showed themselves in considerable numbers, but they scampered over the hills when the ship directed a few shells against them, and they were kept in check by an occasional shell while the expedition was ashore, enabling it to complete its work unmolested. Its sailors captured two horses, saddled and bridled, compelling the riders to seek safety in the flight. One of our men received a slight wo
r was composed of the Freeborn men; the latter of those of the Pawnee. The erection of a sand-bag battery by the Pawnee's men, under the superintendence of Lieutenant Chaplin, was then commenced at the summit of the table land up the acclivity, at the foot of which the landing was effected. The ground was well chosen, for a strol the way to the commencement of Jotank creek, on the men, who were fast running for their boats and the Freeborn. The shots flew as thick as hail all around Lieut. Chaplin and men. The Major was among the last to leave the beach, seeing that the men were safe off. Several of the men had to swim for their lives, among them Mr. ChMr. Chaplin, who, as well as the rest, succeeded in gaining their boats. Not a tool nor a weapon was left behind. On board the Freeborn, when the enemy opened fire, Captain Ward came down from the gallows frame and seized a rifle, which he fired at the enemy, as did pilot Pierson and myself. We fired several shots, when the captai
furnish us with the following interesting information: The war on the Sea-coast — latest accounts from below. From the Charleston Mercury, of the 8th inst., we extract the following: Up to a late hour yesterday evening, all was quiet at the various military posts along the sea- coast. The enemy have threatened to burn every house and outbuilding they find deserted, and have already begun their work of vandalism, having applied the torch to the fine residences of Mr. Adams, Mr. Chaplin, and Mr. Wm. Fripp. The last-named gentleman is well known as having first introduced into use an excellent seed for Sea Island cotton. Three negroes from Barnwell Island, who were taken at Page's Point on Monday, report Mr. Trescot's house to have been occupied by a party of Yankee officers. A few days ago, Major Jones, (from York District,) of Col. Dunnovant's Regiment, S. C. V., sent three men in a canoe, to a small island off Cunningham's Bluff, to burn the cotton house and bar
eighteen years. the Federal gunboats. Names.Commanders.Guns. BricknerAct. Mas. J C. Giddings1 CeresAct. Mas. S A McDermaid2 ChasseurLt. Com. John West.6 Com. BarneyLt. Com. R D Renshaw2 Com. PerryLt. Com. C H Finsser2 DelawareLt Com S P Quackenbush3 GraniteAct. Mas. E Soomer1 GrenadeCom. W B Avery3 Gen. PutnamAct Mas W J Hoskiss2 HuzzarAct Mas Fred Crocker4 HunchbackLt Com E R Calhoun4 HetzelLt Com H K Davenport2 J. N SeymourAct Mas F S Welles2 LouisianaActing Master Holker4 LockwoodAct Mas S L Graves3 LancerAct Mas B Morley4 MorseAct Mas Peter Hayes2 PhiladelphiaAct Mas Silas Reynolds1 PioneerAct Mas Chas S Baker4 PicketAct Mas T P Ives4 RocketAct Mas Jas Lake3 RangerAct Mas J B Childs2 Stars and StripesLt Com Werner8 SouthfieldLt Com Behm4 ShawaneseAct Mas T S Woodward2 ShrapnelLt Com Ed Staples3 UnderwriterLt Com Jeffers4 Valley CityLt Com J C Chaplin5 Vidette4 WhiteheadLt Com French1 Young RoverAct Mas I B Studley5 Total guns94
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