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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 18: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—January, 1839, to March, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
nd,—and all have been alike mean looking. All our ideas of these people have been borrowed from books, and particularly from poetry and pictures. My account may serve to disenchant you of some of your notions with regard to them. Jan. 27. I have only time to say good-by, my dear Horace, and to renew my exhortations to you to be good and studious. When you next write direct to the care of Draper & Co., Paris. Give my love to mother and all the family. Ever your affectionate brother, Chas. To Professor Simon Greenleaf, Cambridge. London, Jan. 21, 1839. dear Greenleaf,—Your good long letter, and Mrs. Greenleaf's enclosed, came in due season. You know how thankful I am to hear of you and from you, and how I rejoice that the Law School still flourishes as it should, under the auspices of my friends. Often my heart untravelled fondly turns to those old haunts. How will they seem on my return? How will all my friends seem? And, last and heaviest question, how shall I s
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 21: Germany.—October, 1839, to March, 1840.—Age, 28-29. (search)
oston. How this sounds! I would gladly stay longer, if I could; but I must close this charmed book. I have spent more than five thousand dollars; and I cannot afford to travel longer. I wish you a deeper purse than I have, health to enjoy Europe, and the ability to profit by what you see. It is a glorious privilege, that of travel. Let us make the most of it. Gladden my American exile by flashes from the Old World. I will keep you advised of things at home. Ever affectionately yours, Chas. To George S. Hillard. Heidelberg, Feb. 8, 1840. dear Hillard,—Here in this retired place, I have just read in Galignani's, the horrible, the distressing, the truly dismal account of the loss of the Lexington. My blood boils when I think of the carelessness of life shown by the owners and managers of that steamer. To peril the precious lives of so many human beings! My God! Is it not a crime? With what various hopes were that hundred filled—now passed, through fire and water, to t
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 23: return to his profession.—1840-41.—Age, 29-30. (search)
r more than one term. Harrison comes in pledged not to be a candidate a second time. His example will establish a precedent which will operate like Jefferson's determining not to be a candidate a third time. As his election is favored by the merchants, I think it probable that trade will take a new start. There will be new confidence, which is the muscle of credit, and business will extend its arms freely again. Perhaps we may have another speculative mania. Ever affectionately yours, Chas. To his brother George. Boston, Nov. 30, 1840. dear George,—. . . We have just recovered from the political fever, and Van Buren has suffered the greatest defeat ever experienced by any candidate for the Presidency. Of course, after March 4, there will be some sweeping changes. Little, indeed nothing, is known with regard to them at present. I take very little interest in politics. . . . My course of life is even enough now. I vegetate at home; go to my office between nine and te
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, chapter 30 (search)
volume, when your admirable paper—the most interesting ever published—will appear. Ever thine, Chas. To Rev. Robert C. Waterston. Hancock Street, Saturday Evening [1844]. my dear Waterston,—tine's Russia, April, 1844. . . . Pray write long and cheerful letters to Mary. Ever yours, Chas. To his brother George. Boston, May 15, 1844. dear George,—Mary is at Springfield, and nea triumph. I do not feel strong enough for a long letter. Good-by! Ever affectionately yours, Chas. To his brother George. Boston, July 31, 1844. my dear George,—As I cannot yet hold a pen ousies cease. But I will stop my sermon, and sign with my own hand Your affectionate brother, Chas. To Henry W. Longfellow, he wrote:— I am as weak as a girl, but only want strength. You s moment, can hardly call herself independent of the United States. Your affectionate brother, Chas. To Dr. Samuel G. Howe. Boston, Aug. 27, 1844. dearest Howe,—My first letter, of an
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 27: services for education.—prison discipline.—Correspondence.— January to July, 1845.—age, 34. (search)
Eothen is a vivid, picturesque book, by a man of genius. What are you doing? When do you set your face Westward? I suppose Wheaton will be recalled; and I was told yesterday that Irving would be also, in all probability. . . . Ever thine, Chas. To Thomas Crawford. Boston, May 10, 1845. my dear Crawford,—I suppose you have not yet received the letter from the students. I believe they postponed it till you are known to be in Boston. They confine their order to the limits of theirrevious to taking charge of that which is to be built in Rhode Island. Felton has lost his wife,—a woman of rare self-forgetfulness and simplicity of character. All well but Hillard, whose exquisite soul frets its feeble body. Ever thine, Chas. To Dr. Francis Lieber. Boston, June 3, 1845. dear Lieber,—We have your dear wife and the three boys among us. I am glad to see them, and have already enjoyed two pleasant drives with her,—one in order to find a pleasant home for the summe