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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Conciliation measures. (search)
Conciliation measures. In the midst of the hot debate in Parliament, in 1775, on the New England restraining bill. Lord North astonished the King, the ministry and the nation by himself bringing forward a conciliatory proposition, not unlike that offered by Chatham just before (Feb. 1), which required the colonists to acknowledge the supremacy and superintending power of Parliament, but provided that no tax should ever be levied except by the consent of the colonial assemblies. It also contained a provision for a congress of the colonies to vote, at the time of making this acknowledgment, a free grant to the King of a certain perpetual revenue, to be placed at the disposal of Parliament. All the assemblies rejected the proposition. A committee of the Continental Congress, to which the proposition had been referred, made a report (July 31, 1775), in which the generally unsatisfactory character and the unsafe vagueness of the ministerial offer were fully exposed. The Congres
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ingersoll, Robert Green 1833- (search)
rious Union, and he was the first to write these words: The United States of America. In May, 1775, Washington said: If you ever hear of me joining in any such measure (as separation from Great Britain) you have my leave to set me down for everything wicked. He had also said: It is not the wish or interest of the government (meaning Massachusetts), or of any other upon this continent, separately or collectively, to set up for independence. And in the same year Benjamin Franklin assured Chatham that no one in America was in favor of separation. As a matter of fact, the people of the colonies wanted a redress of their grievances—they were not dreaming of separation, of independence. In 1775 Paine wrote the pamphlet known as Common sense. This was published on Jan. 10, 1776. It was the first appeal for independence, the first cry for national life, for absolute separation. No pamphlet, no book, ever kindled such a sudden conflagration—a purifying flame, in which the prejudice
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Parliament, English (search)
undland fisheries, a principal branch of their trade and industry. In an address to the throne proposed by ministers (Feb. 7), it was declared that rebellion existed in Massachusetts, countenanced and fomented by unlawful combinations in other colonies. Effectual measures were recommended for suppressing the rebellion. The support of Parliament was pledged to the King. Then Lord North astonished his party and the nation by proposing a scheme for conciliation, not much unlike that of Chatham. It proposed that when any colony should offer to make a provision for raising a sum of money disposable by Parliament for the common defence, and should provide for the support of civil government and the administration of justice within its own limits, and such offer should be approved by the King, Parliament should forbear the levy of any duties or taxes within such colony, so long as it should be faithful to its promises, excepting such as might be required for the regulation of trade.