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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
to the river. But Polk, the chief over both Cheatham and Hindman, following the instructions sent e. A like order was sent at the same hour to Cheatham's strong division, which, as we have said, wact on the edge of the neighboring fields with Cheatham's first line. Cheatham has made forced marchike an irresistible blow upon a narrow front, Cheatham wants to cover with the three brigades of his have successively fought. This extension of Cheatham's lines weakens his forces by reducing their y the combined forces directed against him by Cheatham. The latter has brought up Strahl's brigade,elf obliged to follow Strahl in his retreat. Cheatham, in order to give the fugitives time to rallyand relieve, on the extreme right, Walker and Cheatham: thus he causes Cleburne almost to turn his bd also farther on their left the two lines of Cheatham's division, confine themselves to the rectifywhich was for the moment ignored. Walker and Cheatham, who were on the second line behind Hill, wer[27 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
Walker having been placed under the orders of Cheatham and Longstreet. In a council of war, held onntal preoccupations. On the 27th of October, Cheatham's division, which had been detached by Bragg side. It is at the moment when Stevenson and Cheatham are idle at Athens that General Samuel Jones,t the 1st of November, had thus again reduced Cheatham to the part of a simple division commander, an the south of Chattanooga three divisions of Cheatham's corps, under the orders of Stevenson, Jacks's division occupied the top of the mountain; Cheatham's, commanded by Jackson, was posted on the we by a depression on the ridge. Stevenson and Cheatham, who have reached before daybreak the neighboon, is on their right, extending his lines to Cheatham's. Stewart is deployed on the left. Thirty-sfallen Breckinridge's corps. Taking with him Cheatham's division, composed of soldiers better inuress task, because, while Baird is engaged with Cheatham, Wood is fortifying upon the crest and pickin[5 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the war in the South-West. (search)
o him that the reinforcements asked for by Polk could not, even by railroad, arrive in time to fight Sherman if the latter marched upon Mobile. But he was not listened to. He received on February 15th positive orders to send General Hardee with Cheatham's, Cleburne's, and Walker's divisions to Polk, and at once set about executing them. In the mean time, Sherman was only contemplating turning to account the easy conquest he had just made. He was waiting for the arrival of Sooy Smith with hi, would have caused it to evacuate Dalton and have brought it back as far as Calhoun to protect its front by the deep waters of the Coosawhatchie. But the Richmond Government has not permitted it. And yet the departure of Hardee with Cleburne, Cheatham, and Walker has reduced his army by nearly one-half, whilst his artillery is threatened with inactivity, its horses, still more used up than those of the Federals, having, for the most part, been sent to the rich Ottawah valley to recruit. It i
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Notes. (search)
on this count, but he could not prove that he or his companions were enlisted, even as mere sharpshooters, in the service of the Confederates. Not being a case of self-defence, he had therefore acted as an outlaw and not as a soldier. He was on this account sentenced to be hanged. Mr. Lincoln confirmed the sentence, but deferred the execution, and, the war coming to an end, Gurley's life was spared. Note B. Book I., chapter V. On the 1st of September, Bragg—having under his command Cheatham's and Hindman's divisions of Polk's corps, Cleburne's division of Hill's corps, Liddell's and Gist's divisions of Walker's corps—shows an effective force of more than thirty-five thousand infantry; which, adding one-tenth for the officers, gives a total of thirty-nine thousand men. From the 1st to the 20th of September his army is augmented, on the one hand, by the return of Breckinridge's division, thirty-seven hundred and sixty-nine men strong according to the report of its chief, and, o
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the Editor. (search)
manding, July 31, 1863. Polk's army corps. Lieut.-gen. Leonidas Polk. Cheatham's division. Maney's Brigade. Col. J. A. McMurry. 1st and 27th Tennesse (Polk's headquarters)Capt. L. Greenleaf. Company G, Second Georgia Cavalry (Cheatham's headquarters)Capt. T. H. Jordan. Lenoir's company (Withers' headquarters)Lia, Ga., September 19-20, 1863. Right wing. Lieut.-gen. Leonidas Polk. Cheatham's division. Maj.-gen. B. F. Cheatham. Escort 2d Georgia Cavalry, CompMaj.-gen. B. F. Cheatham. Escort 2d Georgia Cavalry, Company G, Capt. T. M. Merritt. Jackson's Brigade. Brig.-gen. John K. Jackson. 1st Georgia (Confederate), 2d BattalionMaj. J. C. Gordon. 5th GeorgiaCol. C. P. Artillery; also in Alabama Battery. Artillery. Hardee's corps. B. F. Cheatham's division. Smith's Battalion. Maj. M. Smith. McCants' BatteryCaptunded.Missing.Killed.Wounded.Missing.Killed.Wounded.Missing. Hardee's Corps. Cheatham's division5637112371664775637112441671 Cleburne's division5635112419616226236<