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Braxton Bragg 615 3 Browse Search
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Moccasin Point (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
e of an Indian covering for the foot, is called Moccasin Point; it is commanded on the south by Lookout Mountats loaded with provisions as far as the neck of Moccasin Point. The old steamboat which was being repaired at The part of this chain which was visible from Moccasin Point appeared to be not well guarded. Smith saw thaand by water between Bridgeport and the neck of Moccasin Point. Above all, it was necessary to take possesshe right bank on the narrow slip of land called Moccasin Point. Ewing was recalled from Trenton, so as to getgzagged between those two places on the neck of Moccasin Point. The crossing of Sherman's troops at Brown's Fng five heavy siege-guns placed on the hills of Moccasin Point to batter the northern face of Lookout Mountainemselves of this fact. The artillery posted on Moccasin Point swept the crest so thoroughly that the Southernxposed to a flanking fire from the batteries on Moccasin Point. They have therefore chosen Craven's house as
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 3
of the Cumberland Mountains and takes the direct road to McMinnville, where the Federals have considerable depots which contribute to the supplying of Chattanooga by the way of Anderson. During this time, Wheeler, firmly believing that Crook will start in pursuit of the principal corps, takes with him a body of fifteen hundred horse belonging to Martin's division, and rapidly descends the Sequatchie Valley in the direction of Anderson. After having captured, on the way, about thirty United States wagons, he gains at last that much-coveted point, and the joy of the Confederate cavalry may be imagined when they discover on the road to the south of the village the enemy's wagons, whose white covers in the distance form, as far as the eye can reach on the damp plains, something like a long chaplet of pearls. The escort is easily dispersed, and while a portion of the force remain under arms at the north of the village, the rest burn the wagons and kill the mules, after having approp
Meridian (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
s with him, is aware of the service which he renders to the Federal cause by opening a new and vast field of activity to the military genius of Sherman. Thus, Grant retains for himself on the Mississippi only one division at Memphis and three near Vicksburg. Ord by placing his troops en échelon shall be able easily to watch the course of the river from Natchez as far as Bayou Sara, near the town of Port Hudson, which is occupied by Banks. A portion of Johnston's army has remained between Meridian and Jackson; his cavalry is overrunning the northern part of the State of Mississippi: it is necessary to prevent these forces from making an offensive movement on the Big Black River or impeding the progress of the divisions sent to Rosecrans' assistance. McPherson receives orders to detain Johnston's forces by a vigorous demonstration against Canton and Jackson. On the other hand, Grant takes measures to prevent fresh delays in the transmission of orders received from his chief. Howe
Sequatchie (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
rful column. This column, without waiting any longer, has entered the road called Paine's Trace, leading across Walden's Ridge to Pikeville on the banks of the Sequatchie, and soon the darkness of night masks its movements. The Federal left wing is turned. Crook calls to him all the detachments en échelon down the river, and beon the contrary, marched throughout the night from September 30th to October 1st, so that in the forenoon of that date he reaches Pikeville, on the banks of the Sequatchie, near which he allows his men and horses a well-earned rest. He is about five miles ahead of Crook, and will know how to avail himself of this advantage. In tated by a dense smoke of which he easily divined the cause. Leaving one regiment on the Dunlap road, with the two other regiments he gains the left bank of the Sequatchie, falls upon the Confederates who were still engaged in pillaging the wagons, defeats them, and captures about sixty of their number. The pillagers, driven towa
Chickamauga Station (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
assee River. The presence of the Federals near to this river, only thirty-one miles from Chickamauga Station, is a standing menace to the army that is besieging Chattanooga. Stevenson is directed time when the remnants of this division, driven by Baird, hastily fall back on the road to Chickamauga Station. This opportune reinforcement interrupts the progress of the Federals, who advance towantained some regiments in good order. Upon him devolves the task of covering the road to Chickamauga Station and the bridge thrown across the river of the same name somewhat below the confluence of y Ridge with Wagner's and Harker's brigades deployed on the left and right of the road to Chickamauga Station. Night has come. Most of the victors think only of establishing themselves in the pose fog much delays the march of his vanguard. At last the fog vanishes, and Davis reaches Chickamauga Station, which for the last two months was the main subsistence centre for Bragg's army. The lat
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
an amphitheatre, up to the sombre mass of Lookout Mountain, which, like a gigantic sentinel, seems ty by a very short road quite distant from Lookout Mountain, and which could be kept open without difommanded on the east by the solid mass of Lookout Mountain, for he is aware that from the top of thaChickamauga Creek, Bragg, while retaining Lookout Mountain, compelled his reduced army to spread oveerals from Murfreesborough to the base of Lookout Mountain. It was soon known that grave dissensionon, and Walker, occupied the extremity of Lookout Mountain and the banks of Chattanooga Creek. Thevel with the surface of the river. Hence Lookout Mountain formed a gigantic bastion surrounded withthe impossibility of defending any longer Lookout Mountain that he gave orders to evacuate. It is p leaving behind him only two regiments on Lookout Mountain. Carlin will join Johnson's division. Fces of his lieutenant. The evacuation of Lookout Mountain has restored freedom of action to Baird, [37 more...]
Cleveland, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
while he, with Davidson's brigade and Armstrong's division, will move toward Cleveland and Charleston. It is near to this last town, situate on the southern shore ga to form the reserve of the expeditionary corps, while Forrest, joining, at Cleveland, Hodge's brigade, moves rapidly upon Charleston, which Colonel Byrd occupies t the decisive attack will be directed. Although this move may not close the Cleveland road, by making sure the defeat of the Confederates it will prevent them fromth-east to ascend the slope, partly timbered, which overlooks the railroad to Cleveland. The battle is renewed, not only on the right, but in the centre and on the hind him Long continued the destruction of the railway via Ooltawah as far as Cleveland, where he found vaster stores abandoned without defence. On the morning of rne's cannon. Howard receives orders to push on as far as the Dalton road at Cleveland, and to tear it up in the vicinity of the Red Clay Station, so as to cut the
McMinnville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
slopes of the Cumberland Mountains and takes the direct road to McMinnville, where the Federals have considerable depots which contribute to the morning of the 3d the two Southern columns meet in front of McMinnville. A few hours later, Wheeler, at the head of Wharton's column, is not molested. On the following day, the 4th, Crook enters McMinnville amidst the smouldering stores which the enemy left behind them he garrison is to concentrate. Crook has not lost an instant in McMinnville. He presses the enemy's rearguard so sharply that Martin is soos. The destruction of the long train at Anderson, the depots at McMinnville, and the railway between Murfreesborough and Wartrace is quicklyhe previous year by Bragg and penetrate Middle Tennessee through McMinnville, then Burnside should pursue him with all the troops he can gatho disperse the guerillas collected in the vast rectangle between McMinnville, Murfreesborough, Lebanon, and the confluence of Caney Creek wit
Rheatown (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
October he personally led three infantry divisions and one cavalry brigade under Shackelford to Bull's Gap, while Colonel Foster, ascending Lick Creek with a cavalry brigade, was going to cross the mountain more to the eastward, so as to bar at Rheatown the retreat of the enemy. On the morning of the 10th the infantry by feints detained the latter in front of the Blue Springs pass. Finally, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Burnside, believing that Foster had accomplished his movement, causedrate line did not resist long. The shadows of night put a stop to the operations of the Unionists, but Williams was caught in the trap, because Foster, who had arrived in the evening on the southern side of the mountains, had only to occupy the Rheatown road to prevent the retreat of the Southerners, who, at last understanding the danger, had precipitately retired during the night. Instead of stationing himself with his entire brigade across the enemy's way, Foster sent a single regiment, the
ine; and both together easily repulse the assault by a single brigade from the heights of the formidable position which they occupy. However, Creighton succeeds in maintaining himself halfway up on a ridge which breaks the uniformity of the slope. Finally, Hooker recognizes the futility of his efforts against Cleburne. He attributes the cause of his reverse to the absence of his artillery, and hopes that it will open the defile to him. While waiting for it he moves forward Cobham's and Ireland's brigades, one on the left, the other behind Woods, to support him against an offensive return. At the same time he asks Sherman to find a passage through White Oak Ridge, so as to take by the rear the enemy's defences. Meanwhile, the pioneers who arrived at the Red House Bridge in the night of the 26th to the 27th have been able to finish the construction of the bridge only at eight o'clock in the morning. Immediately after having crossed over it Hooker's batteries were set in motion
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