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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 13: (search)
sea, his best friends may well be surprised to find his book stained by unjust reflections upon Thomas. The following extracts from the Memoirs indicate the treatment which this branch of the subject receives: As soon as the army had reached Savannah, and had opened communication with the fleet, I endeavored to ascertain what had transpired in Tennessee since our departure. * * * * As before described, General Hood had three full corps of infantry—S. D. Lee's, A. P. Stewart's, and Cheatham's—at Florence, Alabama, with Forrest's corps of cavalry, numbering in the aggregate about forty-five thousand men. General Thomas was in Nashville, Tennessee, quietly engaged in reorganizing his army out of the somewhat broken forces at his disposal. He had posted his only two regular corps—the Fourth and Twenty-third—under the general command of Major-General J. M. Schofield, at Pulaski, directly in front of Florence, with the three brigades of cavalry (Hatch, Croxton, and Capron), comma
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 16: (search)
e misled by feints and false reports, and would, somehow, compel me to exercise more caution than I had hitherto done. I then overestimated his force at thirty-seven thousand infantry, supposed to be made up of S. D. Lee's corps, four thousand; Cheatham's, five thousand; Hope's, eight thousand; Hardee's, ten thousand; and other detachments, ten thousand; with Hampton's, Wheelers, and Butler's cavalry, about eight thousand. Of these, only Hardee and the cavalry were immediately in our front, whh. General Slocum brought forward the two divisions of the Twentieth Corps, hastily disposed of them for defense, and General Kilpatrick massed his cavalry on the left. General Jos. Johnston had the night before marched his whole army (Bragg, Cheatham, S. D. Lee, Hardee, and all the troops he had drawn from every quarter), determined, as he told his men, to crush one of our corps and then defeat us in detail He attacked General Slocum in position from 3 P. M. on the 19th till dark, but was ev
to Corinth. Under his orders the evacuation of Columbus by General Polk, and the establishment of a new line resting on New Madrid, Island No.10, and Humboldt, was completed. On March 2d Brigadier General J. P. McCowan, an old army officer, was assigned to the command of Island No.10, forty miles below Columbus, whither he removed his division. A. P. Stewart's brigade was sent to New Madrid. At these points some seven thousand troops were assembled, and the remainder marched under General Cheatham to Union City. General Polk says: In five days we moved the accumulations of six months, taking with us all our commissary and quartermaster's stores—an amount sufficient to supply my whole command for eight months—all our powder and other ammunition and ordnance stores, excepting a few shot, and gun carriages, and every heavy gun in the fort, except two thirty-two pounders and three carronades in a remote outwork, which had been rendered useless. The movement of the enemy up th
A. M. on the 4th, and bivouacked that night near Mickey's in the rear of Hardee's corps. The First Corps, under General Polk, consisted of two divisions, under Cheatham and Clark. The latter was ordered to follow Hardee on the Ridge road at an interval of half an hour, and to halt near Mickey s so as to allow Bragg's corps to fine of battle. Polk's corps was to form the left wing of the third line of battle, and Breckinridge's reserve the right wing. The other division of Polk, under Cheatham, was on outpost duty, at and near Bethel, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, about as far from Mickey's as Corinth was. He was ordered to assemble his forces at Puolonel Munford's address at Memphis. The road was not clear until 2 P. M. General Polk got Clark's division of his corps into line of battle by four o'clock; Cheatham, who had come up on the left, promptly followed. Breckinridge's line was then formed on Polk's right. Thus was the army arrayed in three lines of battle late S
th him after night. The advance was resumed at daylight on the 19th, when Buckner's corps with Cheatham's division of Polk's corps crossed the Chickamauga, and our line of battle was thus formed: Bucorce in his front, it rested upon such heavy masses in the rear that he was in turn repulsed. Cheatham's division was ordered to his support; it came too late. Before it could reach him, assailed oThese movements on our right were in such direction as to create an opening between the left of Cheatham's division and the right of Hood's. To fill this, Stewart's division (the reserve of Buckner's ate troops engaged on the right were as follows: General W. H. T. Walker's division   5,500 Cheatham's division   7,000 A. P. Stewart's division   4,040 Cleburne's division   5,115 Hood's, Bhese corps consisted respectively as follows: Polk's right wing, of Breckinridge's, Cleburne's, Cheatham's, and Walker's divisions, and Forrest's cavalry—aggregate, 22,471; Longstreet's left wing, o
River a few miles above Columbia, and in the morning of the 29th Stewart's and Cheatham's corps followed the cavalry, leaving Lieutenant General Stephen D. Lee's corp with flankers thrown out to protect the main column. Near Spring Hill Major General Cheatham, being in the advance, commenced to come in contact with the retreatingneral Stewart was furnished with a guide, and ordered to move his corps beyond Cheatham's, placing it across the road beyond Spring Hill. In the dark and confusion h, with artillery, wagons, and troops intermixed, Hood sent instructions to General Cheatham to advance a heavy line of skirmishers, still further to impede the retreaLieutenant General Lee's corps in the center resting on the Franklin turnpike, Cheatham's on the right, Stewart's on the left, and the cavalry on each flank. Hood thwn back and dispositions made to meet any renewed attack. The corps of Major General Cheatham was transferred from our right to the left. Early on December 16th the
of affairs caused me, after full correspondence with General Lee, to suggest to him to give his views to General Beauregard, and I sent to General Beauregard's headquarters the chief engineer, General J. F. Gilmer, he being possessed fully of my opinions and wishes. General Beauregard modified his proposed movements so as to keep his forces on the left of the enemy's line of march until the troops coming from Hood's army could make a junction. These were the veteran commands of Stevenson, Cheatham, and Stewart. Lieutenant General S. D. Lee, though he had not entirely recovered from a wound received in the Tennessee campaign, was at Augusta, Gorgia, collecting the fragments of Hood's army to follow the troops previously mentioned. They had not moved together, and the first-named division had reached Beauregard's army in South Carolina. Though it contained an implied compliment, General Lee was not a little disturbed by occasional applications made to have troops detached Map:
414. Carter, Colonel, 303-06, 558. Abner, 201. Casey, General, 129. Cash, Colonel, 601. Castlereagh, Viscount, 7. Cedar Run, Battle of, 265-69. Chalmers, General J. R., 43, 50, 548. Description of battle of Shiloh, 50-51. Chambersburg, Pa., burned, 448. Chancellorsville, Battles of, 300-08, 309. Account of Taylor, 309-10. Charleston, S. C., 174-75. Harbor defense, 171-72. Evacuation, 533. Chase, Judge, 518, 635. Chattanooga, Tenn., battles around, 358-65. Cheatham, General, 41, 44, 46, 359, 360, 361, 486, 489, 490, 534. Chickamauga, Battle of, 358-62. Chickamauga (warship), 222, 237. Chicora (ironclad), 172. Chilton, Col. R. H., 107, 430. Choppin, Dr., Sam, 60. Christians, 157. Churchill, General, 457. Civil Rights Bill, 614. Claiborne, Major J. H., 569. Report on commissary after Lee's surrender, 578-79. Clare, Patrick, 201. Clarence (brig), 219, 237. Clark, General, 44, 46. Clay, —, Member of Confederate peace commission, 517
The following is the vote in the Senate on the adoption of the league: Yeas.--Messrs. Allen, Horn, Hunter, Johnson, Lane, Minnis, McClellan, McNeilly, Payne, Peters, Stanton, Thompson, Wood, and Speaker Stovall. Nays.--Messrs. Boyd, Bradford, Hildreth, Nash, Richardson, and Stokes. Absent and not voting--Messrs. Bumpass, Mickley, Newman, Stokely, and Trimble. The following is the vote in the House: Yeas.--Messrs. Baker of Perry, Baker of Weakley, Bayless, Bicknell, Bledsoe, Cheatham, Cowden, Davidson, Davis, Dudley, Ewing, Farley, Farrelly, Ford, Frazie, Gantt, Guy, Havron, Hart, Ingram, Jones, Kenner, Kennedy, Lea, Lockhart, Martin, Mayfield, McCabe, Morphies, Nail, Hickett, Porter, Richardson, Roberts, Shield, Smith, Sewel, Trevitt, Vaughn, Whitmore, Woods, and Speaker Whitthorne. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Brazelton, Butler, Caldwell, Gorman, Greene, Morris, Norman, Russell, Senter, Strewsbury, White of Davidson, Williams of Knox, Wisener, and Woodard. Absent a
n the fourth. The centre passed through Adairsville this forenoon; a small, but heretofore a thriving town of two or three hundred inhabitants, with a hotel, a dozen stores, railroad depot, and an extensive machine shop and arsenal, where there was formerly a large manufactory of arms. All the people have run away, all the goods have been taken — they had light loads to carry I reckon — another machine shop and foundry were long since dismounted, and the work removed to Atlanta. Here Cheatham had a hospital, in the loft of a brick store, where he left behind the amputated leg of an unfortunate rebel soldier, and there were other limbs in different places left behind as evidence of the bloody character of the previous day's fight. One or two dead lay in deserted buildings in the town. Some few families remained here, and, with one or two exceptions, were not disturbed. I heard some complaints that the meat and flour saved for families' use had been taken by our soldiers. Thes
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