Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for D. H. Christie or search for D. H. Christie in all documents.

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and Twentieth North Carolina to retire to the barricades. Colonel D. H. Christie, with five companies of his regiment, had charged that party painful, and as the battle ceased shortly after, I requested Colonel Christie to take the command of the brigade till I could procure my horintrenchments, and brought me in news of the evacuation. Colonel D. H. Christie, for the gallant manner in which he fought his regiment at bama,--together with the Twenty-third North Carolina regiment, Colonel Christie, carried the heights in magnificent style, planting their flagon's, and Pender's troops, moving forward, to the left of Hall and Christie, were met and repulsed by the enemy, thus leaving the flank of the speaking of the first advance of my troops, stated to me that Colonel Christie and his regiment, which he handled in magnificent style, especFourth Georgia, severely wounded; Colonel Hall, Fifth Alabama; Colonel Christie, Twenty-third North Carolina; Colonel Pickens, Twelfth Alabama