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ld charge at Williamsburg to 800 men, (commanded first by Colonel McRae and then by Lieutenant-Colonel Sinclair), and the Twenty-third North Carolina, under Colonel Christie, did their full duty. The Twenty-third became separated, the three right companies being detached, but were, says Colonel Christie, gallantly led by Lieut.-Colonel Christie, gallantly led by Lieut.-Col. R. D. Johnston across the Williamsburg road, and, co-operating with the Fourth North Carolina, charged in the direction of the battery in the redoubt, officers and men acting nobly, but suffering terribly. Although all its field officers and two-thirds of its captains were down, the regiment fought on till night closed the struggle. The loss in the Twenty-third was not so large as in the Fourth, but was severe. Colonel Christie and Lieutenant-Colonel Johnston, writes General Garland, were both disabled while doing handsome service. Maj. E. J. Christian was killed. The total loss in this regiment was 18 killed and 145 wounded. The Fifth lost 1 kil
by General Hill across the National turnpike. The Twenty-third and Twenty-eighth Georgia were placed behind a stone wall. Garland's North Carolina brigade took position at Fox's gap, on the old Sharpsburg road, and to the right of Colquitt. Garland had five regiments, but the five amounted to a little less than Zzz,000 men. The Fifth regiment, Colonel Mc-Rae, then Captain Garnett, was placed on the right of the road, with the Twelfth, Captain Snow, as its support. The Twenty-third, Colonel Christie, was posted behind a low stone wall on the left of the Fifth; then came the Twentieth, Colonel Iverson, and the Thirteenth, Lieutenant-Colonel Ruffin. From the nature of the ground and the duty to be performed, the regiments were not in contact, and the Thirteenth was 250 yards to the left of the Twentieth. Fifty skirmishers of the Fifth North Carolina soon encountered the Twenty-third Ohio, deployed as skirmishers under Lieut.-Col. R. B. Hayes (afterward President of the United States
llorsville, Gettysburg, p. 48. This attack, however, divided itself into two parts. A portion of Iverson's brigade and a portion of Pender's and two regiments of O'Neal's, under the personal leadership of Pender, assailed the part of the enemy's battery and line resting on the road. General Rodes said of this movement: The enemy was compelled to fall back, and pressing on, Colonel Hall's two regiments (Fifth and Twenty-sixth Alabama), together with the Twenty-third North Carolina, Colonel Christie, carried the heights in magnificent style, planting their flags inside the works. Official Report. The rest of Rodes', Iverson's and Pender's troops were repulsed, and this exposing the three regiments Pender had in advance, they, too, fell back. At this juncture the flank attack of French, and later Humphreys, struck the Confederate left. Iverson and Thomas hurried some troops there, and Colston and Colquitt soon stopped the movement, and the general Confederate advance followed. I
t was engaged. During General Hoke's absence, from a wound, Colonel Avery had commanded the brigade, and as General Early reports, worthily filled the absent general's place. Although a believer and enforcer of discipline, Colonel Avery's fairness, urbanity and uprightness had drawn his men very close to him. With him had gone other splendid soldiers. Among them the boy colonel of the Twenty-sixth, the noble-souled, lion-hearted Harry K. Burgwyn; the daring, experienced and able Col. D. H. Christie; the accomplished, polished and soldierly colonel of the Fifty-second, J. K. Marshall; Lieut.-Col. H. L. Andrews, whose splendid leadership had encouraged the Second battalion to fight so grimly and lose so terribly; Lieut.-Col. M. T. Smith, the Ghristian soldier whose quiet example of conscientious discharge of duty left a lasting impression on the Fifty-fifth regiment; Maj. E. A. Ross, a hard fighter and earnest friend. Among the wounded field officers were Cols. J. K. Connally, C.