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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
525, volume II. and in the summer of 1863 the post was in command of General B. M. Prentiss, whose troops were so sorely smitten at Shiloh. See page 273, volume II. The Confederates in Arkansas, under such leaders as Sterling Price, Marmaduke, Parsons, Fagan, McRae, and Walker,. were then under the control of General Holmes, who, at the middle of June, asked and received permission of General Kirby Smith, commander of the Trans-Mississippi Department, to attack Prentiss. He designated Clarendon, on the White River, as the rendezvous of all the available troops under his command, and left Little Rock for that point on the 26th of June. Some of his troops were promptly at the rendezvous, while others, under Price, owing to heavy rains and floods, did not reach there until the 30th. June. This delay baffled his plans for surprise, for Prentiss had been apprised of his movement and was prepared for his reception. The post of Helena was strongly fortified, and behind the earth-wo
; and company A, Captain Potter, who took charge, and one small rifled gun belonging to the First Indiana cavalry. The whole force numbered not over three hundred and fifty men. Colonel Hovey started about six A. M., with company D, of the Eleventh Wisconsin, ahead. Skirmishers were thrown out, and in this way they proceeded to the Hill plantation, at the forks of the road, four miles distant from camp. On the way some pickets were driven in. The main road here leads to Cotton Plant and Clarendon. The road to the left is a neighborhood road, while that turning to the side leads across the Cache, four miles distant, and thence to the Des Are, on the White River. Detachments were sent forward on each of these roads to reconnoitre. Colonel Harris, with three companies of the Eleventh Wisconsin, and Captain Potter, with the small rifle piece, proceeded rapidly down the Des Are road, having no cavalry. They passed a cornfield on the left, entered an open wood, and reaching a turn in
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Connecticut (search)
olved to make a formal acknowledgment of their allegiance to the King, and ask him for a charter. A petition to that effect was signed in May, 1661, and Governor Winthrop bore it to the monarch. He was at first coolly received, but by the gift to the King of a precious memento of the sovereign's dead father, the heart of Charles was touched, and, turning to Lord Clarendon, who was present, he said, Do you advise me to grant a charter to this good man and his people? I do, sire, answered Clarendon. It shall be done, said Charles, and Winthrop was dismissed with a hearty shake of his hand and a blessing from the royal lips. A charter was issued May 1, 1662 (N. S.). It confirmed the popular constitution, and contained more liberal provisions than any that had yet been issued by royal hands. It defined the boundaries so as to include the New Haven colony and a part of Rhode Island on the east, and westward to the Pacific Ocean. The New Haven colony reluctantly gave its consent to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (search)
ns. Such was the state of things for twenty years; and yet, by no gentle transition, but suddenly, and when the restoration of affairs appeared hopeless, the son of the beheaded sovereign was brought back to his father's blood-stained throne, with such unexpressible and universal joy as led the merry monarch to exclaim, He doubted it had been his own fault he had been absent so long, for he saw nobody who did not protest he had ever wished for his return. In this wonderful manner, says Clarendon, and with this incredible expedition, did God put an end to a rebellion that had raged for twenty years, and had been carried on with all the horrible circumstances of murder, devastation, and parricide that fire and sword in the hands of the most wicked men in the world [it is a royalist that is speaking] could be instruments of, almost to the devastation of two kingdoms, and the exceeding defacing and deforming of the third. ... By these remarkable steps did the merciful hand of God, in
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, State of (search)
petitioners presented their memorial to King Charles, in the garden at Hampton Court, the merrie monarch, after looking each A North Carolina mansion of the old style. in the face a moment, burst into loud laughter, in which his audience joined heartily. Then, taking up a little shaggy spaniel with large, meek eyes, and holding it at arm's-length before them, he said, Good friends, here is a model of piety and sincerity which it might be wholesome for you to copy. Then, tossing it to Clarendon, he said, There, Hyde, is a worthy prelate; make him archbishop of the domain which I shall give you. With grim satire, Charles introduced into the preamble of the charter a statement that the petitioners, excited with a laudable and pious zeal for the propagation of the Gospel, have begged a certain country in the parts of America not yet cultivated and planted, and only inhabited by some barbarous people who have no knowledge of God. The grantees were made absolute lords and propriet
of rags left on the bank. He also got a twelve-pound howitzer, mounted on two wheels, which gave him five guns to hold the point with. At about nine o'clock the same morning he was apprised of the approach of the gunboats Tyler, Fawn, and Naumkeag, in convoy of a fleet of ten transports, in command of Captain Bache, of the Tyler. He having learned of the disaster to the Queen City, through the refugees from her had ordered the transports back to the bluff, and proceeded with despatch to Clarendon. On his approach to the bluff, Shelby fired her to make his work of destruction more complete. The explosion was heard many miles, and the Queen City was a thing of the past. Before the smoke had cleared away, Captain Bache, of the Tyler, Captain Grace, of the Fawn, and Captain Rogers, of the Naumkeag (a noble trio), approached. General Shelby had chosen a position to give them battle, and, with a bravery worthy of a better cause, the rebel General, with his men, worked their batteries
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 4: influence of Christian officers—concluded. (search)
day evening, Captain Harrison's frame, never robust, gave way for a time, and he was compelled to retire to the hospital, where he lay quite sick all that night. Yet on Saturday morning, a great while before day, and against the remonstrances of his friends, he rose and returned to his command. The officer who commanded the Fifty-sixth Regiment at this time, gave several instances of such zeal and daring on the part of Captain Harrison, that one cannot refrain from applying to him what Clarendon says of that incomparable young man, Lord Falkland, in his touching account of his death: He had a courage of the most clear and keen temper, and so far from fear, that he seemed not without some appetite of danger. You ought to be braver than the rest of us, said some of his brother-officers to Captain Harrison one day, after witnessing some exhibition of his serene fearlessness in danger. Why so? said he, pleasantly. Because, said they, you have everything settled for eterni
hat of the dame schools in the colonial or in the provincial period, it was usually in private schools of a slightly higher grade or at home, or they picked it up in such contact as they had with the world. In the latter part of the seventeenth century there was no education for women in England. Ladies highly born and bred, and naturally quick witted, could scarcely write a line without solecisms and faults in spelling that would shame a charity girl. Our forefathers were wise, said Lady Clarendon in 1685, in not giving their daughters the education of writing. I should be very much ashamed, she added, that I ever learned Latin, if I had not forgotten it. The wife of President John Adams, born in 1744, said that female education in her day, even in the best families, seldom went beyond writing and arithmetic, and that it was fashionable to ridicule female learning. Girls worked their way into the public schools as pupils very much as women worked their way into the same schoo
to shame by any hasty or ill-considered word. In dealing with opponents, his tact was unfailing. Thoughtful people especially heard him with delight, and the largest audiences felt the power of his logic and the magnetism of his voice and presence. The Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Tuttle, President of Wabash College, wrote in the N. Y. Independent: In [1844] I first May 29, 1884. saw Wm. L. Garrison and Wendell Phillips in Broadway Tabernacle. Mr. Garrison's eloquence was like to that which Clarendon attributes to Sir Thomas Coventry: He Hist. of the Rebellion, Book I., § 99. had, in the plain way of speaking and delivery, without much ornament of elocution, a strange power of making himself believed—the only justifiable design of eloquence. Finally (and it is praise from Sir Hubert Stanley), James Russell Lowell testifies: It may interest you to know that I thought Mr. Garrison the most effective speaker among anti-slavery orators. Ms. Nov. 17, 1885, to F. J. G. Whatever judgment
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
orth cannot be tied forever to such a partnership of ruffianism and villany. Lord and Lady Hatherton took an affectionate interest in his health and all that concerned him, and they became his faithful friends. Lords Granville, Aberdeen, and Clarendon were very cordial; the Romillys and Buxtons were most friendly. He was the guest of the Benchers at the Inner Temple, where he met again Samuel Warren, who many years later recalled him as an affable and courteous guest. He made from London b In the forenoon went to the House of Lords, where there was a sitting on the Shrewsbury Peerage Case; then to a dejeuner at Grosvenor House, where the company assembled in the magnificent gallery; then to the House of Lords, where Brougham and Clarendon spoke on the slave trade; dined in the refectory of the House of Commons with Mr. Ingham; then went to a reception at Lord Wensleydale's, and another at Mr. Senior's. July 18. Dinner at Mr. Labouchere's; then reception at Lady Palmerston's.
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