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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 19: last trip to Europe (search)
aries conspicuous by their scarlet robes, the one on whom all eyes were turned was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The face was one which would have caught the spectator's glance, even if not called to it by the cheers which greeted his appearance in the red robes of an Ll. D. Long, white, silken hair and a beard of patriarchal whiteness enclosed a fresh-colored countenance, with fine-cut features and deep-sunken eyes, overshadowed by massive eyebrows. In a few well-rounded Latin sentences, Mr. Clark, the Public Orator, recited the claims of the distinguished visitor to the privilege of an honorary degree. The names of Hiawatha and Evangeline sounded strangely amid the sonorous periods. Life, III. 111, 112. Another journalist wrote that the orator drew a picture of the function of poetry to solace the ills of life and draw men from its low cares ad excelsiora. This point was caught at once by the undergraduates and drew forth hearty cheering. The degree was then conferred. Ib.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
rlain Collection of Autographs, 139 note. Channing, W. Ellery, 271. Channing, Rev. William E., 11, 164. Chantrey, Sir, Francis, 90. Charles River, 116, 118. Chasles, Prof., Philarete, 195; describes Longfellow, 196,197. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 249. Chelsea, Eng., 90. Chivers, Dr. Thomas H., 145; his Eonchs of Ruby, mentioned, 143; quoted, 144. Christian Examiner, the, 112,113 note. Christiana, 103. Christus, Longfellow begins, 236; appeared, 242. Civil War, the, 65. Clark, Mr., 221. Clemens, Samuel L., 198. Cleveland, Henry R., 139, 284. Cogswell, Joseph G., 71, 81, 82. Coleridge, Samuel T., 262, 291; his Ancient Mariner, mentioned, 149. Coleridge, Sara, 141. Colman, Samuel, Longfellow's letter to, 139, 140. Cologne, 8. Columbian Muse, the, a collection of poems, 23. Como, Lake of, 223. Concord, Mass., 133, 271. Condry, Capt., 102. Congress, U. S., 11, 13. Connecticut, 90. Conolly, Rev. H. L., 194,195. Constantinople, 3. Cooper, James