Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Clarke or search for Clarke in all documents.

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at Richmond, by letter, to press forward on three points, the first, Harper's Ferry, to cut off. the West, to form camp for Baltimore and point of attack on Washington from the west. In Richmond, on the night of April 16th, when it became evident that the Virginia convention would pass an ordinance of secession, Wise called together at the Exchange hotel a number of officers of the armed and equipped companies of the Virginia militia: Turner and Richard Ashby of Fauquier, O. R. Funsten of Clarke, all captains of cavalry companies; Capt. John D. Imboden, of the Staunton artillery; Capt. John A. Harman of Staunton; Nat Tyler, editor of the Richmond Enquirer, and Capt. Alfred M. Barbour, late civil superintendent of the United States armory at Harper's Ferry. These gentlemen, most of them ardent secessionists, discussed and agreed upon a plan for the capture of Harper's Ferry, to be put in execution on the 17th, as soon as the convention voted to secede, if the concurrence of Governor
iment (consolidated with Fifth regiment, November 8, 1864): Ball, William B., colonel; Burroughs, Edgar, major; Collins, Charles Read, major, colonel; Critcher, John, lieutenant-colonel. Fifteenth Infantry regiment: August, Thomas P., colonel; Clarke, Charles H., major; Crenshaw, James R., lieutenant-colonel; Morrison, Emmet M., major, lieutenant-colonel; Peyton, Thomas G., major, lieutenant-colonel; Tucker, St. George, major, lieutenant-colonel; Walker, John Stewart, major. Sixteenth Cavaiam R. B., major; Leigh, William, lieutenant-colonel; Moore, Alfred C., colonel; Smith, Edwin R., major, lieutenant-colonel; White, Isaac, major. Thirtieth Cavalry regiment. (See Second Cavalry regiment.) Thirtieth battalion Sharpshooters: Clarke, J. Lyle, lieutenantcol-onel; Otey, Peter, major. Thirtieth Infantry regiment: Barton, William S., major; Cary, R. Milton, colonel; Chew, Robert S., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Gouldin, John Milton, major, lieutenant-colonel; Harrison, Archib
ited States military academy in 1849, and was graduated in 1853 with the brevet of second lieutenant of infantry. His service with the United States army was rendered first in barracks at Newport, Ky., and then until 1855 in New Mexico. He became second lieutenant, Sixth infantry, in 1855, and first lieutenant in 1857, and in the latter year was appointed aide-de-camp to Governor Walker of Kansas. After assisting in quelling the disturbances in that State, he served upon the staff of General Clarke, at San Francisco, three years. The secession of Virginia called him from frontier duty at Fort Churchill, Nev., to offer his services to his native State. He received at first a commission as captain of infantry in the regular army of the Confederate States. Subsequently he was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the Fortieth Virginia infantry regiment, Field's brigade. At Gaines' Mill he was twice wounded, and was mentioned by General Field as a gallant and meritorious officer, and by Ge