Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 6, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Coffman or search for Coffman in all documents.

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been heard from.--The latter surmise seems to be the general belief. She was a daughter of a gentleman named Brown. The election of Delegates to the State Convention is passing off with some degree of excitement. The probability is, that Coffman, contingent; Gray, Union, and Lewis, Union, will be elected. The reference of the action of the Convention to the people will be carried by a considerable majority. Closing of the polls at Harrisonburg precinct the vote stands as follows: ple will be carried by a considerable majority. Closing of the polls at Harrisonburg precinct the vote stands as follows: Coffman (Contingent) 540; Gray (Union) 433, Lewis (Union) 396; Woodson (Union) 201; Newman (Secession) 182; Liggett (Secession) 152. For referring 464; against referring 182. The balance of the county will go, if anything, stronger for the Union candidates, and for referring. I have reports from other precincts, but nothing official. Hastily yours, Pen.