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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 13: Sharpsburg or Antietam (search)
at 8 A. M., but in his preliminary report, Oct. 15, 1862, he says the order was communicated at 10 A. M. Burnside's report, dated Sept. 30, gives the same hour. Gen. Cox, who had charge of the initial operations, in his report, dated Sept. 23, gives the hour as 9 A. M., and all the circumstantial evidence bears this out as correcse six hours, A. P. Hill would be marching rapidly. It was said that on this march he stimulated laggards with the point of his dress sword. For his third attack, Cox took two regiments, marching by the flank, side by side. The regiment on the right was left in front; and the one on the left was right in front. Crook, too, orgar, and the fragments of earlier battles which could be rallied in the rear. Wilcox's division formed the right wing of the line of battle, and Rodman's the left; Cox's division gave Crook's brigade to support Willcox, and Scammon's to support Rodman, while Sturgis in reserve held the heights near the bridge. At 4 P. M. the adva
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 4 (search)
hington. I met hundreds of people whom I knew, such as Generals Cadwalader, McCall, Hartsuff and others. I had seen Hudson (McClellan's aide) in the morning, and he asked me to come at six and dine with the general. I declined the invitation on the ground of previous engagements, but said I would drop in after dinner. As it was past eight o'clock when I got back, I went in to the private parlor where McClellan was dining, and found a party of some dozen or more, all officers but one, a Mr. Cox, Democratic member of Congress from Ohio. Among the party were Andrew Porter, Sykes, Buchanan, General Van Allen and others. McClellan received me with much distinction and seated me alongside of himself, and asked very kindly after you and the children, etc. The subject of conversation at the table was general, and referred principally to military matters and pending acts of legislation. My friend——, who doubtless had heard of my confirmation and was in consequence disgusted, said he
Gallipolis, Ohio, July 2, 1861. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade, and duty in Kanawha Districted to the Kanawha Valley, W. Va. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade to October, 1861. District1861. Moved to Gallipolis, Ohio, thence with Cox, into West Virginia. Action at Scarrytown Justered in at Camp Chase June 28. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade, Army of West Virginia. Opha Valley, W. Va., July 7, 1861. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade, West Virginia, to September,izabethtown, and to Three Forks. Attached to Cox's Brigade, District of the Kanawha, W. Va. OKanawha Valley, W. Va., July 25. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade, West Virginia, to October, 1rt, Kanawha River, September 20. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade, West Virginia, to October, 1ley Bridge March, and at Fayetteville April. Cox's demonstrations on the Virginia & Tennessee Ra, and duty there till May, 1862. Attached to Cox's Kanawha Brigade, West Virginia, to October, 1[4 more...]
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Tennessee Volunteers. (search)
er. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., thence to Nashville, Tenn., and duty there till January, 1863. Escort trains to Murfreesboro, Tenn., January 2-3. Action at Cox's or Blood's Hill January 3, 1863. Reconnoissance to Franklin and Brentwood February 1-2. Ordered to Lexington, Ky., March 11, 1863. Duty in District of Ceille, Ky., Cincinnati, Ohio, and thence to Nashville, Tenn. Duty there till January, 1863. Guard trains from Nashville to Murfreesboro, Tenn., January 2-3. Cox's or Blood's Hill January 3. Ordered to Lexington, Ky., March 11. Duty in District of Central Kentucky till August. At Somerset, Ky., May. Liberty May 2, thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, and Nashville, Tenn. Duty at Nashville till January, 1863. Guard trains from Nashville to Murfreesboro January 2-3. Action at Cox's or Blood's Hill January 3. Manchester Pike January 5. At Nashville till April, and at Carthage, Tenn., till August. Ordered to McMinnville August 31.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, West Virginia Volunteers. (search)
erate with Garfield against Humphrey Marshall January 7-8, 1862. Dry Fork, Cheat River, February 8. 1st Battalion (Cos. B, C, F, H and I ) moved to Meadow Bluff April, 1862. 2nd Battalion (Cos. A, D, E, G and K ) moved to Raleigh with General Cox engaged in scouting and operating against bushwhackers in Raleigh, Fayette and Wyoming Counties till August, then rejoined Regiment. Demonstration on Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 10-18. Lewisburg May 12. Princeton May 15-17. Rber 16. Mill Creek Mills October 26. At Ceredo till January, 1862. March to Louisa Court House and operating with Garfield in operations against Humphrey Marshall in Eastern Kentucky January, 1862. March up the Kanawha Valley to join Gen. Cox April 3. At Flat Top Mountain till August. Operations about Wyoming Court House August 2-8. Wyoming Court House August 5 (Cos. H and I ). Beech Creek August 6. Campaign in the Kanawha Valley September 2-16. Repulse of Loring's
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 19: our Yellow brother. (search)
the trade to learn; but they are quick and patient. In six or eight months a poor fellow picked up in Jackson Street will be able to make a watch. A company has been formed in San Francisco, with Cornell as president, Ralston as treasurer, and Cox as secretary. Cornell is a patron of religious enterprises. Ralston is a patriot, so stiff in local feeling that he will not have a sofa in his parlour, a picture in his lobby, that is not of native origin. Cox is a shining light among street pCox is a shining light among street preachers, who devotes his Sunday energies to labour in the slums and alleys of San Francisco. Part of a factory on Fourth Street, now occupied by a carriage company, not far from the Chinese quarter, has been hired and fitted up. Tools and machinery have been sent from Cincinnati and New York. The whole affair looks well. The climate of San Francisco, Cornell explains to me, is suitable for the watch trade. In Chicago we have many things to overcome. Summer is very hot, winter very col
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
ank D., priv., (A), Mar. 29, ‘64; 21; died of w'nds May 12, 1864, Spottsylvania. Cowdrey, Nath., priv., band, Aug. 31, ‘61; 37; disch. Jan. 30, ‘62; see 2nd Batt. Cox, Albert T., priv., (F), Aug. 1, ‘61; 24; never joined the regt.; see 5th Batt. Cox, Arthur W., priv., (F), Aug. 1, 1861; 20; Hosp. Steward May 30, 1863; M. O. Aug.Cox, Arthur W., priv., (F), Aug. 1, 1861; 20; Hosp. Steward May 30, 1863; M. O. Aug. 28, ‘64 as private. Cox, John., priv., (G), Jan. 9, ‘65; 23; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Craig, James., priv., (C), May 2, ‘64; 30; absent sick since Feb. 17, ‘65. Crane, Clarence P., priv., (D), July 25, ‘61; 24; re-en. June 21, ‘63; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Crawford, Duncan, priv., (B), Aug. 3, ‘63; 31; sub.; transf. to 20th M. V. Jan.Cox, John., priv., (G), Jan. 9, ‘65; 23; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Craig, James., priv., (C), May 2, ‘64; 30; absent sick since Feb. 17, ‘65. Crane, Clarence P., priv., (D), July 25, ‘61; 24; re-en. June 21, ‘63; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Crawford, Duncan, priv., (B), Aug. 3, ‘63; 31; sub.; transf. to 20th M. V. Jan. 23, ‘64. Crawley, Peter, priv., (C), Jan. 17, ‘65; 22; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Cressy, David S., corp., (C), July 26, ‘61; 22; died May 22, ‘62, Washington, D. C. Cressy, Dearborn S., priv., (I), Aug, 26, ‘61; 40; disch. disa. Apr. 20, ‘62. Cressy, Romello D., priv., (I), July 26,
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, chapter 14 (search)
icksburg. Carroll's brigade 84173420338091* Warrenton, Va. Bayard's cavalry brigade 75129814981806* Warrenton, Va. Detachments 10236263411 Warrenton, Va. 6th New York cavalry Barnett's Ford,Va 1st Rhode Island cavalry 24506611790Junction O. & A. R. R. Pontoniers (3d Maine battery)5127140146Opposite Fredericksbnrg. Signal party6142023 Warrenton, Va. Total Third Corps 116122756266073069052 Reserve (Sturgis's) Corps: Headquarters staff and escort10394950 Alexandria, Va. Whipple's Division 332556864236868477Defences of Washington. Cook's brigade5810711227136816Cloud's Mill. 68th Illinois 80677814933Cloud's Mill. 71st New York Militia36477552570Tennallytown. Fort Washington, Md 510712112361 Total Reserve Corps 471793992269912554 Detached commands: White's brigade 13126212958357415 Winchester, Va. District of Kanawha (Cox's)3968416950211680*Charleston Flat Top Total detached 627110371246015254Mountain and Meadow Grand total 3506684687777997900 Bluff, W. Va.
derfully sweet, solemn look she gave me as she said, The Lord bless you, my child! Well, I have received a sweet note from Jenny Lind, with her name and her husband's with which to head my subscription list. They give a hundred dollars. Another hundred is subscribed by Mr. Bowen in his wife's name, and I have put my own name down for an equal amount. A lady has given me twenty-five dollars, and Mr. Storrs has pledged me fifty dollars. Milly and I are to meet the ladies of Henry's and Dr. Cox's churches to-morrow, and she is to tell them her story. I have written to Drs. Bacon and Dutton in New Haven to secure a similar meeting of ladies there. I mean to have one in Boston, and another in Portland. It will do good to the givers as well as to the receivers. But all this time I have been so longing to get your letter from New Haven, for I heard it was there. It is not fame nor praise that contents me. I seem never to have needed love so much as now. I long to hear you say
regiments, Gen. Wise prepared to give battle to the Federal forces, which, under the command of Gen. Cox, had been largely increased, and which were steadily advancing up the Valley, both by land and thin supporting distance. Gen. Floyd moved first, and for some days skirmished vigorously with Cox's troops, which were in force at Gauley Bridge and in the neighbourhood of the Hawk's Nest, a picMills in Fayette County, so as to hold the turnpike, and guard against any aggressive movement of Cox, which might have embarrassed that against Tyler. The enterprise of Gen. Floyd was thoroughly e separated by a deep and rapid river; and Floyd himself was unable to attempt a movement against Cox. Hie was far from his depot of provisions in Lewisburg, and being unprovided with adequate transp now; danger was imminent in another quarter. Learning by couriers of the union of Rosecrans and Cox, and of their advance upon Wise and Floyd, Gen. Lee decided at once to reinforce the Southern arm
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