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Of the two dukes, who, at this epoch of the culminating power of the aristocracy, guided the external policy of England, each hastened the independence of America. Newcastle, who was childless, depended on office for all his pleasure;—Bedford, though sometimes fond of place, was too proud to covet it always. Newcastle had no passion but business, which he conducted in a fretful hurry, and never finished;—the graver Bedford, though fond of theatricals and jollity, Pelham to Newcastle in Coxe's Pelham Administration, II. 365. was yet capable of persevering in a system chap. I.} 1748. Newcastle was of so fickle a head, and so treacherous a heart, that Walpole called his name Perfidy; Lord John Russell's Introduction to the Bedford Correspondence, i. XXVI. Henry Fox, the first Lord Holland, said, he had no friends, and deserved none; and Lord Halifax used to revile him, in the strongest terms, as a knave and a fool; Bubb Dodington's Diary, 206. he was too unstable to be led b
Lake Erie. To secure Ohio for the English world, Lawrence Washington of Virginia, Augustus Washington, and their associates, proposed a colony beyond the Alleghanies. The country west of the great mountains is the centre of the British dominions, wrote Halifax and his colleagues, who were inflamed with the hope of recovering it by having a large tract settled; and the favor of Henry Pelham, with the renewed instance of the Board of Trade, Representation of the Board of Trade to the king. Coxe's Pelham Administration, II. 277, 278. Franklin's Writings, IV. 336. Shelburne to Fauquier, 8 Oct. 1767. obtained in March, 1749, the king's instructions to the governor of Virginia, to grant to John Hanbury and his associates in Maryland and Virginia five hundred thousand acres of land between the Monongahela and the Kenawha, or on the northern margin of the Ohio. The company were to pay no quit-rent for ten years, within seven years to colonize at least one hundred families, to select im
m used to say to Newcastle, I must beg of you not to fret yourself so much upon every occasion. Pelham to Newcastle, in Coxe, i. 460. But the Duke grew more and more petulant, and more impatient of rivalry. It goes to my heart, said he, that a new, unknown, factious young party is set up to rival me and nose me every where; Newcastle to Pelham, May 9-20. Coxe, II. 336. and he resolved to drive out of the administration the colleague whom he disliked, envied and feared. For it always hol all risks of war; and becoming impatient at his subordinate position, he already heartily hated Pelham to Newcastle in Coxe's Pelham Ad. II. 378. his patron, and coveted a seat in the cabinet with exclusive authority in the department, with all tewcastle he added, you, your brother and Hardwicke are the only ministers. Newcastle to Pelham, 12-23 August, 1750, and Coxe's Pelham Ad. II. 129. It seemed as if Halifax would at once obtain the seals of the Southern Department with the entire c
om the Admiralty. Admitted in June to an audience at court, Bedford inveighed long and vehemently against his treacherous colleague, and resigned. Hardwicke in Coxe's Pelham Administration, II. 189. His successor was the Earl of Holdernesse, a very courtly peer, proud of his rank, formal, and of talents which could not excite at he might, by neutrality, recover Gibraltar, and become the arbiter of the civilized world. De la Ensenada's Report, presented to Ferdinand VI. in 1751. See Coxe et Muriel: Espagne sous les Rois de la Maison de Bourbon, IV. 294. Every thing seemed to portend a conflict between England and France along their respective fnt only on keeping in power. To be well together with Lady Yarmouth, Pelham wrote, is the best ground to stand on. Pelham to Newcastle, 12-24 October, 1752, in Coxe's Pelham, Ad. II. 463. If the good-will of the king's mistress, continued England's primeminister to its principal secretary of state, if that shakes, we have no r
f Maryland, their general. Newcastle would have taken Pitt's opinion. Your Grace knows, he replied, I have no capacity for these things. Dodington's Diary. Horace Walpole, the elder, advised energetic measures to regain the lost territory. Coxe's Life of Horace Waxpole, II. 67. Charles Townshend would have sent three thousand regulars with three hundred thousand pounds, to New England, to train its inhabitants in war, and, through them, to conquer Canada. After assuming the hero, and br he at that time complained to Bedford, has been too rapid. It would have been better for the extirpation of this rabble, if they had stood. All the good we have chap. VII.} 1754. done, he wrote to Newcastle, has been a little bloodletting. Coxe's Pelham Ad., i., 303. His attendant, George Townshend, afterwards to be much connected with American affairs, promised his friends still more entertainment in the way of beheading Scotchmen on Tower Hill; and he echoed Cumberland, as he wrote, I