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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
and others are organizing an Exporting and Importing Company, and desires the government to take an interest in it. So far the heads of bureaus decline, and of course the Secretary will do nothing. But the Secretary has already engaged with Mr. Crenshaw in a similar enterprise, and so informed Mr. Mason, at London. About 10 A. M., some 2500 men of all arms arrived at double quick, having left Ashland, eighteen miles distant, at 5 o'clock this morning. That was brisk marching. The guns w Another letter, from Hon. W. Porcher Miles, remonstrating against the withdrawal of Beauregard's troops, was received today. He apprehends the worst consequences. The government is buying 5000 bales of cotton for the Crenshaw scheme. Jas. R. Crenshaw, of this city, is at Charleston on this business. Why not arrange with Lamar? Gov. Shorter forwards another strongly written memorial from Mobile, against the traffic of cotton with the enemy, and, indeed, against all blockade-running.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
s, would write at once to this office, or direct to Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., box 5549, New York city. F Company Association, Richmond, Virginia, has been duly organized for purposes at once fraternal, historical and reverential, and all of the surviving members of this gallant old corps are requested to communicate at once with the treasurer, Mr. Philip J. Wright, No. 1115 East Main street, Richmond. The following officers were elected: Major Charles R. Skinker, President; Colonel James R. Crenshaw, First Vice-President; Captain Maxwell T. Clarke, Second Vice-President; Major Thomas A. Brander, Third Vice-President; R. A. Brock, Secretary; Philiy J. Wright, Treasurer. We cordially commend the association and its objects, and beg that they will send us their history so soon as it shall have been put into proper shape. Mr. Baird's review of the history of the Count of Paris, near the close of page 221, contains the following language: and the false English, and confuse
The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
sion, Bromwell, Baltimore, lumber. Jas. Gunn. Schr. Josephine, Waterbury, Albany, lathe, Dunlin & Co. Schr. William and John, Jones, Philadelphia, coal, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Ambition, Philadelphia, coal, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Emma Jane, Norfolk, oyster shells, J. C. Atlee. Sailed. Brig Emery, (Br.,) King,Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Emma Jane, Norfolk, oyster shells, J. C. Atlee. Sailed. Brig Emery, (Br.,) King, Halifax, flour, Haxall., Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Wm. Severe, Brooks, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. White Squall, Howe, down the river, light. Schr. Georgianna, Langdon, down the river, light. nshaw & Co. Schr. Emma Jane, Norfolk, oyster shells, J. C. Atlee. Sailed. Brig Emery, (Br.,) King, Halifax, flour, Haxall., Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Wm. Severe, Brooks, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. White Squall, Howe, down the river, light. Schr. Georgianna, Langdon, down the river, light.
B. Luck nominated John M. Patton. The Chair.--Mr. Patton is already in nomination. Mr. Rawlings nominated James R. Crenshaw. Somebody nominated Marmaduke Johnson. Mr. John Purcell said he hoped it would be understood that all nom 185; Geo. W. Munford, 104; John Randolph Tucker, 100; Peachy R. Grattan, 49; John M. Patton, 41; P. H. Aylett, 37; James R. Crenshaw, 35; Thos. P. August, 23; scattering, 105. The Chair announced that Messrs. Randolph and Steger were nominated Hill moved that the three highest be nominated by acclamation. This was objected to. Messrs. Tucker, Grattan, Crenshaw, Patton and Aylett successively withdrew their names, and expressed a hope that the meeting would unite upon the three h a mission to South Carolina. The meeting was subsequently addressed by Messrs. Wm. F. Watson, O. Jennings Wise and Jas. R. Crenshaw. The following preamble and resolution, prepared by Mr. Purcell, were offered by Mr. Wise, and adopted by acclamati
Meetings last night. The meeting at the African Church last night was called by the Douglas party. Mr. John Pritchard presided, assisted by five Vice Presidents. Speeches were made by Messrs. John H. Gilmer, Joseph Segar and John M. Botts, all of whom took decided ground against a dissolution of the Union for existing causes. The church was about two-thirds full. The meeting at Mechanics' Institute Hall was presided over by Mr. Thomas H. Wynne. The necessity of secession was urged in strong language by Messrs. James R. Crenshaw, Peachy R. Grattan, John Randolph Tucker, and others.
Arrived. Steamship Virginia, Kelley, Philadelphia, mdze and passengers, C. P. Cardozo. Sailed. Steamship Jamestown, Skinner. N. York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. Vapor, Dessoway, Rio Flour, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. Schr Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, light.
Barnes miss A M Barrett miss M A E Barber miss C A Brandon miss Lizzie Burch miss Marietta Brown mrs Sophia Brady mrs Brennan miss Burck miss Eliza Bates miss Pattie A Brooks miss Nancy Bowser miss Frances Crenshaw mrs F E Curry mrs Lucy L Crenshaw mrs Sarah B Campbell mrs E N G Carter mrs Mary E Caulfield mrs J A Caldwell mrs Caligan miss Maria Cullen miss Ellen Connolly miss Kate Cooke miss Sarah J Cook miss Mary A CooCrenshaw mrs Sarah B Campbell mrs E N G Carter mrs Mary E Caulfield mrs J A Caldwell mrs Caligan miss Maria Cullen miss Ellen Connolly miss Kate Cooke miss Sarah J Cook miss Mary A Cook miss Fannie Charters miss A V Clarke miss Delia Chandler miss M W Carter miss Georgie Carter miss H K Dillard mrs Wm Dixon mrs Martha Dillard mrs S F Doherty mrs John Dudley mrs Lucy Driscoll mrs Dewey mrs Elvira Dabney mrs L J Daniel mrs Eliz Everhart miss Mary England miss Mary F Faircloth mrs Mary C Frayser mrs E A Frawner mrs Octavia Fleming miss Caroline Forsythe miss F E Fraysier miss Mollie Ferguson miss F C Folkes
To Jas. R. Crenshaw, Esq. --The undersigned, voters of the city of Richmond, hereby request you to announce yourself a candidate for the office of Commonwealth's Attorney for the Hustings Court of the City, to be voted for at the approaching municipal election. Your fellow-citizens. J. Stewart Walker, O. Jennings Wise, Mark Downey, John A. Belvin, Geo. W. Hobson, Chas. L. Hobson, R. Milton Cary, E. G. Rawlings, M. L. Randolph, D. T. Williams, M. C. Macon, P. A. J. H. Cochran, Jas. W. T. Banks, Wm. Cardwell, S. N. Davis, C. H. Johnson. P. A. Blackburn, Richmond, March 29, 1861. To Messrs. John Stewart Walker, George W. Hobson, O. Jennings Wise, John A. Belvin, Mark Downey, and others: Gentlemen--In compliance with your request, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commonwealth's Attorney for the Hustings Court of the City of Richmond. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, mh 30--it* James R. Crenshaw
Arrived. Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York, mdze, and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Philadelphia, mdze. and passengers, C. P. Cardozo. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdze. and passengers, D. & W. Currie. Brig Virginia, Ramsey, Rio, coffee, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Charles, Higgins, James river, lumber. Schr. St. Cloud, Gwathmey, Smithfield, wheat. Sloop New Packett, Edwards, Smithfield, wheat. Sailed, Schr. Minnesota, Hickman, down the river light. Schr. Ida L. Howard, Jones, down the river light. Schr. Emily Ann.--, Petersburg, mdze.
E. G. Rawlings, D. T. Williams, P. A. Wellford, Wm. M. Sutton, R. H. Lorton, Jno. s. Blanton, N. M. Lee, A. Smith, Ash Levy, J. H. Chamberlayne, G. H. Baughman, S. M. Etting, J. Thompson Brown, David N. Walker, Shirley King, Nat. Tyler, Sol. A. Myers. T. Marshall Hewitt, Thos. Boudar, Hector Davis, Benj. Davis, Geo. Baughman, Jr., Thos. M. Jones, C. G. McMury, Jos. Marsh, E. Lorraine, Wm. A. Wright, W. R. Bird, Powhatan Weisiger Wm. L. White, A. J. Cheatham, Mat'w P. Taylor, John Allan, J. H. Cochran, Wm. Cardwell, C. H. Johnson. Richmond,March 29, 1861. To Messrs. John Stewart Walker, George W. Hobson, O. Jennings Wise, John A. Belvin, Mark Downey, and others: Gentlemen --In compliance with your request, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commonwealth's Attorney for the Hustings Court of the City of Richmond. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't. James R. Crenshaw mh 30--4t*