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Your search returned 66 results in 17 document sections:
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch . (search)
Meetings last night.
The meeting at the African Church last night was called by the Douglas party.
Mr. John Pritchard presided, assisted by five Vice Presidents.
Speeches were made by Messrs. John H. Gilmer, Joseph Segar and John M. Botts, all of whom took decided ground against a dissolution of the Union for existing causes.
The church was about two-thirds full.
The meeting at Mechanics' Institute Hall was presided over by Mr. Thomas H. Wynne. The necessity of secession was urged in strong language by Messrs. James R. Crenshaw, Peachy R. Grattan, John Randolph Tucker, and others.
Steamship Virginia, Kelley, Philadelphia, mdze and passengers, C. P. Cardozo.
Steamship Jamestown, Skinner.
N. York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson.
Schr. Vapor, Dessoway, Rio Flour, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co.
Schr Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, light.
The Daily Dispatch: February 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National Crisis. (search)
To Jas. R. Crenshaw, Esq.
--The undersigned, voters of the city of Richmond, hereby request you to announce yourself a candidate for the office of Commonwealth's Attorney for the Hustings Court of the City, to be voted for at the approaching municipal election.
Your fellow-citizens.
J. Stewart Walker,
O. Jennings Wise,
Mark Downey,
John A. Belvin,
Geo. W. Hobson,
Chas. L. Hobson,
R. Milton Cary,
E. G. Rawlings,
M. L. Randolph,
D. T. Williams,
M. C. Macon,
P. A.
J. H. Cochran,
Jas. W. T. Banks,
Wm. Cardwell,
S. N. Davis,
C. H. Johnson.
P. A. Blackburn,
Richmond, March 29, 1861.
To Messrs. John Stewart Walker, George W. Hobson, O. Jennings Wise, John A. Belvin, Mark Downey, and others:
Gentlemen--In compliance with your request, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commonwealth's Attorney for the Hustings Court of the City of Richmond. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, mh 30--it* James R. Crenshaw
Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York, mdze, and passengers, Ludlam & Watson.
Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Philadelphia, mdze.
and passengers, C. P. Cardozo.
Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdze.
and passengers, D. & W. Currie.
Brig Virginia, Ramsey, Rio, coffee, Crenshaw & Co.
Schr. Charles, Higgins, James river, lumber.
Schr. St. Cloud, Gwathmey, Smithfield, wheat.
Sloop New Packett, Edwards, Smithfield, wheat.
Schr. Minnesota, Hickman, down the river light.
Schr. Ida L. Howard, Jones, down the river light.
Schr. Emily Ann.--, Petersburg, mdze.