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s a few musket-shots were heard in that direction, and some of the cavalry came galloping down towards us with the news that the enemy occupied the open high lands constituting Frazier's Farm, five miles north-east of Darbytown, on the Newmarket road. The place was represented as good for defence; the woods right and left of it swarmed with skirmishers; the ascending grade of the road was swept by cannon, while all attempts to flank their left would meet with broadsides from the gunboats at Curl's Neck, in the James River, two and a half miles distant. Nothing daunted, Hill sent word to the rear for our artillery to hurry forward, and immediately commenced his advance. Throwing our regiments to the right and left of the road, in skirmishing order, a lively fire soon ensued, the enemy gradually giving ground before us. This system was pursued by them until we had traversed half a mile, when we came upon their first line of infantry, and fighting commenced in earnest. Sixteen gun
It has been said by Northern authorities that McClellan had more than one hundred pieces in position at this place, many of them being twenty-four-pound rifles. The reader may imagine our own situation compared with this admirably selected position, and the desperate work intrusted to us. It was McClellan's last stand, and there was every indication that he meant to defend it to the last extremity, as a means of protecting his further retreat to the river. The incessant cannonade from Curl's Neck, and the untiring energy of the gunboats, rendered it impossible for Holmes to flank him, or get in the rear; while the absence of roads to our front, right, and left, prevented a vigorous advance in those quarters. Forming in the woods, however, our infantry advanced, and soon disposed of the Federal outposts, for they ran at the first fire, and many surrendered. While feeling our way in the timber, to the right and left of McClellan's formidable position, we were opposed by heavy
ee divisions, and all his cavalry save one. The morning of the 30th had been fixed upon to explode the mine and assault the enemy's works, so after dark on the evening of the 29th Hancock hastily but quietly withdrew his corps to the south side to take part in the engagement which was to succeed the explosion, and I was directed to follow Hancock. This left me on the north side of the river, confronting two-thirds of Lee's army in a perilous position, where I could easily be driven into Curl's Neck and my whole command annihilated. The situation, therefore, was not a pleasant one to contemplate, but it could not be avoided. Luckily the enemy did not see fit to attack, and my anxiety was greatly relieved by getting the whole command safely across the bridge shortly after daylight, having drawn in the different brigades successively from my right. By 10 o'clock on the morning of the 30th my leading division was well over toward the left of our army in front of Petersburg, marchi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., McClellan's change of base and Malvern Hill. (search)
s of the enemy. General Porter says that the force opposed to General Holmes consisted of Warren's brigade and the Eleventh U. S. Infantry; in all, 1500 infantry and 30 pieces of artillery. Here was afforded an example of the proneness to overestimate the number of troops opposed to us. The Federals reported Holmes to have 25,000 men, and he thought himself confronted by a large part of McClellan's army. That night he fell back to a stronger position, Half a mile below the upper gate at Curl's Neck. (See Official Records, Vol. XI., Part II., p. 908.)--D. H. H. thinking apparently that there would be an on to Richmond movement by the River road. He lost 2 killed, 49 wounded, 2 pieces of artillery, and 6 caissons. The guns and caissons, General Porter states, were afterward abandoned by the Federals. General Holmes occupied the extreme Confederate right the next day, July 1st, but he took no part in the attack upon Malvern Hill, believing, as he says in his official report, th
arnage from the withering fire of the enemy's combined artillery and musketry was dreadful. Our line wavered a moment, and fell back to the cover of the woods. Twice again the effort to carry the position was renewed, but each time with the same results. Night at length rendered a further attempt injudicious, and the fight, until ten o'clock, was kept up by the artillery on both sides. To add to the horrors, if not the dangers, of the battle, the enemy's gunboats, from their position at Curl's Neck, two and a half miles distant, poured on the field continual broadsides from their immense rifle-guns. Though it is questionable, as we have suggested, whether any serious loss was inflicted on us by the gunboats, the horrors of the fight were aggravated by the monster shells, which tore shrieking through the forests, and exploded with a concussion which seemed to shake the solid earth itself. The moral effect on the Yankees of these terror-inspiring allies must have been very grea
teep hill, destitute of cover. I accordingly withdrew, about nine P. M., to a position somewhat in advance of that occupied in the morning. On Tuesday evening I moved my division to a point on the River road, half a mile below the upper gate, at Curl's Neck, and there remained during the night in line of battle; but, as before, I deemed it out of the question to attack the strong position of Malvern Hill from that side with my inadequate force. On Wednesday afternoon, in pursuance of ordersI was ordered again to take position, as at first, on the right of the high grounds of New Market. And again, later in the day, I was ordered to leave the front, advancing upon the enemy down the River road. I was halted in the road, in front of Curl's Neck, with a woods on the left, and deployed to the left, aligned in the woods. There my artillery was posted, north of the open field where the Quaker road meets the River road. Late in the evening I was ordered to advance with my infantry,
r cutting the curd to expedite the separation of the whey. (b, Fig. 1557.) Another form of curdcutter (a) is a hoop with a diametric knife having an arched stem and wooden handle. It is used by an upand-down motion, the curd being in a tub. Curl′ing-iron. A heated rod, or a tube with an internal heater, around which hair is bent and pressed to curl it. The curling-iron of the Romans was hollow, and named calamustrum, from its resemblance to a reed (calamus)). The use was common amonssellini, Champollion, etc. The beards of the kings of Nineveh and other kingdoms of the basin of the Euphrates and Tigris were no doubt indebted to the curling iron or tongs; their beards fell in splendid ringlets over the throat and chest. Curl′ing-tongs. A tongs having one round member and one semi-tubular, between and around which hair is wound to curl it. Cur′rent. The fall or slope of a platform or sheet-metal roof, to carry off the water. Gutters usually have a current of <
t and Hill were without the expected support. Battle of Frazier's farm. The superiourity of numbers and advantages of position were on the side of the enemy. He occupied the open high lands constituting Frazier's farm, five miles northeast of Darbytown. The place was good for defence; the woods right and left of it swarmed with skirmishers; the ascending grade of the road was swept by cannon, while all attempts to flank the enemy's left would meet with broadsides from the gunboats at Curl's Neck, in the James River, two and a half miles distant. The Confederates pressed forward under an incessant storm of lead; sixteen pieces of artillery belching forth shell, canister, and grape upon them, while they had but one battery on their side, which could not be got into position. The battle raged furiously until nine o'clock in the night. By that time, the enemy had been driven with great slaughter from every position but one, which he maintained until lie was able to withdraw u
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Malvern HillJuly 1, 1862. (search)
neral Holmes, commanding a division of 6,000 effective men, occupied a position on the River road on our extreme right. The day before, he had a slight engagement with Warren's Brigade, and suffered the loss of two killed and forty wounded, and his request for re-enforcements turned Magruder from his direct march to Frazier's Farm, and thus prevented a complete success on that field. In his report he says: I moved my division to a point on the River road half a mile below the upper gate of Curl's Neck and there remained during the night, in line of battle, but I deemed it out of the question to attack the strong position of Malvern Hill from that side with my inadequate force. In his official report of the battle, Longstreet said: A little after 3 P. M. I understood that we would not be able to attack the enemy that day, inasmuch as his position was too strong to admit of it. Writing long years afterwards in the Century ,Magazine, he says: As our guns in front did not engage, th
nsula. The gailant men of his command have the same advantages Gen. Magruder has repeatedly acknowledged the invaluable aid rendered by the Old Dominion Dragoons; and a battalion composed of like material would be of still greater efficiency. It is greatly desired, for the good of our cause, that the Government will render such aid as will effect the object proposed. I am gratified, Mr. Editor and friend, to inform you of the continued existence of the 15th Virginia Regiment--of their improved health and anxiety to get into a "scrimmage." It is true, we are yet in the woods, at Young's Mill, with the wild Varthints thereof; but hope soon to be more actively engaged. Our kind and gallant Colonel, (Thomas P. August,) enjoys the fullest confidence and generous affection of his men. Be assured that where he leads, we will follow. Events of a very interesting character, soon to transpire, may furnish me with material for a future communication of more interest. Curl.
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