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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 43: visit to New Orleans and admission to Fortress Monroe. (search)
de for those who engaged in rebellion; that the fourteenth article was that latest expression, intended expressly for and covering the cases of all engaged in the late rebellion; and that no man could be punished twice for the same offence. R. H. Dana, Esq., counsel for the United States, said that Mr. Ould's proposition was, in the nature of things, entirely new, and was unexpected to the Government counsel, and he expected also to the court. Chief-Justice Chase said the argument of cou judicial sentence, and was not inconsistent with the act against treason. The amendment was permanent and prospective, and could not be reasonably construed to repeal existing punishments for past and future treasons. The Court then adjourned. Dana closes to-morrow for the Government, and O'Conor for Mr. Davis. Mr. Charles O'Conor said: If the Confederate Government had raised the black flag, and had not given quarter, there would have been no objection to resorting to extreme meas
nst civilization, involving the principles of civil liberty on one hand, and the principles of damnation on the other. He wanted an expression of opinion on the general policy of the war. We haven't, he said, a press in Boston to speak for us. There are some country papers which speak for us, but they are kept down by the subscription-lists of Boston. He favored the appointment of a Committee on Resolutions, which, after some further discussion, was carried; and the resolutions offered by Mr. Dana and Mr. Griffin were referred to the committee. A letter from Mr. Sumner was read, regretting his inability to accept an invitation to be present at the convention. He said he should show plainly how to hamstring this Rebellion, and to conquer a peace. To this single practical purpose all theories, prepossessions, and aims should yield. So absorbing at this moment is this question, that nothing is practical which does not directly tend to its final settlement. We infer that Mr. Sumne
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
46, 155, 162, 164, 168, 169, 193, 199. Clarke, Sarah F., 198, 199, 200; letter from, 117; illustrations for Summer on the Lakes, 200. Clarke, William H., 193. Club, a literary, 142. Coleridge, Hartley, 223. Coleridge, S. T., 69,134,135, 228, 290-292, 297. Combe, Andrew, 229. Cooper, J. F., 131, 132. Cousin, V., 135. Crabbe, G., 290. Cranch, C. P., 155,162, 164, 211, 240. Cranch, Mrs. C. P., 211. Crane, Peter, 17. Crane, Mrs., description of, 17. Crowe, Mrs., 226. D. Dana, Chief Justice, 27. Dana, R. H., 95. Dana, R. H., Jr., 24 Dante degli Alighieri, 86. Davis, George T., 3, 34. Davis, J. C., 3. Davis, W. T., 52. Degerando, Baron. 69. De Quincey, Thomas, 226,229. Derby, Mrs., 223. Dewey, 0., 62. Dial, origin and history of, 130; prospectus of, 152. Dwight, J. S., 146, 149, 162,164. E. Easrman, Mrs. S. C., 3. Eckermann, J. P., 91, 189, 284. Edgeworth, Maria, 132. Eichhorn, J. G., 45. Emerson, Ellen, 67. Emerson, R. W., letters
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 3: Whittier the politician (search)
1848 which resulted in the downfall of the old Whig party in Massachusetts, and the substitution of what was then called the Coalition of the Free Soil and Democratic parties, placing Charles Sumner in the United States Senate, practically for life — this interested Whittier profoundly. I remember well that though he never made a speech in that contest, I always heard his political instinct and foresight fully recognised by my elder brothers, who regarded the other leaders — C. F. Adams, R. H. Dana, J. G. Palfrey — as too academic or unpractical for success. I, taking some personal part in the contest, as a novice, and speaking at Free Soil meetings which Whittier attended, remember that he watched me very closely, criticising and, when he could, commending; indeed, usually overrating the little efforts of young speakers, as non-speakers are apt to do. Thus he wrote me after my very first effort, when I emerged with difficulty from the formidable ordeal of following the mighty Sumne<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Index. (search)
aylor, 76,104; quoted, 77; his Christabel, mentioned, 162. Coleridge, Sara, 36. Collier, Mr., 32. Columbia College, 35. Concord, Mass., 111. Concord, N. H., 58, 61, 65. Congress, United States, 39, 40, 42, 43, 138. Country Brook, 6, 7, 11. Covington, Ky., 137. Cowper, William, his Lament for the Royal George, mentioned, 159. Crandall, Dr., Reuben, imprisoned, 48; death, 49. Cushing, Caleb, 40, 42, 69, 77; candidate for Congress, 41; elected, 43; defeated, 43, 44. D. Dana, R. H., 42. Danvers, Mass., 97, 180. Dartmouth College, 19. Declaration of Independence of United States, 69. Declaration of Sentiments, 74. Deer Island, 107. De Quincey, Thomas, his Confessions of an Opium Eater, mentioned, 175. Derby, Mr., 88. Dexter, Lord, Timothy, 97. Dinsmore, Robert, 155. Douglass, Frederick, 181. Douw, Gerard, 9. Dustin, Hannah, 4. E. Earle, Edward, 121. East Haverhill, Mass., 23, 51, 58. East Salisbury, Mass., 44. Edinburgh, Scotland, 107.
tles with favor, than you can discourage bad books at the moment you are buying and circulating them. Life of Ticknor, vol. II. p. 235. The social exclusion practised by Ticknor on Sumner and antislavery men is mentioned in Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. pp. 128. 176, 177. It will be seen that Judge William Kent, though as ill-affected toward anti-slavery agitation, thought the attempt of Ticknor, the Eliots, and others to ostracize Sumner, unwise and unfair. Social unity was assistin whole districts, of dwellings into warehouses, to find old landmarks; but it is harder still to find traces of that society which had cast out Wendell Phillips, well blooded as the best, and which now laid its heavy hand on Sumner, Palfrey, and Dana. George Ticknor's house, at the corner of Park and Beacon streets, facing the English elms on the Common, was the centre of the literary society of the time. He began to live in this house in 1829. A picture of the library is given in the M
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
nglish is not accurate. She spoke on education; on the condition of the people in Europe, for whom she expresses the greatest interest; on the duties of kings. What right, she said, have kings to live merely for carriages, horses, and palaces? Her appearance on the stage was very fine. Her pose, movement, and expression were beautiful. My place was in the front gallery, directly opposite the singer. To R. H. Dana, Jr., November 1:— What can have turned you to those old fields? Dana had written, Will you lend me your article on Replevin, written years ago in the Jurist, and much commended to us by Professor Greenleaf at the school? I send you the volume containing the article on Replevin. American Jurist, July, 1834. Ante, Memoir, vol. i. p. 124. Looking at this and my other labors in that volume, I am reminded how completely my mind has flowed into other channels since those early days of precocious judicial enthusiasm. That volume contains some eighteen articles,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
of a past Adams as the last one. Palfrey described the slights and affronts received by himself, the changed countenances, the rude language, and the refused recognitions by old acquaintances and parishioners. A Letter to a Friend, pp. 25, 26. Dana, finding one day his salutations in the street, when addressed to one of the ruling class, met with only the slightest return, assumed that the cause was a recent bereavement; By the death of Greenough, the sculptor. and making an apology, drewThis social exclusion of others than Sumner came mostly later,—in 1850-1852,— when the conservative feeling in Boston was intense in favor of Mr. Webster and in support of the Compromise measures of 1850. It is referred to in Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. pp. 128, 129, 177. Naturally, Sumner felt keenly this social restriction. He had been a favorite in society, and had a genuine relish for the taste, luxury, and refined conversation which at the time distinguished the homes whose in
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
presentatives. He expressed his desire that some other person should be chosen, and cordially approved the selection of Mr. Dana in his stead. Letters to C. F. Adams, July 30 and 31, in manuscript; Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. pp. 135, 136Dana, vol. i. pp. 135, 136. His interest in the movement led him, however, to go to Buffalo, where he was urged to address the mass meeting; but as there was a sufficiency of speakers, he declined. Unlike some of his former Whig associates, Sumner had no prejudices against Vteresting to observe how many of them came to the front before or during the Civil War,—Sumner, Adams, Wilson, Burlingame, Dana, E. R. Hoar, and Andrew. Among the younger Free Soilers were George F. Hoar, Henry L. Pierce, John A. Kasson, and Marcus President. By a curious turn of politics, the men whom he came to Massachusetts to oppose—Sumner, Adams, Wilson, Andrew, Dana, and Burhngame—became his supporters in the election of 1860 and during his Presidency; while the foremost of the Whig lea<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 34: the compromise of 1850.—Mr. Webster. (search)
legal committee for the protection of alleged fugitives. On the committee also were S. E Sewall, Dana, John C. Park, and William Minot. They called C. G. Loring to their aid. About the same time, a the prosecutions, although it properly belonged to the Attorney-General. Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. p. 228. Early in April, 1851, Thomas Sims, another negro living in Boston, was brouaccount of the pending election for senator, in which he was the candidate. Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. pp 183, 188, 189, 190. In association with Mr. Sewall he applied, without success, to JFugitive Slave Act; and it was presented to a committee of the Legislature. Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. p. 184. The judge was unfriendly and brusque,—breaking out, when Sewall in a quiet way ed as a mere political clap-trap speech, intended for the Southern market. (Adams's Biography of Dana, vol. i. p. 191.) The writer was present, and well remembers the scene. The room was crowded, ch
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