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flag of truce, the party started on their mission. At the suburbs of the city they were met by a Federal officer, who escorted Captain Williams and Ballentine within the city, to Gen. Smith's head quarters, who at once gave permission for the ladies to depart, and ordered a carriage to be placed at their disposal. The two Confederate officers were entertained for several hours by the Federal Commander, when they rejoined their command, and were again escorted by a Federal officer to Capt. Davis's five miles distant in the country, where the ladies were staying, when parting salutations were interchanged, and the gallant captains, and the ladies under their charge, started on their return to Columbus. The family of Gen. Johnston have since arrived safely at Nashville. Incidents at Port Royal. A correspondent of the Charleston Mercury, of the 30th ult., writes as follows: A foray was planned into the enemy's country last night, which resulted very successfully. F
Legislature of Virginia. Senate. Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1861. The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock by Lieut. Gov. Montague. Organization. On motion of Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, Mr. Shelton C. Davis was appointed Clerk. On motion of Mr. Day, of Isle of Wight, Mr. John A. Jordan was appointed Sergeant at Arms. On motion of Mr. Thompson, of Dinwiddie, Mr. Thos, P. Chisman. was appointed First Doorkeeper. On motion of Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, Mr. E. H. Taliaferro was appointed Second Doorkeeper. On motion of Mr. Day, of Isle of Wight, Mr. James E Goode was appointed Printer to the Senate. Rules of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Thomas, the rules of the last session were adopted for the Government of the Senate. Governor's Message. On motion of Mr. Thompson, it was Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to wait upon the Governor and in form him that the Senate is now organized and ready to receive any communication fr
of the Penitentiary, asking an increase of salary. Several other petitions of a private character were presented. The Danville railroad connexion. On motion of Mr. Buford, it was Resolved, That a select committee of five be appointed to confer with the proper authorities of the Confederate Government in relation to the construction of a railroad between the town of Danville, Virginia, and the town of Greensboro', North Carolina, as recommended in the recent message of President Davis to the Provisional Congress, with a view to ascertain whether any, and if any, what legislation may be necessary on the part of Virginia in order to effect the most speedy construction of said road. Resolutions of Inquiry. The appropriate committees, when appointed, were instructed to inquire into the expediency of sundry propositions; By Mr. Robertson, of refunding to D. H. Maury, R. M. T. Hunter, and others money paid on account of erroneous assessment of taxes; by Mr. Evans,
Ranaway. --$100 Reward.--Ranaway, on Monday, a Negro Boy, named Essex, about five feet eight inches high; black; stammers slightly; about twenty or twenty-two years old; weight about 150 pounds; formerly belonged to Capt. John Wright, of Plain View P. O., King and Queen county, Va. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me at my office, in this city. He may be making his way to West Point, Va. He has a wife in that neighborhood. His upper teeth are dark, from tartar on them. oc 22--ts Benjamin Davis.